"Master Rising Sun, do you want to move our Sixiang Chamber of Commerce?" a shopkeeper asked with a sullen face.

Just as the shopkeeper said this, a thunderbolt of mental power struck him fiercely.

He fell without even making a scream.

"what's the situation?"

"The high-level instant kill of the emperor."

"Even the peak God Emperor can't do it?"

"Isn't this new city lord a half-step taboo?"

"I'm afraid it's about the same."

After realizing this, shopkeepers from other forces did not dare to stand up.

There was a sneer at the corner of Rising Sun's mouth, "I'll give you half a quarter of an hour to think about it. After half an hour, if you don't serve the city lord, there is no need to live."

After half a quarter of an hour, what Zhao Yang didn't expect was that one-third of the monks in this city chose to fight.

Even if they know they will die.

After half a day, all those who chose to fight were killed.

"Rising Sun, put all these monks into the legion for training. I will give you three months. After three months, we will clean up the forces around the city."

"Of order." Rising Sun said respectfully.

And Zhao Yang was also getting familiar with this side of heaven when the rising sun was training soldiers.

Three months later, the rising sun gathered 300 million soldiers in the square of the city.

Zhao Yang stood on the platform and looked at the monks, "I will issue the first order now, you take all the people near the city

All forces have been swept away by me. "

"City Lord, where are the prisoners?"

"The captives will not be killed, they will be incorporated into the army." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "In addition, as long as you come back alive, I will let you raise a small realm."

The eyes of the 300 million soldiers lit up.

"City Master, what about me?" Xuri asked hastily.

"It depends on your performance." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Xuri thought that Zhao Yang was going to test himself, so he worked even harder.

Under the command of the rising sun, the forces outside the city were wailing all over the place. In just two months, the 42 forces outside the city had been pushed horizontally. At this time, the number of soldiers under his command reached as many as 500 million.

Zhao Yang did not break his promise.

He took out part of the sealed resources and let these monks improve their cultivation in the shortest possible time.

After they rested, Zhao Yang ordered them to fight against the nearby cities.

In this way, in the next two years, Zhao Yang had already controlled twelve cities, but Zhao Yang's unscrupulous killings attracted the attention of a sect.

Tian Lanzong!

Tianlan Sect sent a disciple to Rising Sun City.

The disciple put on a lofty attitude, and when he arrived at Rising Sun City, he asked the city lord to come to see him.

Accompanied by a guard, Zhao Yang had just arrived at the VIP room when he saw that disciple was laying hands on a maid.

"Rising sun." Zhao Yang narrowed his eyes.

"Yes." Rising Sun stood up immediately.

"Chopped off his paw." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Rising Sun was startled.

However, he just hesitated for a moment, then drew out the battle sword, and cut off the disciple's hands in shock.

"Do you know who I am?" The disciple's eyes were full of resentment when he said this.

"A disciple of Tianlan Sect." Zhao Yang said lazily, "Can we talk now?"

The disciple gritted his teeth looking at Zhao Yanghun's indifferent expression and said, "Tianlan Sect will definitely not let you go."

"Kill it." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Then prepare the army to fight against Tian Lanzong."

The disciple was frightened.

"Do you know that there is a half-step taboo in our Tianlan sect?"

But Zhao Yang's expression didn't change.

After Xu Sun saw this situation, he beheaded that disciple without hesitation.

"City Master, do we really want to start a war against Tianlan Sect?" In Xuri's heart, Tianlan Sect is a giant.

"Are you afraid?" Zhao Yang looked at Xuri playfully.

"Tian Lanzong has a half-step taboo, and there are three god-emperor peaks, even at my level, there are twelve." Xu Sun said in a low voice, "Where is his opponent on our side? "

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Leave the Tianlan Sect Emperor level to me."

hear the rising sun

His eyes widened involuntarily.

"City Lord, can you suppress half-step taboos?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

Soon Rising Sun assembled an army of 500 million and marched in the direction of Tian Lan Sect.

When this army surrounded Tianlanzong, the whole Tianlanzong was stunned.


"The Lord of Rising Sun City surrounded our Tianlan Sect?"

"Are their heads caught between the cracks in the door?"

They all thought that Rising Sun City must be crazy.

"Surrender or die?" When Zhao Yang's voice sounded above Tianlan Sect, they realized that Tianxu City was for real.

"I think you are getting impatient." The figure of the suzerain of Tianlan Sect appeared in front of the mountain guard formation in a flash.

He didn't take Zhao Yang to heart at all.

As a result, just as his voice fell, the mountain guard array exploded.

"you you……."

You must know that this mountain guard formation is at the peak level of the emperor.

Even if it is a half-step taboo of the old suzerain, it doesn't mean that breaking it can be broken.

"Surrender or die?" Zhao Yang asked indifferently.

"Our Tianlan Sect will not surrender." He just said here that his body was directly blown to pieces under the eyes of everyone, leaving nothing behind.

"Those who surrender will not be killed." Zhao Yang waved his hand at this point, and the God Emperor, headed by Xuri, rushed towards Tianlanzong.

I have to say that the Xiu of the Dark Race

Scholars are gangsters, even if the suzerain was beheaded by Zhao Yang, they still have no fear.

Zhao Yang's mental power turned into tens of thousands of Taos, and thousands of monks were beheaded every time he made a move.

After Zhao Yang shot several times in a row, the high-end strength of Tianlan Sect was wiped out, and the remaining monks were no match for Xu Sun and others at all.

Their fall is doomed.

I don't know how long it has been since the old master of Tianlan Sect showed up.

"We surrender."

Following his words, the soldiers of the Tianlan Sect put down their weapons.

"Rising Sun, reorganize the soldiers of Tian Lan Sect."

It took Tianxu half a month to reorganize the 200 million soldiers of Tianlanzong into the army.

At this time, Zhao Yang summoned the rising sun, "Take out all the resources in the treasury of the Tianlan Sect, arrange the materials for the tools and materials to build war puppets and warships, and arrange the materials for the array to create various killing arrays. As for the medicinal materials Give me all the class."

"What if there are materials that are not needed?"

"Sold it to exchange for a war puppet."

"Not at all?"

"What do we keep these materials for? What we have to do now is to strengthen ourselves. When we become stronger, what kind of materials will we not have?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

This is also the case when the rising sun heard it.

After Xu Yang went to make arrangements, Zhao Yang recruited Tian Lan, who was the half-step taboo powerhouse of Tian Lan Sect.

"Have you ever thought about becoming a taboo powerhouse one day?"

(End of this chapter)

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