Hearing this, the Sixth Patriarch put his big hand on Zhao Mingli's shoulder, "Don't report your progress in practice to me in the future, you just need to follow your clan uncle to practice with peace of mind." After speaking, the Sixth Patriarch turned and left here.

No one who can leave a name on the third level is a simple thing.

Therefore, Zhao Yang used the copy martial soul to copy a half-step taboo martial soul sword martial soul for Zhao Mingli.

This directly raised Zhao Mingli's background to a half-step taboo.

Half-step taboo!

This is how Zhao Mingxun can be compared.

Only after Zhao Yang introduced the content of Sword Wuhun to Zhao Mingli did Zhao Mingli know why Zhao Yang was so cautious before?

This can simply be described as against the sky.

"Next, I will tell you about the Eternal Immortality Jue. Of course, I will also teach you the supernatural powers of the two god emperor peaks."

"Uncle Clan is bothering you." Zhao Mingli knew exactly how much kindness this was.

For the next two months, while Zhao Yang was refining the killing array, he was also improving the level of the battle puppets and battleships. Of course, he also guided Zhao Mingli from time to time.

After the two-month period came, Zhao Yang left the Zhao family's ancestral court on the battleship of the God Emperor Limit, and he came back after a circle.

At this time, the army of the Zhao family's ancestral court had already assembled.

As soon as Zhao Yang waved his hand, 42 warships appeared in the air, and all of these warships were of the God Emperor level.

"Each warship

One hundred thousand soldiers on board. "Zhao Zu issued an order.

In order to attack the Ding clan this time, Zhao Zu assembled an army of 420 million.

Thirty battleships were towed by the battleships at the peak of the God Emperor, and quickly rushed towards the ancestral court of the Ding clan.

In about an hour, 42 warships arrived at the ancestral home of the Ding clan.

Then Zhao Zu ordered the warships to surround the ancestral court of the Ding clan.


Without extra words, the battleship fired immediately.

Twelve warships are at the peak of the emperor, and one is the limit of the emperor.

Of course, if Zhao Zu and other thirteen peak god emperors are counted, even the formation of the Ding clan is also the peak god emperor, but it can't stop so many bombardments of the same level.

When the formation broke down, those warships opened fire in unison, and the entire Ding clan was instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and it is unknown how many clan members died in it.

Ding Zu's lungs were about to explode.

How dare someone attack the ancestral home of the Ding clan?

But when he saw the outside lineup clearly, his heart gradually sank.

The existence of 25 god emperor peaks.

"Zhao Zu, are you sure you want the two clans to tear each other apart?" Ding Zu shouted at Zhao Zu.

"The two clans have long been torn apart." Zhao Zu sneered.

"I admit that you caught me by surprise, and I also admit that your strength is stronger than ours, but you want to eat our Ding clan, you pay

The price paid will be very high. "Ding Zu said with a gloomy face.

Ding Zu was right.

The Zhao clan has an absolute advantage in the God Emperor Realm.

But in the God King Realm, Living God Realm, and Death God Realm, they are completely at a disadvantage.

for example.

There are 120 peak god kings of the Ding clan, while there are only 36 peak god kings of the Zhao clan.

The existence of the high-level god kings of the Ding clan has reached 440 three, while the high-level god kings on Zhao Zu's side are only 110 three.

Therefore, what the Zhao family expected was to use the redundant god emperor to kill the god king of the Ding clan.

Only in this way can the loss not be so tragic.

"You're right. In the battle of God King Realm, the battle of Life God Realm, and the battle of Death God Realm, the Zhao Clan has a huge disadvantage." Zhao Yang's voice rang out in mid-air , "But the Zhao family still has backup."

Zhao Yang said that three thousand soldiers appeared in mid-air.

The breath of these three thousand soldiers rushed to the sky, and when they appeared in front of everyone, everyone felt that time and space were about to condense.

"God King."

"These guys are the peak god kings."

"Is this the backup of the Zhao clan?"

The moment the three thousand soldiers appeared, they rushed towards the peak of the Ding clan's god king.

What the Zhao and Ding clans didn't expect was that the peak god king of the Ding clan was here

In front of three thousand soldiers, he was pitifully vulnerable.

They didn't even have the strength to fight back.


The 120 four god kings of the Ding clan were all killed by them in less than half a minute, and then they rushed towards the high-level existence of the Ding Zu god king.

The high-level god king didn't last long and was killed cleanly.

These three thousand god kings are like killing gods.

Constantly shuttling among the Ding clan.

Zhao Zu looked at the three thousand soldiers and his eyes lit up, "Zhao Yang, these soldiers...?"

"They are all soldiers of my Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang said with a smile.


"The Yanhuang Sect is still very weak. Give the Yanhuang Sect some more time. I don't think it's a problem to fight with the top ten continents." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

These three thousand soldiers are members of the Supreme Legion, and they will all become god emperors in the future, so how can the god kings of the Ding clan be their opponents?

With the help of these three thousand soldiers, the Zhao clan quickly took the initiative on the battlefield.

It didn't take long for Ding Zu to realize that the situation of the war was irreversible.

So Ding Zu led the army to break through.

Under their fearless breakout, Ding Zu escaped with four peak god emperors, eight high-level god emperors and so on.

Zhao Zu immediately ordered Da Zu to bring two battleships at the peak of the God Emperor back to the ancestral court.

He was worried that Ding Zu would take Zhao's

The family's ancestral court ended.

After Ding Zu led the team to flee, it meant that the rest of the tribe had become abandoned children.

Most of the abandoned sons chose to surrender, but there were also desperate ones.

In the end, it took a day and a night to solve the battle, and the next step was to search for loot.

The Zhao family searched for three days and three nights before leaving.

"Old Ancestor, the ranking of our God's Domain suddenly rushed to No. 430 and No. [-]."

"Now there is no need to worry about someone stealing the tower."

"Yeah, I can finally spend some time in peace."

Zhao Zu's study.

"Zhao Yang, how to deal with these warships and puppets?" Dazu asked this question.

Now the Zhao family is in the limelight, and is concerned by various forces.

But without these warships and puppets, the Zhao clan would be beaten back to their original form in an instant.

"I will take two battleships and a battle puppet back, and I will leave the rest of the battleships and battle puppets to you." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But there is one thing I will say first, I will put the use of the battleship The power is up to you, but the final authority is still in my hands."

"It should be." Zhao Zu said hurriedly.

"Now the Zhao family is finally on the right track, so there is no one I need to help." Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Zu and said, "I'm going back."

"The Zhao family got a lot of spoils this time, go to the treasury to have a look, if you need anything, you can take it."

(End of this chapter)

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