Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1867 Difficult Challenge

Soon thirteen monks stood up.

"Is there anyone who quit?" God then asked.

No one responded.

"Since no one quits, then you will pass the next level. In the other two hours, no one is allowed to help." God's words made the expressions of several opportunistic guys change drastically.

What they thought was that even if they were defeated, Daozi and the others would still be there, and Daozi and the others would not just watch them fall.

"No matter how amazing you are, you must not kill more than ten dark people within two hours." God fell silent after saying this.

A few monks are in mourning. If they had known about this restriction before, wouldn't they have gone up?

This is just great.

After an hour ended, they were transported to the next space.

The dark race is indeed indelible.

But only relatively speaking.

Zhao Yang easily eliminated the ten dark clansmen.

And those dark races no longer attacked him.

In an hour, a god emperor fell, and everyone sighed when they saw the fallen god emperor.

That god emperor was besieged by more than a dozen dark races, and was blown up thirty times within an hour.

There is no way for everyone to rush to help.

"Normally speaking, we can be blown up a hundred times."

"But if the opponent's attack strength is too high, then the chance of resurrection will be reduced."

"For example, Jizi and the others

One hit can completely kill, and wipe out the soul factor of the opponent. "

"persist in."

"In any case, we must persist until two hours."

But where does it say that you can persist if you persist?

In the next hour, two more monks fell.

When the time came, Zhao Yang, Daozi, Jizi and others took action one after another to save those monks who were in danger.

Another hour passed, and all the dark people in the valley were beheaded by Zhao Yang and others.

"Congratulations, you have passed the second test." At this moment, the voice of God rang out in the air, "You guys take a rest, and then start the third test."

"There are no rules for the third test. There are [-] Dark Races hidden there. To be honest, I don't know whether those Dark Races will appear in groups."

When God said this, everyone's face changed.

"You need to strangle all the dark people inside to complete the task."

Hearing this, a girl immediately said, "I quit."

"I quit."

"I quit."

Soon 31 monks opted out.

At this time, there were still thirty monks left in the field.

"That is to say, each of us has to kill one hundred people of the same level." Piao Miao's expression became extremely serious.

In fact, of course Piao Miao knew that this was a narrow escape.

But she only knows that as long as she lives

Come down and get stronger.

"Give you three hours, and you will recover to your peak."

Zhao Yang and others sat down cross-legged.

Three hours later, they were teleported into a valley.

When Zhao Yang looked around, he suddenly felt an inexplicable coldness, and then he felt hundreds of eyes falling on him.

He suddenly realized that he had broken into the den of the Dark Race.


Almost in an instant, hundreds of Dark Clan soldiers attacked at the same time, and the domineering attacks overlapped and turned into a monstrous killing intent.

The moment he saw that he was about to fall on Zhao Yang's body, his mental power came out through his body, turning into a barrier, blocking those murderous intentions outside.


After Zhao Yang blocked the opponent, the majestic spiritual power spread towards the surroundings like a storm.

One after another, the Dark Race fell down.

Mental power is the means of the taboo strong, no matter how hard these guys fight, it is impossible to stop the spiritual power.

After this wave of mental storms ended, seventeen Anzus fell, 34 were severely injured, and the rest suffered more or less injuries.

"Mental strength."

"It's not something we can compete with."


These dark races will flee after realizing this.

But at this time the second wave of mental power came again.

The second wave of spiritual power killed fifteen dark

clan, severely wounded 27 dark clans.

"Want to leave? Have you asked me?" Zhao Yang summoned eight gods.

Although the fighting power of the eight gods is only one-fifth of the deity.

But it is still possible to intercept these dark races for a short time.

The third wave!

Fourth wave!

Fifth wave!

After Zhao Yang used three more waves of mental power, hundreds of soldiers fell in the field, and 84 soldiers were severely injured. As for the remaining 76 soldiers, his gods intercepted them.

Zhao Yang summoned the half-step forbidden martial soul army martial soul.

But soon he discovered that the military spirit had little effect.

"Why hasn't it transformed into a forbidden spirit?" Zhao Yang asked the spirit tree.

"Don't you need to do it step by step?" Martial Soul Tree said lightly.


Zhao Yang's mental power was almost exhausted at this time.

He summoned the Copper Furnace of Heaven and Earth and killed the surrounding Anzu.

Zhao Yang's fighting power is not weak.

But even so, it still took an hour to kill all the 260 dark people here.

At this moment, his body was empty.

After he placed a restriction with a wave of his hand, he recovered here silently.

You can't use the formation scroll here, but you are not limited to use the formation.

In fact, the [-] monks who went here were at each other's feet the first time they set foot here.

A signal was sent out, and these monks gathered in groups of three or five.

They know very well how many dark races are here?

They need to cooperate in order to survive.

But even so they fought very hard.

The six masters of Soul Invincible, Piao Miao, Machine Clan, and Hongmeng Clan gathered together, but the six of them were surrounded by hundreds of Dark Clans.

They hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief after killing [-] Anzus, but another hundred Anzus rushed over from a distance.

"The combat power is greatly consumed."

"We now have two options. The first option is to break out, and the second option is to wait for rescue." Soul Invincible said in a deep voice.

"We don't have the ability to break through." The Emperor of the Machine Race shook his head.

"That's right, we are likely to be hunted down if we break through." The God Emperor of the Hongmeng tribe said with deep conviction.

"Then wait for the reinforcements at the same place." Piao Miao said here that her space martial soul gave off a hazy fluctuation, and then everyone was brought into multiple spaces.

Seeing this scene, everyone sat down cross-legged.

They know very well that Piao Miao's state won't last long.

The same is true.

It's good for Piao Miao to control the space spirit, but the level of the space spirit has not been improved, and it is still half-step taboo.

This determined that Piao Miao had to pay a huge price to isolate so many masters.

(End of this chapter)

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