"Why are you so sure?" Zhu Heng looked at Piao Miao puzzled.

"Because when Zhao Yang came to the Four Elephant Sect last time, the old Sect Master had seen Zhao Yang's background, and Zhao Yang's background was only fifteen." Piao Miao said softly.

"Fifteen?" Zhan Lan was taken aback.

"In the early days of the Taboo Realm, the background value ranges from one to one hundred." Piao Miao explained, "Your suzerain saw that battle, and he could kill you so simply, the background value must be at least around fifty." Piao Miao said in a deep voice.

"Fifty? How much are you?" Zhu Heng asked curiously.

"Sixty." Piao Miao said after a moment of hesitation.

"Where is the young master?"

"Young suzerain's background has reached 150."

Hearing this, everyone gasped.

"Doesn't this mean that the young suzerain can become an existence in the middle of the taboo in the future?"

"There is no inheritance." Piao Miao sighed softly.

"Do the ten superpowers on the Forbidden Road have any inheritance from the Forbidden Realm?" Qing Long asked.

"It is rumored that there is an inheritance of the Forbidden Realm in the deepest part of the Forbidden Road, but I haven't seen anyone get it in these years."

"Then what should we do now?" Zhu Heng raised a sensitive topic.

"Wait for the development of the matter." Piao Miao said after being silent for a while.

It's just that the Four Elephants School couldn't sit still any longer.

Because in order to protect the rights of weak and small sects, the virtual system allows those weak and small sects not to show their true colors, but Domain

The disciples of the top ten superpowers and the top ten top forces of the taboo path must show their true colors.

And as more and more god emperors poured into the virtual system, it was impossible for the disciples of the Four Elephant Sect to hide.

Those guys kept exposing the location of the disciples of the Four Elephant Sect, and Zhao Yang would go there regardless of danger.

Because the disciples of the Four Elephants Sect couldn't stop Zhao Yang at all.

In just half a month, hundreds of god emperors registered with the Four Elephant Sect were killed by Zhao Yang.

"Our Four Elephant Sect has lost a single god-emperor."

"Now others are saying that our Four Elephant Sect is not good enough."

"It can't go on like this."

"Senior Sister Piao Miao, why don't you make a move?"

At this time, the Emperor of the Four Elephants Sect was very aggrieved, and there was a fire in his heart.

But they have nothing to do, after all, they are not their opponents.

"I'm Anzi, so I can't make a move." Piao Miao said after being silent for a while, "Zhu Heng, you go to the Taoist clan."

"what do you mean……?"

"If Daotong makes a move, he may be safe."

"How much background does Daotong have?"


Zhu Heng thought for a while and said, "With all due respect, what if Daotong is not an opponent?"

"If Daotong makes a move, the disciples of the Dao clan will be waiting by the side, and you will all go too." Piao Miao said softly, "Could it be that you can't win each other together?"

"Will Daotong definitely make a move?"

"Such a master, Dao Tong will be interested."

Zhu Heng waited for three months before rushing to the Taoist tribe.

Dao Tong of the Taoist clan shook his head after listening to Zhu Heng's narration, "The Taoist clan won't go this muddy water."

Zhu Heng was a little confused.

"But Senior Sister Piao Miao said you would be interested." Zhu Heng muttered.

"What did you say? Piao Miao asked you to come?" Dao Tong asked suddenly.

"Yes." Zhu Heng responded.

"I have to give Piao Miao face." What Zhu Heng didn't expect was that Zhu Heng said this sentence suddenly, "I will make an appointment with that guy later."

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Originally, there was only 100 billion in Zhao Yang's account, but now there are more than 1000 billion in the account.

"Husband, now the entire virtual system is discussing you." Xu Huier woke up from the virtual system, looked at Zhao Yang beside her and said with a smile.

"That's right, husband, everyone is saying that you alone have forced the Four Elephant Sect to be honest." Yuan Jin'er also woke up immediately.

Yuan Jin'er is Xu Huier's follower, and the two daughters have been inseparable these years, even at night when they rest together.

During this time, the two of them have been wandering in the virtual system.

"Did you not encounter any trouble?" Zhao Yang asked.

"I have encountered some troubles, but they are not our opponents." Yuan Jin'er said with some joy.

She found that those emperors were weak chickens.

In fact, it is normal for her to think so. After all, not everyone is half-step taboo, and Yuan Jiner is not weak in half-step taboo.

Just then Tang Yiren broke in from the outside.

"Husband, fellow Taoists of the Tao clan openly invite you to fight."

"Daotong?" Zhao Yang didn't expect that Daotong would ask him out.

"Could it be a conspiracy?" Lin Caihan walked in from the outside.

"Dao Tong himself disdains conspiracy, but that doesn't mean that the Four Elephant School doesn't." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Will you go to the appointment?"


"Yi Ren and I will accompany you." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

Now Lin Caihan's background has reached 68, and Tang Yiren's background has also reached 32.

"Follow if you want to go, but I can handle this kind of situation." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "By the way, when is the Dao contract?"

"Crescent Valley in three days."

After Zhao Yang logged into his account, he saw Daotong's appointment post on the headline of the forum.

Then he left a message of six words below.

"If you want to fight, then fight."

Zhao Yang's message once again detonated the forum. No one thought that this person would be so powerful. Even if he faced Dao Tong, the number one existence among the top ten true disciples, he didn't have the slightest fear.

Time soon came three days later.

Crescent Valley is now restored to its previous appearance again.

The virtual system is

It has this advantage, and I don't care about your unscrupulous destruction at all.

Daotong, dressed in a Confucian costume, came here early, and he stood there like a banished immortal, his whole being and the aura of heaven and earth integrated into one.

His every breath and every breath coincided with the way of heaven.

This shocked many god kings present.

"How far has Daotong reached?"

"Daotong's background has definitely reached a very terrifying level."

"I feel like this fellow Daotong is going to melt away and leave."

"It would be great if I could be Daotong's maid."

"Do you know the standard of Daotong's personal maid?"

"What standard?"

"Half-step taboo."

"Or kill me?"

"Do you think the boss dares to come?"

"They killed so many true disciples of the Four Elephant Sect. If they say they dare not, I don't believe a word."

"Let's wait and see."

In the crowd, hundreds of god emperors from the Four Elephant Sect came to the scene.

Their expressions were very dignified, and they were ready. As long as Daotong was defeated, they would attack together.

Many disciples from the Dao tribe also came, but they were just looking at them, they didn't think about besieging them, it would be too embarrassing for them.

Piao Miao also arrived.

But she hides in the crowd.

"It's almost noon, why isn't that guy here?"

(End of this chapter)

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