Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1787 Concubine Jin Appears

Once a monk's cultivation has reached the God King Realm, it is not easy to improve, because it will take three to fifty years or even hundreds of years.

After ten years of hard work, Tang Yiren finally got the half-step forbidden martial soul.

Tang Yiren chose Sword Wuhun.

In fact, both Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Yiren have considered bestowing martial arts.

But was rejected by Zhao Yang.

Because it is not necessary.

How many disciples does Yanhuangzong have?

Eighty thousand disciples!

Over the past few years, more than half of the disciples have been bestowed with martial spirits.

The problem now is that as long as Zhao Yang thinks about it, he can train all these disciples to the God-King Realm, no matter how rich and powerful Yanhuangzong is, he has to proceed step by step.

Otherwise, these disciples would all become god kings, and some problems would inevitably arise.

"When my cultivation level reaches the God King Realm, the war puppets and battleships that were born in the God King Realm will also be promoted to the God King Realm one after another." Zhao Yang said softly, "It is even more difficult to improve the God King Realm, so Yan Huangzong No need to take big steps."

After Tang Yiren left, Zhao Yang returned to practice quietly under the sacred tree.

On the border between Soul Sky Continent and God's Domain, there was a towering mountain. Zhong Shenxiu from the First Pavilion was leading a group of soldiers to patrol that day, and suddenly the mountain shook violently.

Zhong Shenxiu's expression suddenly became serious.

He ordered the soldiers to guard around.

As time went by, the vibration of this mountain became more and more terrifying. Suddenly, a hole collapsed in front of it, and then one after another Scorpio Beast climbed out of the hole.

"Sky Moat Beast." Zhong Shenxiu said with a serious face.

Zhong Shenxiu's cultivation has now reached the high level of a god king, so he doesn't have much fear when facing the dark moat beast in front of him.

Holding the sword in his hand, he swept away the moat beast that rushed out, and then he rushed towards the entrance of the cave with the sword in his hand, but retreated staggeringly before he could go far.

He saw endless moat beasts, many of them powerful beings in the God King Realm.

At this time, a large number of strong men and warships from the first pavilion rushed here one after another.

Including the owner of the first pavilion.

"Shenxiu, how are you?" the first pavilion master asked in a deep voice.

"I was attacked on a spiritual level as soon as I entered. I think the moat beasts from the Soul Sky Continent have also come here." Zhong Shenxiu said solemnly, "In addition, the other party dispatched tens of millions this time."

Hearing this, the expression of the first pavilion master became serious.

"Transfer one-third of the war puppets and warships from the first pavilion, and at the same time order the major forces in the Eastern Region to send reinforcements." After the first pavilion master issued the order, he stood at the entrance of the cave.

His body exuded a sacred light, and all those who touched the sacred light were turned into ashes without exception.

This is the emperor's


The god-emperor possesses the veins of the sky, and the power can be described as inexhaustible.

As time went by, the warships and puppets of the First Pavilion came here one after another.

The formation masters of the God King Realm and the Living God Realm immediately built a defensive formation at the entrance of the cave. If the Scorpio Beasts spread, it would be unknown how many monks would die by then.

It didn't take long for the major god-king realm forces to also dispatch soldiers to come.

The formation divisions of these forces have joined the ranks of building the defense line one after another.

At this moment, the first pavilion master suddenly snorted, "Zhong Shenxiu, hurry up and ask Yanhuangzong for help, I can't stand it any longer."

Zhong Shenxiu's expression changed drastically.

He didn't expect that even being as strong as the first pavilion master would be unstoppable.

At this moment, he could no longer care about face, and he immediately sent a distress message to Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang, who was practicing under the sacred tree, saw this message, he hurriedly drove the high-level battleship of the Divine Emperor to this place.

"What lineup did the opponent deploy?" Zhao Yang asked.

"The opponent sent out two middle-level god emperors, and one of them is good at attacking at the spiritual level." The first pavilion master said with a pale face.

In order to stop these two god emperors, he also desperately tried his best.

Zhao Yang strode forward after seeing this scene.

"There is the Emperor on the opposite side." The first pavilion master quickly reminded.

But soon he discovered that when Zhao

After Yang appeared at the entrance of the cave, the two god emperors seemed to be imprisoned as if struck by lightning.

At the same time, Zhao Yang held a sword of the king of gods in his hand, turned into a god of death and pushed forward.

No matter how powerful those scorpion beasts are, they can't stop him from going, even if the opponent is the existence of the king of the gods.

"Peak God King, no, I've never seen such a strong God King Peak." The first pavilion master's pupils shrank.

He felt that Zhao Yang's explosive fighting power was not inferior to that of the God Emperor.

The attributes of the god emperor powerhouse are persistence and immortality.

Zhao Yang may not have these two attributes.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to kill the two god emperors, "The first pavilion master, they are handed over to you."

Zhao Yang is not a god emperor, so he is powerless to kill such existences.

The first pavilion master immediately used the means of the emperor's realm, but the two were revived soon after being killed, but they were given the order of the king again at the moment of resurrection.

Their faces were full of horror.

It is true that they have the attribute of immortality, but it does not mean that they cannot be killed.

While the first pavilion master kept killing them, Zhao Yang also shot and killed the moat beasts in the cave.

It is true that there are some moat beasts that rushed out of the cave, but those moat beasts are not many in number, and their strength is not very good. He believes that so many experts from the outside world can completely solve them.



three times!

After killing the opponent three times, the first pavilion master finally wiped out the two god emperors completely.

"The opponent lost two mid-level god emperors, we can breathe a sigh of relief." The first pavilion master said in surprise.

"In the future, we will be fighting against the Scorpio Beast for a long time." Zhao Yang said softly.

"The premise requires the outside army to build three lines of defense."


Then Zhao Yang and the first pavilion master guarded the entrance of the cave, and as time went by, the various god king forces sent masters to come one after another.

Yaochi ordered the goddess Jinfei to lead [-] soldiers under her command to rush to help.

And when Jin Fei and other three thousand soldiers arrived here on a warship, Yao Chi and many god-king forces were all shocked.

"What class of warship is this?"

"Looking at the fluctuations emitted by the battleship, it seems to be of the God King class."

"Where did Concubine Jin get the God King-class battleship?"

"The battleship that Concubine Jin is on seems to belong to a high-level god king."

The God King Yao Chi, Su Jin, and God Son Guo Qiu of Yao Chi all showed incredulous expressions on their faces.

But when they saw the cultivation of these three thousand soldiers, they were even more frightened.

"what's the situation?"

"Including the golden concubine, there are sixteen god-king-level existences."

"Sixteen god kings, is this true?"

"Zhao Yang is really good to Concubine Jin."

(End of this chapter)

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