Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 186 Involvement is too deep

What the two didn't know was that the security room was watching the security of the presidential suite 24 hours a day.

The intrusion of Fan Xukun and Liang Zi caused the security system to call the police.

The security captain rushed to the gate with seven or eight security guards.

Fan Xukun and Liang Zi, who were about to detain Xiaohu when they heard the doorbell, froze.

what's the situation?

Could it be that Guo Yueru is back?

Thinking of this, their hearts suddenly became hot.

But when they came to the door, they realized that there were seven or eight security guards.

The two looked at each other and saw a bad premonition in each other's eyes.

"What should I do?" Fan Xukun asked anxiously.

"Just follow what was agreed before." Liang Zi said after a moment of silence.

After three breaths, Fan Xukun opened the door of the room.

Two security guards rushed into the room with rubber rollers, while the rest of the security guards blocked their way.

"What are you guys doing?" Liang Zi roared with an unkind expression.

The security captain came to Xiaohu's side, "Xiaohu, do you know them?"

"They said they were friends of mother." Xiaohu said softly.

"Do you know them?"

"He seemed to have had an argument with his mother just now." Xiaohu pointed at Fan Xukun and said.

The security captain realized something when he heard this.

"Si Heng, call the police."

A security guard took out his mobile phone and was about to call the police.

"What are you doing?" Liang Zi said coldly, "Are you sure you want to make things big?"

"Do you think our Fuyun Hotel will be afraid?" the security captain said indifferently.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm from the Guo family." Liang Zi narrowed his eyes and said seriously.

"The Guo family?" The security captain's face changed slightly.

After thinking for a while, he told the hotel manager Nie Shuangxi what had happened.

After hearing the news, Nie Shuangxi immediately contacted Zhao Yang.

After all, this involved the local wealthy Guo family.

Zhao Yang was stunned after hearing this.

"You ask the security guards to stop them, and I'll come over right away." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"What if they walk by force?"


"Understood." Nie Shuangxi responded.

When Guo Yueru and Zhao Yang rushed to the hotel, they found Liang Zi and Fan Xukun lying in the corner with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Liang Zi was yelling at the group of security guards, "I have already notified my elder brother Guo Zhixing, just wait, the Guo family will not let you go."

Guo Yueru's heart sank when she saw this scene.

She hurried to the room, and when she saw that Xiaohu was safe, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little Tiger, what happened?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

Xiaohu recounted what had happened.

After listening, Zhao Yang's face suddenly became gloomy.

"Bring them both to my room." Zhao Yang said coldly.

Guo Yueru wanted to follow but was stopped by Zhao Yang.

"I'll let you know the result then."

In Zhao Yang's presidential suite, Liang Zi looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously, "Let me tell you, my elder brother Guo Zhixing is already on his way, and you will be there to see him then."

Zhao Yang turned around and went to the bedroom, then came out with a steel pipe.


Zhao Yang smashed Liang Zi's head, and blood gushed out desperately.

"You..." When the blood blurred his eyes, Liang Zi's face couldn't help but change.


The steel pipe went straight into his chest, pinning him to the wall.

Fan Xukun's eyes almost popped out when he saw this scene.

When had he seen such a scene?

" dare you?" Liang Zi said tremblingly.

The lobe of his lung was pierced.

And if he wasn't taken to the hospital in time, he would die.

"You have a murder case in your hands, even if you kill you, it is doing justice for the heavens." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"You..." Liang Zi's pupils shrank, "What are you talking about?"

"Do you think you can't find evidence if you kill someone?" Zhao Yang looked at Liang Zi as if he was looking at a fool, "Do you know why I didn't just hand you over to the police? Because I want to hand you over to the police." Humiliate you before giving it to the police."

As he spoke, Zhao Yang pulled out the steel pipe and stabbed fiercely at his body.

a bit!


Three times!

It didn't take long for Liang Zi to become a blood man.

"Aren't you worried about his death?" Fan Xukun trembled all over.

His pants are wet.

Scared of urine!

"Don't worry, he won't die." Zhao Yang glanced at Fan Xukun.

Liang Zi's body was maintained by Zhao Yang's true strength.

It's hard for Liang Zi to die!

"Tell me, what did you guys go to Guo Yueru's room for?" Zhao Yang asked lightly.

"After I found out that Guo Yueru had no power, I wanted to take Liang Zi to the room to beat you up." Fan Xukun got a stick on the face as soon as he said this.

His cheeks suddenly swelled up.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Zhao Yang sneered.

What about a liar?

Fan Xukun spit out a mouthful of saliva, only to realize where is the saliva?

Obviously blood and teeth.

"" Fan Xukun looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and anger.

"Fan Xukun, do you think I don't have an answer in my heart?" Zhao Yang sneered, "I hope you can kill me when you get to the police station."

Fan Xukun's heart suddenly sank, "Zhao Yang, even if we had some schemes, we didn't do anything after all. For Zhang Lan's relationship, can you let me go?"

"If it wasn't for Zhang Lan's relationship, you would already be like this at this moment." Zhao Yang pointed at Liang Zi and said.

"The Guo family won't let it go." Liang Zi gritted his teeth.

"I'll wait." Zhao Yang said disdainfully.

The police quickly took Liang Zi and Fan Xukun away.

And just when Liang Zi thought that Guo Zhixing would come to rescue him, what he didn't expect was that Guo Zhixing was also arrested.

"Brother, what's going on?" Liang Zi was shocked.

Even if Guo Zhixing is not the main branch of the Guo family, he is still a branch of the Guo family.

Who dares to move around?

"I heard that this matter is very involved." Guo Zhixing said dejectedly, "I'm afraid the Guo family will be involved."

"No way?" Liang Zi's pupils shrank.

In his heart, the Guo family is a giant.

Who dares to act rashly?

Not long after Guo Zhixing entered, Guo Long returned, and the person in charge of Guo's family was arrested for murder.

This news completely shocked the entire Jiangnan.

When Guo Yueru was knocked into a vegetative state before, the rich families in Jiangnan felt that it was either Guo Longhui or Guo Longqing who did it.

And now it is finally confirmed that Guo Longhui did it.

Guo Rusong immediately contacted his people.

"I just want to know who is behind the scenes?" Guo Rusong didn't think it was Guo Yueru who did it. Almost everyone in the upper class knew that Guo Yueru had been abandoned. In other words, Guo Yueru had no connections.

"It involves the existence of taboos."

"Existence of taboo?" Guo Rusong was startled.

The Guo family is deeply entrenched in the Jiangnan area, and even a top-notch wealthy family cannot move at will.

"That's right, Shijia." The other party said in a low voice.

"Then what should I do about this matter?" Guo Rusong asked hoarsely after being silent for a while.

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