"Someone wants to deal with the Zhao family?" Zhao Yang said with a frown.

"The eighth-ranked Tianhui Ancestral Court has been targeting us recently." Zhao Zu nodded.


"The Radiant Continent wants to know where we got so many warships and war puppets?" Zhao Zu said the reason, "I can't tell the Radiant Continent that our gods refined it, can I?"

Does this mean that Tianhui Ancestral Court may let God's Domain go?

They will definitely find a way to kidnap Lin Caihan and others.

"Distribute these war puppets first." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while, "Otherwise, if the Radiant Continent targets us, it is very likely that we will be caught off guard."

Zhao Zu nodded.

"Everyone can take Shenguo Breakthrough with peace of mind. I will stay outside the territory for the next period of time." Zhao Yang continued, "Even if the Radiant Continent strikes, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Hearing this, everyone was relieved.

After Zhao Zu distributed the war puppets, the fifth and sixth ancestors drove the battleship back to the transfer station.

"Old Ancestor, after the Great Ancestor breaks through, he can no longer stay in the ancestral court."

"I think so too. After the boss breaks through, let him be stationed at the rear. In this way, if there is a problem at the transfer station, he and I can rush to help immediately." Zhao Zuying said.

"I'm going to give the ancestor a half-step taboo battleship, and then arrange this battleship at the transfer station." Zhao

Yang said at this time, "The half-step taboo battleship is actually superior to the two of you in terms of speed and combat power. In this way, in the future, no matter if there is a problem with the ancestors or the rear, the battleship can rush to help immediately."

"Doesn't the Yanhuang sect need it?" Zhao Zu hurriedly asked.

"Yanhuangzong is in God's Domain, so what's not safe?" Zhao Yang said nonchalantly.

"Child." Zhao Zu was moved, and he looked at Zhao Yang with deep eyes, "I really don't know how to thank you?"

"The same blood runs through our bodies."

Zhao Zu patted Zhao Yang's shoulder, his lips twitched, and finally said nothing.

After Zhao Yang stayed in the ancestral court for three days, he drove the battleship to the transfer station.

The reason why he went to the transfer station was also because staying here could help the ancestral home and the rear at any time.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

This day, a pair of huge palms patted towards the mountain guard array at the transfer station like a curtain hanging from the sky.

The two-layer formations of the mountain protection formation were stimulated to their strongest state after being stimulated.

But even so, the world trembled violently.

"not good."

"There is an enemy attack."

"The existence of a half-step taboo."

At this time, the Fifth Patriarch and the Sixth Patriarch were still breaking through.

Just when their minds were swaying, Zhao Yang's voice rang out in mid-air


"The two patriarchs can break through with peace of mind. As for this monster, leave it to me." Zhao Yang said here that a light of order greeted those palms.

The two sides had a violent collision above the sky, and it didn't take long for the two sides to be annihilated.


Zhao Yang's driving license battleship appeared in front of a silver-haired old man.

"Why do you want to attack my God's Domain?"

The silver-haired old man stared at the battleship under Zhao Yang's feet and said, "Your divine domain name is not known, why did you rush from more than 3000 to such a high ranking? Now it seems that it is mostly because of you, right?"

"So what?"

"Where did you get so many warships?"

"I'm wanted by the Four Seas Casino, you don't know about it?"

"You got more than 2 trillion yuan in the Sihai Casino. You can buy the high-level war puppets of the God Emperor, but you can't buy the war puppets of the peak God Emperor." The silver-haired old man looked at Zhao Yang and said, "So I There is reason to believe that you have received a certain inheritance."

"Haha, which inheritance do you think will leave so many war puppets at the peak of the God Emperor?"

"what do you want to say?"

"I have cooperated with a force on the Forbidden Road."

"Cooperated?" The silver-haired old man narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

That's what he guessed before.

"So which force is it?"

"It is inconvenient to tell

tell you. "

"Then I have reason to believe that you didn't cooperate with any faction at all, but you got an inheritance." The silver-haired old man said convincingly.

"Hehe." Zhao Yang didn't say anything.

"Zhao Yang, give me the battleship under your feet, and I won't let this matter out." The silver-haired old man said in a deep voice.

"Silly beep." Zhao Yang raised a middle finger towards the silver-haired old man.

The silver-haired old man was furious, "Zhao Yang, I think you won't cry when you see the coffin."

"Believe it or not, if I expose this matter, you will become the target of public criticism in no time." The silver-haired old man pointed at Zhao Yang and shouted.

"I don't believe it." Zhao Yang shrugged.



"Yes, but you will definitely pay for your arrogance." The silver-haired old man turned around and left.

"I need to advise you, if someone troubles me, then your Tianhui ancestors will be pushed aside."

The silver-haired old man stopped immediately.

"So you're still scared?"

"There is a price to be paid for spreading rumors."

"Zhao Yang, I'll give you one last chance, will you give this battleship or not?"

"get out."

The silver-haired old man gave him a look of resentment, then turned and left.

After Zhao Yang returned to the transfer station, Zhao Mingli came over worriedly.


Uncle Clan, I think Tianhuizu will definitely leak this matter. "

"No problem." Zhao Yang patted Zhao Mingli on the shoulder.

Then he turned around and entered the battleship, and then he entered under the sacred tree.

Zhao Yang has been studying the mysterious magic given to him by the mysterious woman for these years.

And now it's the last minute.

As long as he is given some more time, he will be able to research successfully.

The old guy Tianhui Zu did what he said, and soon whether it was in the virtual secret environment, outside the territory, or on the road of taboo, it was rumored that Zhao Yang had obtained a huge inheritance, and he took out the inheritance There are hundreds of warships and war puppets of the peak of the emperor.

"Is this news true or false?"

"The previous ranking of God's Domain was outside the top [-], but it's only been a while since we've reached the top [-]."

"The Ancestral Court of Death still has a half-step taboo, but it was still killed by God's Domain, so Zhao Yang also got a half-step taboo warship."

"The value of this inheritance is inestimable."

After the news reached the Soul Clan, the patriarch of the Soul Clan found Piao Miao.

"Piao Miao, what do you think of this matter?"

"This news was spread by someone with a heart, but to be honest, I don't know if this news is true." Piao Miao said impartially.

"In this way, you and your master will go to the ancestral court of the Zhao family outside the territory, and we will do the ceremony first and then the soldiers." The patriarch of the soul clan said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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