Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1833 Negotiations

"Start snatching in 3 minutes."

Everyone looked eager to try after seeing the news released by the system.

Piao Miao is not in the mood to attack Zhao Yang at this time.

She doesn't care about the high-level fruits of the god emperor, but can she not care about the fruits of the peak god emperor?

Who doesn't want it?

"In addition, there is a hidden task. Whoever can reach the top of the sacred tree within 1 minute can get this sacred tree."

All the monks in the audience were shocked.

Will this sacred tree also give away?

"Once you get this sacred tree, the two previous rounds of fruit from this sacred tree will also belong to you."

"In addition, this sacred tree blooms every 300 years and bears fruit every 300 years."

Everyone's eyes were red when they heard this.

There is no doubt that with this sacred tree, it is difficult for the sect to be strong, okay?

1 minutes passed.

2 minutes passed.

3 minutes passed.

When the time expired, the monks who were present rushed towards the sacred tree.

Including Zhao Yang.

At the same time, the ferocious beasts on the sacred tree were even more serious. They roared and showed their bloody fangs.

After several changes in Zhao Yang's figure, he surpassed all the monks present and rushed to the first place.

He ignored all the ferocious beasts and went forward without hesitation.

The fourth-class fruit is in the 1000-meter area, and you want to reach 1000 meters

It needs to pass through the three lines of defense of the beasts, and there are tens of thousands of beasts entrenched on the sacred tree, okay?

Zhao Yang rushed towards a higher area after exceeding the 1000-meter area.

Behind Zhao Yang followed Lin Caihan, Dao Tong and Piao Miao.

What made Daotong collapse was that Piao Miao was in front of him, so why should Lin Caihan be in front of him.

The area of ​​2000 meters is the third-level fruit area. The beasts encountered here have already broken their positions, but the beasts of this level still can't stop them.

They are more like fierce beasts than fierce beasts, and they easily penetrated the defenses of fierce beasts.

The area of ​​3000 meters is the second-class fruit area, and the background of the beasts here is already the peak of the emperor, and there are also a lot of beasts here, and they formed a killing array to intercept Zhao Yang and others.

Their formation was easily torn apart by Zhao Yang, but they stopped Lin Caihan, Dao Tong and Miu Miao.

"Why is this guy so strong?" Dao Tong said dumbfounded.

"When he fought you just now, he absolutely hid his strength." Piao Miao said in a deep voice.

The three of them are all existences with backgrounds in the taboo realm, and it took them a little time to break through the defense of the beast.

But when they rushed to the 4000-meter area, Zhao Yang had already soared to over 5000 meters.

"We can't catch up." Dao Tong said bitterly.

"Yeah, who would have thought that this guy hid

so many. "Piao Miao leisurely said.

There were no more ferocious beasts in front of Zhao Yang, in other words, no one could stop his footsteps.

7000 meters!

8000 meters!

9000 meters!

When Piao Miao and others were still trying to break through the defense system built by the beast, Zhao Yang had already rushed to the peak of the sacred tree.

"Congratulations, young man, you have successfully climbed to the top." At this moment, there was a mental wave from the sacred tree, "Later, a courier will deliver the sacred tree and the fruits from the previous two rounds to you."

"This won't be leaked, will it?"

"We keep the whole process secret, even the courier doesn't know what he delivered?"

After Zhao Yang understood this, he jumped down.

When he came to the area of ​​4000 meters, a fierce beast rushed towards him.

After Zhao Yang severely injured the beast with one punch, he picked a first-class fruit.

Then came the second, and then the third.

When Zhao Yang picked the fourth one, Lin Caihan, Piao Miao and Daotong also arrived.

They rushed towards a fruit respectively, but there were fierce beasts guarding the fruit.

When Daotong picked a fruit here, he was shocked to find that the fruit in the field was gone.



"what's the situation?"

Piao Miao looked at Tang Yiren who had picked a fruit in surprise, "Who are you?"

"You want to take care of it?" Tang Yiren said with a smile.

It turned out that during this period

Tang Yiren also came up, and she also picked a first-class fruit.

"There are still high-level God Emperors, don't waste them." Lin Caihan said at this time.

So everyone rushed down.

But they only picked two or three and it was over, because the rest of the fruits were picked by some powerful god emperors.

After everyone landed on the ground, the sacred tree turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

At this moment, everyone looked at Zhao Yang.

Everyone knows that Zhao Yang got the sacred tree.

"This sacred tree was taken by you. You got two rounds of fruit from the sacred tree. Isn't it a little bad for you to swallow it alone?" At this moment, a dark voice sounded.

The one who thought he was hiding very well, but under Zhao Yang's powerful divine sense, all this was doomed to be in vain.

Zhao Yang's big hand moved towards that person, only to see a wretched old man being caught in front of Zhao Yang.

"What are you doing?" In the panic, he didn't even have time to change his voice.

"What do you say I do?" Zhao Yang asked indifferently.

"I...I...." As soon as he said this, his body was on fire.

Seeing the old man turned into ashes, Zhao Yang looked around and said, "If you want to make a move, I welcome you at any time."

The crowd was silent.

However, no one dared to engage in conspiracy and tricks in the dark.

"Let's talk." At this moment, Piao Miao walked towards Zhao Yang

come over.

Piao Miao has already been exposed, so there is no need to hide it.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"How can we stop targeting our Four Elephant Sect?" Piao Miao asked in a deep voice.

"Let Lan Zhan, Qinglong, and Tianrui apologize publicly, and not go to the virtual world for a hundred years." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"We can make Lan Zhan, Qinglong and Tianrui apologize publicly, but is it too much to not go to the virtual world for a hundred years?" Piao Miao said with a frown.

Who doesn't know that in the virtual world, apart from being able to fight against many masters, there are also many opportunities in the virtual world.

"For your sake, 90 years."

"30 years."

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.


Zhao Yang still didn't speak.


Seeing that Zhao Yang was still silent, Piao Miao stood up at this time, "How about my face?"

"Okay." Zhao Yang glanced at Daotong and said calmly.

After Piao Miao returned to the Four Elephant Sect, she reported Zhao Yang's matter to the high-level sect.

"You mean that the other party's background is more than one hundred?" The suzerain of the Four Elephant Sect said solemnly.

This means that Zhao Yang and Hun Wudi are at the same level?

This has to be treated with caution!

"This one also has a confidante, whose background is not inferior to mine." Piao Miao said again.

(End of this chapter)

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