Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1771 Origin Insect

When Zhao Yang came to Tianzhu, he found a burst of roaring sounds from the depths of Tianzhu.

You must know that the body of the first temple master was intimidating before, and the Tianzhu beast did not dare to attack on a large scale.

What's the situation now?

Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to go deep into the moat.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to see a thin body, but his whole body exuded a fiery radiance, dispelling the darkness in a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers.

As long as the moat beast approaching this area wailed in pain, and then turned into a little bit of fluorescence.

"Senior." Zhao Yang looked at the figure and said softly.

At this time, his body has already dimmed a lot, and it can be seen that he can't last long.

In fact, Zhao Yang could completely bury the old man, but it was his belief to resist the Scorpio Beast, so Zhao Yang did not withdraw after repeated consideration.

"Light up that area for me." Zhao Yang pointed to the restless area ahead.

The battleship shot out a beam of intense divine light, and soon Zhao Yang saw a large number of moat beasts, and those moat beasts, led by a moat beast, were attacking the first temple owner in an orderly manner.

"The Heavenly Moat Beast in the early days of the God Emperor." Zhao Yang was taken aback.

He remembered that the moat beasts in this area fell.

Why did the existence of the early God Emperor appear again?

"You are really stubborn." Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to fire at full force.


The main and secondary guns of the ship are all activated.




The light of order in the sky exploded among the beasts in the moat, and the beast in the early stage of the emperor fled immediately.

But Zhao Yang chased after him in a battleship.

"Kill it."

The warship rushed on a rampage, and quickly rushed out of a hole, and it didn't take long to catch up with the moat beast.

The Heavenly Moat Beast looked at Zhao Yang with resentment in its eyes.

He wished he could tear Zhao Yang alive.

Too bad he can't.

"Kill." The battleship shot out a beam of order, and the moat beast had already been severely injured, but now under the bombardment of the battleship, his body was directly shattered.

But in a flash, he appeared in the distance again.

"The Emperor of God is really indelible." Zhao Yang said solemnly.

When the battleship reaches the God Emperor level, the attack is no longer a simple shell, but the light of Symmetra.

"Continue." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

That Heavenly Moat Beast is hard to erase, even if they are a level behind each other.

The battleship chased and killed thousands of kilometers, and took dozens of shots before and after, before killing the scorpion beast.

"Where is this?" Zhao Yang looked around.

It was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers when I stretched out my hands.

"The battleship lights up." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

The battleship suddenly turned into a hot sun, the mighty light

Hui moved towards the surrounding area.

He couldn't help being shocked when he saw the surrounding scenes.

What did he see?

A worm was lying quietly in this world, and it could be seen that the worm had fallen into a deep sleep, and from its body was continuously coming out one after another of the moat beasts.

The moat beasts that came out found a corner and breathed here.

Their actions are very mechanical.

And Zhao Yang's appearance didn't attract their attention, and they didn't even glance at it.

"What grade is this bug?" Zhao Yang asked the battleship.

"It's impossible to guess, I suggest the owner leave quickly." The central system of the battleship replied.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and still contacted the mysterious woman.


"What's the matter?"

"Senior, what is the origin of this bug?" Zhao Yang asked.

If Zhao Yang wouldn't bother the mysterious girl before, but it hasn't been so many years.

"The mother body of the Scorpio Beast." The mysterious girl replied.

"What kind of cultivation is it?"

"In the early stage of the forbidden realm, no, it's almost the middle stage of the forbidden realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang is in a bad mood.

It turned out to be a taboo?

One must know that Zhao Yang still wanted to use the King's Order to suppress it before?

"This is an origin worm, and it's not something you can handle now." The mysterious girl continued.

"When will it wake up?"

"The source worm mother will not directly attack the mainland, you only need to worry about her offspring." The mysterious girl said lightly, "According to the passage of time, once she enters the middle stage of taboo, it will give birth to the offspring of the middle-level god emperor."

"How long is it?"

"The longest is three to five hundred years, and the shortest is ten or eight years."

After listening to the girl's introduction, Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to go back.

When the warship passed by the first temple master, Zhao Yang ordered the warship of the early stage of the god emperor and the other two battleships of the limit of the god king to patrol here.

Then he contacted Gao Burson through the token.

When Gao Boya arrived at the edge of the moat, Zhao Yang was already waiting here.

"What's the matter calling me in such a hurry?"

"Do you know how the Scorpio Beast came from?" Zhao Yang asked straight to the point.

"I don't know." To Zhao Yang's surprise, Gao Boya said this sentence.

"Sky Moat Beast comes from the Origin Insect of the Forbidden Realm." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "And now that Origin Insect is about to complete its evolution."

"Origin worm? Evolution?" Gao Boya looked at Zhao Yang in surprise, "How do you know?"

"Just now I drove a battleship and killed a Scorpio Beast in the early stage of the God Emperor." Zhao Yang said after a moment of silence.

"You have a God Emperor-class battleship in your hand?" Gao Boya exclaimed.

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought that Zhao Yang was worth tens of billions, and he could still buy it.

Worthy of a warship from the early days of the Emperor of God.

"What do you mean by evolution?"

"After the evolution of the source insects, the offspring of the middle stage of the emperor will be born, and of course the rest of the offspring will be stronger than before." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "The longest time is three to five hundred years, and the shortest is ten years or eight years. .”

"Is the news accurate?"


Gao Boya's expression became extremely serious.

"It's not a good thing for us."

"Let's prepare early."

After Gao Boya left, he immediately notified Leng Aoxue and Zhong Shenxiu.

Leng Aoxue and Zhong Shenxiu notified the sect's senior management respectively, and now the three top forces were frightened by the news.

After discussing for a while, the three top powers told the big powers in God's Domain about the Scorpio Beast.

All major forces were frightened.

Immediately, the three top forces stated that they would spend part of their resources and part of their exercises to train the masters of the major forces.

All of a sudden, all the masters went to the three supernatural forces.

Yaochi is also in trouble at this time.

"Which transcendent force should we go to?" the old god Wang Yaochi asked in a deep voice.

Yao Chi is a good neutral force, but compared with the transcendental force, the difference is too great.

"The strength of the first pavilion is the strongest among the three supernatural forces. I think we should go to the first pavilion." Su Jin expressed her opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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