Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1884 Heading to the Central Region

Here we need to mention exercises.

Zhao Yang has provided them with a half-step taboo-level exercise over the years.

Of course your cultivation base is weak, what you learn is the simplified version.

The more profound the practice of this technique, the higher the loyalty to Zhao Yang, that is to say, Zhao Yang has controlled tens of millions of soldiers at this time.

"Sect Master Zhao, are you sure the two sects are going to fight?" At this moment, an old man with white beard and hair came out more and more.

There are taboo-level fluctuations flowing from his body, which makes people daunting.

"Surrender or die?" Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"You are too arrogant." The old man sensed something as soon as he said this.

I saw a thunderbolt transformed from mental power slamming on his body.

Half of his body was split into pieces.

"Recover, recover, recover for me." The old man kept mobilizing the source, but soon he was horrified to find that no matter how he mobilized, it was useless.

"It seems that you can't recover, so I will help you out." Zhao Yang said the second thunder struck here.

The old man was reduced to ashes on the spot.

The suzerain of the Scorpio sect roared with red eyes after seeing this scene, "Kill."

After his words fell, the army at the forefront rushed towards the soldiers of Yangzong.


Just then a long river appeared in front of them.

This is a long river of spiritual power.

When the long river pushed forward, everything that fell into it fell.

In just a few breaths, millions of Scorpio sects fell.

Seeing this scene, both parties were terrified.

"Those who surrender will not be killed." Zhao Yang said loudly again.

There are those who hesitate, those who struggle, and those who are firm.

Zhao Yang knew the character of the Anzu very well, so he ordered the army to attack.

They did not surrender until two-thirds of the soldiers of the Scorpion Sect fell.

"Now our army is attacking Tianshuzong." Zhao Yang ordered immediately.

And those Scorpio Sect soldiers who surrendered rushed to the front.

To Zhao Yang's surprise, the old suzerain of Tianshuzong expressed his surrender.

"Surrender?" Seeing this, Zhao Yang felt a little uncomfortable.

Because what he needs are elite soldiers and strong generals, and he also needs war to consume the monks of this continent.

"Yes, our Tianshu Sect will surrender to Yangzong." The reason why he surrendered was also because he saw the scene where Zhao Yang beheaded the old patriarch of Scorpio Sect.

He knew very well what would be the result of not surrendering?

After Zhao Yang accepted Tianshuzong's surrender, he ordered Rising Sun to disrupt Tianshuzong's soldiers.

Although the senior leaders of Tianshuzong had complaints, they still had to cooperate with the reorganization under the order of the old suzerain.

After the adjustment, Zhao Yang started to improve the strength of the entire Yangzong.

All the medicinal materials have been taken out, of course, not everyone is qualified to enjoy such an opportunity.

In the following time, Yang Zong carried out a sweep of the entire eastern region, and anyone who did not take Yang Zong was ruthlessly suppressed.

ten years!

It took Yangzong ten years to finally hold the entire eastern region in his hands.

"The population of the entire eastern region has dropped by 800 billion." The suzerain of Tianshu Sect said worriedly.

"My lord doesn't want the eastern region." The old suzerain of Tianshu Sect looked at the central region deeply.

"You mean...?" The suzerain of Tianshu Sect realized immediately.

"Heixuan family."

The old suzerain of Tianshuzong's guess was correct.

During these ten years, Zhao Yang transformed all the resources in the east into his own energy.

Now the number of legions under his command has reached 6000 million, the reserve force has reached 4000 million, and the number of various warships and war puppets is countless.

He can be said to be strong and strong.

"In recent years, our Yangzong has almost consumed the entire eastern region. I know you must be quite critical, but what I want to tell you now goal is the central region. Why did the Black Xuan clan occupy The most prosperous area?" Zhao Yang pointed in the direction of the central area and said, "Next, I will move all the monks in the entire eastern area to

past. "

The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that what Zhao Yang coveted was the central region.

"Next, I will give you three months to prepare. At that time, the 800 billion monks in the eastern region will take various warships and head to the central region."

After hearing this, Xu Sun and other high-level officials hurriedly arranged the work.

However, the number of 500 billion is too huge, so in the next three months, weapon masters of various cultivation levels are desperately building all kinds of warships.

When the three-month period came, all the monks in the eastern region gathered around the periphery of Yangzong.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang pointed in the direction of the central area.

6000 million soldiers and 4000 million soldiers under his command boarded the battleship. Of these soldiers, one-third of the soldiers were in the front, one-third of the soldiers were in the rear, and one-third of the soldiers were in the surrounding protection.

The ones in the middle are the people who migrated with them.

The speed of this migration was not very fast, but it still reached the central region after a month.

There is a jungle in the central area. There are hundreds of beasts in this jungle, and the cultivation base is not at the level of God King, so it will be dangerous to walk around at will.

But the jungle was flattened in front of this legion.

When they landed in the central area, they immediately felt overwhelming spiritual power.

"The rules of heaven here seem to be more perfect."


The spiritual power of heaven and earth is much stronger than ours. "

"No wonder the Heixuan clan is so tyrannical. It turns out that they have such unique conditions."

In fact, there are not only the Heixuan clan in the central region, but also many ethnic groups. Of course, these ethnic groups are all used by the Heixuan clan.

As they traveled they soon encountered a pack.

They pushed straight across, not even giving a chance to surrender.

However, their scale was too large, and they were quickly noticed by the masters of the Heixuan clan.

It didn't take long for hundreds of warships to appear in front of them, and standing on the main ship was the second elder of the Heixuan clan.

He is also a strong man in the early stage of the taboo realm.

When he saw Zhao Yang standing at the bow of the ship, his expression became serious.

Because he found that he couldn't see through Zhao Yang's details, but he could see through the old master of Tianshu Sect standing behind Zhao Yang.

That person's cultivation base is the same as him in the early stage of the taboo period.

Of course he is confident that he can defeat the opponent, but he is not so sure about Zhao Yang.

"Where do you come from?" The second elder of the Heixuan clan asked in a deep voice.

"Eastern region."

"What are you doing in the Chinese region?"

"We want to be in the Midlands."

"The central region has always been the territory of our Heixuan clan."

"You said what's yours is yours?" Zhao Yang said jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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