Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1806 Running away

Order of the king!

In the entire Zhao family, only Zhao Mingxun has obtained the king's order, okay?

Only now did they learn that Zhao Yang had also obtained the Order of the King.

They all looked at Zhao Yang excitedly.

Zhao Yang waved his hand to restore the token to the level of King's Order.

"The Token of the King." The strong man of the millipede clan also saw the Token of the King in Zhao Yang's hand.


"Fast back."

"Get out of here quickly." The strong man of the millipede family changed color.

But it's too late.

When Zhao Yang took out the King's Token, he threw it over the millipede army, and the mighty coercion immediately enveloped the audience.

It's just that for a moment, including the existence of the peak god emperor, all of them were imprisoned on the spot.

"Kill the millipede family first." The four families said excitedly.

The four god emperors including the fourth ancestor, fifth ancestor, sixth ancestor, and seventh ancestor rushed into the army of millipedes in an instant.

Zhao Yang summoned the eight gods and rushed into the army of millipedes.


Where to flee?

The existence of thirteen god emperors trapped tens of millions of millipedes to death in this area.

It didn't take long for the millipede god-emperor to remain on the battlefield.

"Maybe we can talk about it." The millipede's god emperor peak said in a deep voice.


What to talk about?

What is the Zhao family too lazy to talk to them about?

Half an hour later, dozens of millipedes

The God Emperor was completely killed, and at this moment, the ranking of God's Domain rushed to the top [-].

The 840th place.

Seeing this ranking, the Fourth Patriarch said excitedly, "We can finally survive this millennium calamity."

"We still can't take it lightly. I think the ranking should be higher." The Fifth Patriarch said after a long silence.

"Next, work harder and try to rank higher." The Fourth Patriarch nodded.

"Thanks to Zhao Yang this time, otherwise we really don't know what to do?" The Sixth Patriarch said with emotion.

"That's right, the Millipede assembled such a lineup this time, just to defeat us in one fell swoop." The Seventh Patriarch agreed, "I guess they never imagined that we still have a peerless genius with the King's Order."

The senior members of the Zhao clan were very excited.

They specially hosted a banquet for Zhao Yang.

During the banquet, members of the Zhao clan offered a toast to Zhao Yang one after another, and Zhao Yang did not refuse anyone who came.

After drinking and eating, Zhao Yang found the sixth patriarch, "It's time for us to set off for the ancestral court."

"Lao Wu and Lao Qi's injuries haven't healed yet. Let's leave now. What if the millipede attacks again?" The Sixth Patriarch said worriedly.

"How long does it take to take a battleship to the ancestral court from here?"

"One day."

"One day is okay." Zhao Yang said as he took out two formation scrolls. "The formations of these two formation scrolls, one is the mountain protection formation, and the other is the killing formation, both of which are high-level god emperors."

The Sixth Patriarch patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder when he heard this, "Good boy, you said earlier that you still have two high-level formation scrolls of the Divine Emperor?"

The Sixth Patriarch greeted everyone with a voice.

After seeing these two formation scrolls, they became excited one by one.

"With the Divine Emperor's high-level formation scroll, we don't have to worry about being afraid all day long." The Fourth Patriarch's face was full of smiles.

"Yeah, not to mention there is a killing formation. The combination of attack and defense is perfect." The Fifth Patriarch nodded and said, "I think even the peak of the God Emperor can stop one or two."

"Fifth brother, Zhao Yang is going to visit the ancestral court. In this case, you can also go back on a battleship. Although the transfer station also has a high-level mountain guard formation of the God Emperor, it will not work without you guarding it."

"Okay, I'll go back with you." The Fifth Patriarch said immediately.

He was originally here to support.

Now that the crisis here has been resolved, he should go back.

The Fifth Patriarch and the Sixth Patriarch took Zhao Yang's battleship halfway to the transfer station, and the Fifth Patriarch said with emotion after turning around, "When can I have a battleship like this?"

"The Fifth Patriarch wants it?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Who doesn't want it?" The Fifth Patriarch said speechlessly.

"After meeting the ancestor, I will go to the Forbidden Road to buy one for the fifth ancestor."

"Isn't it cheap for a high-level warship of the God Emperor?" The Fifth Patriarch rubbed his hands together.


According to Ming Xun, it seems to be 1000 billion. Even if Zhao Yang has the order of the king, he still needs 800 billion. "The Sixth Patriarch thought of something.

Hearing this, the Fifth Patriarch quickly waved his hands and said, "Forget it, it's too precious."

"I can still take out 800 billion." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "It's rare that the Fifth Patriarch likes it."

The Sixth Patriarch became anxious immediately, "Boy, you must not forget your Sixth Patriarch."

"How much money do you think Zhao Yang has, and you still want one?" Fifth Patriarch said angrily.

"Why don't you give me the boat that Zhao Yang gave you?" the sixth patriarch waited for the fifth patriarch.

"Don't even think about it." Fifth Patriarch cast a glance at him.

Half a day later, the battleship arrived at the transfer station, and the Fifth Patriarch got off the battleship.

"Be careful." The Fifth Patriarch waved at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang and the Sixth Patriarch continued to walk forward.

Another half day passed and finally arrived at the ancestral court.

The scale of the ancestral court is relatively large, and it can be seen from a distance that there is a huge city guarding it.

"Zu Ting's formation is actually a high-level God Emperor." Zhao Yang said after looking at it for a while.

"At that time, tens of billions of funds were spent to build this formation." The Sixth Patriarch said with emotion.

Zhao Yang immediately put away the battleship, "How many people are there in this city?"

"18 billion."

Hearing this number, Zhao Yang was startled, "Why are there so many?"

"Of course, there are many forces attached to the Zhao family, and they took it away when they went outside the territory.

Part of it, and after these years of recuperation, it is reasonable for the number to reach 18 billion. "The Sixth Patriarch introduced.

Ancestral Hall!

Zhao Zu, Da Zu, San Zu, and the high-level officials of the Zhao clan all looked bad.

Because the most amazing, talented and beautiful existence of the Zhao family is going to betray the Zhao family today.

"Zhao Mingxun, the Zhao family has treated you well all these years, how can you say such a thing?" The Third Patriarch looked at the young man standing with his hands behind his back in the hall with some grief and indignation.

The young man has sword eyebrows and star eyes, gentle and elegant.

But what he said was like ice, stinging the hearts of the Zhao executives present.

"What else can the Zhao family give me now?" Zhao Mingxun asked, looking up at the second ancestor.

The second ancestor was silent.

What else can the Zhao family give Zhao Mingxun?

It seems that nothing can be given.

On the contrary, the Zhao family still relies on Zhao Mingxun's prestige to deter Xiaoxiao.

"Do you have to take this step?" Da Zu asked with red eyes.

"If Zhao Mingxun continues to follow the Zhao family, he is digging his own grave." At this time, a bright girl standing beside Zhao Mingxun said slowly, "Your Zhao family is now being targeted by the Ding family in Tianxiong Continent. What is the ranking of the heavens and the world? No. 120."

"The millipede swarm is just a dog raised by the Ding family. Now, your Zhao clan is about to collapse. If Zhao Mingxun stays in the Zhao clan, he won't survive, you know?" The girl's words hurt the hearts of the Zhao clan. high level.

(End of this chapter)

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