Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are fights.

The direct line of old man Su Banyun of the Su family has had accidents over the years, and now only Su Meng, the granddaughter, is left.

Old man Su Banyun, a collateral branch of the Su family, didn't care.

He knew very well that if the direct line couldn't suppress the collateral line, problems would easily arise.

It's just that no matter what, he never thought that he would be so unlucky that he would meet that evil spirit?

Su Meng will definitely be made things difficult after he falls, which is why he gave all his wealth to Zhao Yang and asked him to take Su Meng away?

Su Clan's Practice Pavilion!

Su Meng's eyes were full of anger. She didn't expect that her respectful collaterals would turn into jackals at this time. Besides asking for the Su family's ancestral house, now they even wanted her shelter.

"Don't you think it's too despicable?" Su Meng yelled at a group of old people from the Su family who were from the generation of uncles.

"Su Meng, you are not even a god emperor, why should you guard the Su family's property?" A white-haired old man stared at Su Meng and said.

"I have already given up the Su family's ancestral house. This Xiuxiu Pavilion is where I live and live. You are going to rob it. Can you show some face?" Su Meng shouted mournfully while standing at the door.

Didn't she expect that this group of relatives who used to look so close would keep stabbing her?

"Su Meng, what about the property left by your grandfather, don't tell me that it's not on your possession."

The woman pinched her waist and glared.

She has a mean face.

Looking at the young girl Su Meng said helplessly, "The family property is almost occupied by you, why are you still not satisfied?"

"Su Meng, listen to uncle, you can't control those properties." A middle-aged man said solemnly, "Do you know how many people are staring at your property now?"

"The property you talked about disappeared with grandpa." Su Meng said leisurely, "Now I only have this shelter left."

"Su Meng, we are not persecuting you now because we are of the same clan, but if you are stubborn again, don't blame us for being rude." The white-haired old man said with murderous intent in his eyes.

"For the sake of the same clan? Hehe, if my grandpa hadn't taken you in, your offspring would have been slaughtered long ago. Now that my grandpa just had an accident, you just crossed the river and demolished the bridge?" Su Meng's lungs were about to explode when she heard this.

"White-eyed wolves are not familiar with feeding, don't you understand this?" At this moment, a gentle voice sounded from a distance, and then Zhao Yang's figure appeared in front of Su Meng.

"This is an internal matter of my Su family. Your Excellency, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business." The middle-aged man said with a gloomy look at Zhao Yang.

"The main line of the Su family is Su Banyun and Su Meng. Now that Su Banyun is in disaster, the Su family should be inherited by Su Meng. I want to know what your collateral lineages do?" Zhao Yang asked loudly.


"You...do you want to die?" The middle-aged man rushed towards Zhao Yang at this point.

Zhao Yang slashed at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's body was split in two, blood dripping all over the floor.

The audience was in an uproar.

You must know that the middle-aged man is a god-emperor.

Of course, his cultivation is only the early stage of the God Emperor.

Soon the body of the middle-aged man appeared not far away, but at this time his face was extremely pale, and his eyes were full of jealousy when he looked at Zhao Yang.

"Su Meng, no matter what you want to do next, I will support you unconditionally." Zhao Yang looked at the weak and helpless girl and said.

Su Meng looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously, "Who are you?"

Zhao Yang threw a jade talisman to Su Meng.

After Su Meng crushed the jade talisman, Su Banyun's figure appeared in midair.

"Su Meng, Mr. Zhao is my old friend. If something happens to me in the future, you can trust Mr. Zhao with full authority."

"Grandpa." Su Meng stepped forward to hug Su Banyun, but Su Banyun immediately turned into ashes.

Su Meng calmed down for a while before looking at Zhao Yang, "Master Zhao, I want to take back all the Su family's things."

"No problem." After Zhao Yang's voice fell, his divine sense turned into a few ropes, tying up the white-haired old man and others.

"Young master Zhao, the most powerful member of the collateral lineage of the Su family has a cultivation base at the God Emperor's High School.

order. "Su Meng suddenly thought of something.

"It doesn't matter if the opponent is at the peak of the God Emperor."

Seeing Zhao Yang say this, Su Meng no longer hesitated, she took Zhao Yang all the way to the ancestral home of the Su family.

Su Meng heard that the Su family was decorating with lights and festoons everywhere, and her pretty face was full of frost.

"Su Meng."

"Su Meng, why do you dare to come to the ancestral house?" A couple of young men and women at the door seemed inconceivable to see Su Meng appearing here.

Zhao Yang imprisoned them in his small world with a wave of his hand.

"Go in." Zhao Yang said lightly.

There was a cold light in Su Meng's eyes, she also wanted to see what this group of collaterals were celebrating?

And all the monks they met along the way were detained by Zhao Yang in his small world.

in the courtyard.

An old man in a golden robe looked around while holding a wine glass and said, "Today is the day when our Su family branch is proud. From today onwards, the Su family will be ruled by our branch."

The crowd suddenly cheered.

"Drink together." The old man in the golden robe drank the wine in his glass as he spoke.

"Drink together."

"Drink together."

Just after hundreds of offshoots of the Su family drank the wine in their cups, a laughing sound resounded in the audience.

"When will it be the turn of the Su family to call the shots?"

Everyone was stunned.

Immediately, they all looked at the people walking from the front yard.

Two figures came.

"Su Meng."

"Why is Su Meng here?"

"Who gave her the courage?"

"Is she impatient?"

Su Meng glanced at Zhao Yang, "Young Master Zhao."

With a wave of Zhao Yang's hand, the members of the Su family and the guards who were imprisoned by him staggered and fell out of his small world one by one.

It can be seen that they are all tied up with ropes, and their appearance looks very miserable.

"Who are you? Why do you want to participate in the affairs of our Su family?" the gold-robed old man stared at Zhao Yang and asked.

"I am Su Banyun's year-end friend." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"It's up to you?" The golden-robed old man sneered.

What is Su Banyun's cultivation level?

God Emperor peak.

What qualifications does Zhao Yang have to be his Wangnian friend?

Zhao Yang sneered, and he took a step forward.

It was at this step that a turbulent coercion spread towards the audience, and everyone present was suppressed except for a few of you.

They were prostrate on the ground, not even daring to raise their heads.

"The peak of the emperor."

"This level of coercion is definitely at the peak level of the God Emperor."

"Damn it, Su Banyun actually kept such a trick?"

Several masters of the Su family turned ugly.

Su Meng looked at Zhao Yang with shock in her eyes. Originally, she thought that Zhao Yang was only a high-level god emperor. Who would have thought that Zhao Yang had reached the peak of the god emperor?

(End of this chapter)

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