Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1804 Rescue the rear

Only then did Zhao Mingli think of this, and he glanced through the token, "Our ranking has increased by 32 places."

"Ranked No. 94." The Sixth Patriarch said excitedly, "As long as we continue to fight, we can definitely reach the top three thousand within ten years."

"Should we go to the ancestral court now or to the rear?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"Let's go to the rear first." The Sixth Patriarch thought for a while and said, "There will be a problem in the ancestral court with the ancestors in charge for a while."

So the battleship carried the Sixth Patriarch towards the rear.

The rear is the rear of the Zhao family.

On the battleship, Zhao Yang asked the Sixth Patriarch about the meaning of the rear and the transfer station?

"Any isolated island outside the territory has strategic significance. For example, the isolated island I sit on, as long as it is a business group that passes along the way, it must be paid a fee, otherwise we can shoot them down." The Sixth Patriarch said with a smile, " Of course, if that fleet is too strong, we would not dare to charge others."

"How many warships does our Zhao Clan have?"

"There are three warships at the peak of the god king, twelve warships at the high level of the god king, 36 warships at the middle stage of the god king, and one hundred and three warships at the early stage of the god king."

"There is no God Emperor Realm?"


"Isn't that right?"

"what happened?"

"Before you said that Mingli got the evildoer order, and in the second level, the battleship of the early stage of the God Emperor was sold. Why didn't Mingli buy it in the second level?" Zhao Yang

asked suspiciously.

"A battleship in the early days of the God Emperor is 100 billion. Even if he has a demon order, after the discount, he still needs 80 billion." The Sixth Patriarch said with a wry smile, "Do you think there are so many god stones on Mingli?"

"Can't the Zhao family come up with 100 billion?"

"The total number of sacred stones accumulated by the Zhao clan over the years does not exceed 300 billion, do you believe it?"

"That's a little bit."

"High-intensity wars are going on every year, and you don't know the ratio of the sacred stone exchange? It can be said that every piece of the sacred stone is earned by blood."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang fell silent.

He didn't expect the Zhao clan to be so difficult outside the territory?

"Why have you never thought of going back for help?"

"Shenyu doesn't even have a high-grade god stone now, so what's the point of us going back to ask for help?"

It didn't take long for the battleship to come to the rear area mentioned by the sixth ancestor.

It is said that it is the rear, but it is actually a suspended land, but this land is not very big.

But at this moment, this piece of land was under fierce attack, and the endless millipedes made wild moves without fear of death.

The members of the Zhao clan relied on formations to snipe with difficulty, and once a monk fell, they would be eaten up by millipedes.

"Kill." Zhao Yang immediately ordered the battleship to open fire with all its strength.

The battleship's main and secondary guns fired at full force, submerging a large millipede.

The Sixth Patriarch and Zhao Yang also made a move.

The two god-emperor powerhouses in millipedes

Vertically and horizontally, large numbers of millipedes are constantly withering.

"Who is helping us?"

"Six Patriarchs."

"Why did the Sixth Patriarch come here?"

"Is the transfer station lost?"

"Who is that young man? My God, he is actually fighting a millipede in the middle of the God Emperor."

"What level is that battleship? It seems to be a high-level God Emperor."

"It is indeed a high-level god emperor. Just now it severely damaged a millipede at the peak of the god emperor."

The fourth, fifth, and seventh patriarchs are stationed at the rear.

When the three high-ranking god-emperors saw the approach of the Sixth Patriarch and the high-ranking warship of the god-king, they also rushed towards the millipede group.

The reason why they didn't take action before was largely because there were four high-ranking god emperors among the millipedes besieging them.

Together, they can't beat each other.

So only dragging.

Now it is not necessary.

Zhao Yang's fighting power is not terrible, but there are too many opponents around him.

In just a few breaths, three middle-level god emperors appeared beside him.

"not good."

"That young man is in crisis."

"Lao Qi, hurry up and save him."

Just when Qizu wanted to rescue him, he was bitten by the high-level existence of the emperor of the millipede group.

"That is the descendant of the Zhao family who came to support us from God's Domain, if it wasn't because of his transit station, he would have collapsed." The Sixth Patriarch said anxiously at this time, "He will never

No accident. "

The Fourth Patriarch and other masters fought desperately when they heard this, but the millipede's high-ranking God Emperor also desperately.

They turned into a formation and intercepted everyone and the battleship in the middle.

Just don't let them break through.

"Want to kill me? Are you qualified?" Zhao Yang summoned the gods in the eight veins.


The eight gods walked out of Zhao Yang's body.

The aura of the eight gods was majestic, and they swung their fists, shaking the world.

"Eight veins secret technique?"

"This guy actually succeeded in practicing."

"Except for the boss and Zhao Mingxun, there is no one who has successfully practiced the Eight Meridians Secret Art. Didn't I expect there to be such a stunningly talented person?" The fourth patriarch's eyes showed a burning color.

Not everyone can practice the eight-vein secret technique successfully.

Zhao Yang's current cultivation base is not far from the middle stage of the emperor, so his eight gods have also reached the stage of the early stage of the emperor.

Together with Zhao Yang, they surrounded the three mid-level millipedes of the God Emperor.

They formed a killing formation and wanted to strangle each other.

After strangling the three god emperors, Zhao Yang felt that the speed was not fast enough, so he summoned his half-step forbidden martial soul army martial soul.

When the brilliance of the military soul enveloped Zhao Yang and the eight gods, Zhao Yang felt that his fighting power had also skyrocketed.


And after doubling his combat power, Zhao Yang's combat power directly advanced to the middle rank of the God Emperor, so

The eight gods have also doubled their combat effectiveness on the basis of the original one after another.

Therefore, the speed of killing the three mid-level god emperors for the second time was much faster than before.

And after killing them for the third time, the three mid-level god emperors never appeared again.

Seeing this scene, the four high-ranking millipedes of the emperor were stunned.

what's the situation?

The three high-ranking god emperors on his side were killed.

But Zhao Yang soon discovered that if he wanted to defeat this army, he and the eight gods still couldn't do it by himself.

"In that case." Zhao Yang took out a formation scroll from his bosom.

After he detained the formation in the formation scroll, hundreds of millions of sword lights fell downward like a meteor shower.




The screams were endless.

The number of millipedes in the field that did not take a few breaths decreased by a fifth.

Seeing this scene, the millipedes of the four high-ranking god emperors were frightened.

"What kind of formation is this?"

"The high-level formation scroll of the emperor."

"How could this guy have such a high-level formation scroll?"

At this moment, the second wave of meteor sword rain fell again.

"Run away."

"Everyone flee separately."

"Don't get together, didn't you hear?"

Now they have lost the will to continue fighting the Zhao Clan.

They were afraid.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Yang's eyes fell on a high-ranking millipede of the God Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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