Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1761 Eight God Kings

"Zhao Yang."

"There is no one named Zhao Yang in the younger generation of Soul Sky Continent."

"There are always some incognito."

"Why are you helping me like this?"

"I owe you Shenyuanzong, so I want to make up for you."

"You owe us Shenyuanzong?" Huang Yuyao said puzzledly, "Why don't I know?"

"What level is your martial soul?" Zhao Yang changed the subject.

"My martial soul is at the high level of the Living God Realm."

"Summon out your martial soul."

Huang Yuyao didn't understand, but she still called out.

Huang Yuyao's Wuhun is a purple war sword.

Zhao Yang summoned his plus martial soul, and when the plus martial soul landed on Zhanjian, Zhanjian immediately transformed.

The pinnacle of the divine realm.

After seeing this scene, Huang Yuyao's heart was agitated.

How can it be?

Martial soul can still transform after reaching this level!

It's just that what she didn't expect was that her Wuhun continued to transform.

Soon to a higher level.

She felt her whole body was sublimated.

Early God King!

"My martial soul has been raised to the god level." Huang Yuyao stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

"Don't worry." Zhao Yang blinked at Huang Yuyao.

Soon Huang Yuyao understood why Zhao Yang said that?

Because her martial spirit has been improved again.

"God-level intermediate.

"When she was promoted to this level, her whole body was not good.

You must know that Huang Yuyao's greatest expectation in this life is to be promoted to the peak of the barren level.

But now it has been promoted to the mid-level god level.

Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang, Universe, Prehistoric and Sacred Ten levels, among which God level represents the realm of God King.

At this moment, the great elder waited for several elders to rush over.

When they noticed the Martial Soul floating above Huang Yuyao's head, they immediately felt an urge to worship.

"Why do I want to bow down."

"Since when did the suzerain's martial spirit have such coercion?"

"Shouldn't the level of the suzerain's martial spirit be improved?"

"Even if the suzerain's martial spirit has been promoted to the peak of the barren level, shouldn't there be such coercion? Unless..."

When they realized this, they all looked at Huang Yuyao.

At this time, Zhao Yang put away the plus Wuhun.

The plus Martial Soul can strengthen a monk's Martial Soul, but it is not without limitations.

A holy-level martial soul can be promoted by a small realm. Of course, if your martial soul is at the peak of the holy-level, then there is no need to improve, and further promotion will be half-step taboo.

A god-level martial soul can advance two small realms, a barren-level martial spirit can ascend three small realms, a Hong-level martial spirit can ascend four small realms, and a Zhou-level martial spirit can ascend five small realms. analogy.

"My current martial soul is already at the god level." Huang Yuyao said and put away the martial soul.

Everyone saw the turbulent waves in each other's eyes.

"Congratulations, suzerain."

They congratulated Huang Yuyao one after another.

"Thanks to Young Master Zhao for severely injuring Fan Yuqi, God King Fan, Great Elder, hurry up and arrange a banquet." Huang Yuyao said hastily.

Hearing this, everyone's heart is full of shock.

It turns out that Zhao Yang is the king of gods!

Then everything is easy to explain.

just wait.

Why is Zhao Yang a god king?

Even if the younger generation are descendants of transcendent forces, they haven't set foot in the realm of giants, have they?

At the banquet, the senior officials of Shenyuanzong kept toasting Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang never refused anyone who came.

When he was drunk, he was sent to the courtyard where he had been before by the maid.

The Great Elder and the others hurried to Huang Yuyao's study.

"Sovereign, why did your martial spirit suddenly advance?" the Great Elder rubbed his hands and asked.

"Young Master Zhao helped you get promoted." Huang Yuyao didn't hide anything.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

"Sect Master, can you ask Mr. Zhao to help us get promoted?" the First Elder asked with burning eyes.

"I will mention it to Mr. Zhao when he wakes up." Huang Yuyao said after thinking about it.

All the elders left with gratitude.

Huang Yuyao went to Zhao Yang's courtyard early the next morning, and she saw Zhao Yang breathing in the courtyard.

"Sect Master Huang." Zhao Yang greeted Huang Yuyao.

"Didn't bother you?" Huang Yuyao said with a smile.


Have. "

Huang Yuyao chatted with Zhao Yang for a while, and then explained the purpose of this trip, "Yesterday, the Nine Great Elders came to me and asked if I could..." Huang Yuyao stopped at this point.

She was a little embarrassed.

"They want to improve their martial soul?"


"Nine Divine Kings, can you hold back?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

The smile on Huang Yuyao's face froze.

Everyone is God King.

You can stand on your own, so why listen to you?

"If you can't suppress it, there will be problems in the sect." Zhao Yang said lightly, "In addition, it is a taboo to directly enhance the martial soul. I don't care if this matter is known to outsiders. Have you ever thought about Shenyuanzong? ?”

"It's because I didn't think about it comprehensively." Huang Yuyao finally came to her senses.

"It's not that their martial soul cannot be improved, but they need to go through other methods."

"What do you mean?" Huang Yuyao was puzzled.

Zhao Yang handed Huang Yuyao a bottle of diluted psychic liquid, "There are a hundred drops in this bottle of psychic liquid, which can make the cultivator reach the peak of the divine realm every time."

Huang Yuyao's pupils shrank fiercely, "This... this...."

"You can give the Nine Great Elders the Spiritual Liquid. Remember, don't tell them the name of the Spiritual Liquid, as long as you know it yourself." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I will." Huang Yuyao nodded emphatically.


Zhao Yang gave Fan Yuqi a period of three days.

result No.

Fan Yuqi descended to Shenyuanzong the next day, and Fan Yuqi looked a little weak.

"Why don't you take good care of your wounds, what are you doing in such a hurry?" Zhao Yang stood up and stood opposite Fan Yuqi.

Fan Yuqi looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said, "Because I want to watch you die sooner."

Zhao Yang's face suddenly darkened, "It's up to you?"

"I don't have the ability to kill you, but this time I invited several fellow Taoists." Fan Yuqi said here that three majestic figures appeared around Zhao Yang.

The first figure was exuberant like the scorching sun, and it was the scorching sun god king of Soul Sky Continent.

The second figure was as dark as a ghost, and it was the Nether King of the Soul Sky Continent.

The third figure has a deep and terrifying aura, and it is the Abyss God King of Soul Sky Continent.

Any one of these three figures is stronger than Fan Yuqi, so when they appeared here at the same time, the face of the cultivator of Shenyuanzong was full of despair.

How is this played?

Three veteran god kings!

No matter how strong Zhao Yang is, he won't be an opponent, right?

"How many of you want to be my enemy?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Fan Yuqi spent a lot of money to invite us to come here." The God King of Scorching Sun said with a smile, "So today you are going to die."

"Are you going to kill me?" Zhao Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Otherwise, do you think we are here to play?" Nether God King sneered.

"You have no chance of surviving in front of the four of us." Abyss God King also said.

(End of this chapter)

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