Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1758 Giant Formation

"You don't need to worry about the materials, and I don't need the compensation either." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

In Zhao Yang's small world, there are quite a few materials for living in the God Realm, so it is no problem to help Shenyuanzong build the mountain protection array.

Huang Yuyao and other monks of Shenyuanzong were all shocked.

What does Zhao Yang mean?

Out of pocket to help Shenyuanzong build a large formation to protect the mountain?

What did he think?

"That... Mr. Zhao... are you...?" Huang Yuyao looked at Zhao Yang in puzzlement and said.

"I'm worried that after I leave, the Fire Refining Sect will target your Shenyuanzong again. Since I have asked about your Shenyuanzong, I have to ask to the end." Zhao Yang stood up at this point, "It's not too late. I will help you build a large formation to protect the mountain now."

Immediately, Zhao Yang began to upgrade the mountain guard formation amidst the stunned expressions of the senior officials of Shenyuanzong.

However, after Zhao Yang inspected it, he found that the formation master who built this mountain protection formation was rubbish, so he decided to build a new one.

The third elder of Shenyuanzong is the top formation master of Shenyuanzong. When he saw that Zhao Yang had overthrown all the previous formations, he immediately stopped him, "Master Zhao, you are..."

"I originally wanted to upgrade, but now I find that building this formation is too rubbish."

"How is it possible? The one who built this formation is Master Tie Zhongyuan."

"I don't know what Mr. Tie is. I only know that this formation is rubbish." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "

And don't bother me. "

The third elder was so angry that he went straight to Huang Yuyao.

After listening to the third elder's narration, Huang Yuyao was also a little speechless.

"Young Master Tie is a genius in formation, and he can arrange it?" the third elder said angrily.

In the heart of the third elder, Tie Zhongyuan was his idol, but now Zhao Yang said that Tie Zhongyuan's array was rubbish.

He can't stand it.

"We owe Mr. Zhao a favor. If he wants to dismantle the formation, let him dismantle it." Huang Yuyao said after pondering for a moment.

"Could he be allowed to mess around?"

"People are very kind."

"I can't see what's so good about this guy? I always think this guy has a plan."

In fact, Huang Yuyao also felt that this guy Zhao Yang had something in mind.

But she just couldn't see it.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang dismantled the formation, he began to build a new formation.

He is also not stingy with high-level array materials.

With the passage of time, Shenyuanzong also got used to the mysterious Zhao Yang.

Because this guy is really serious about building formations.

He rarely chatted with monks.

Most of the time he was engraving array runes.

Three months passed like this, and Zhao Yang found Huang Yuyao on this day.

"Sect Master Huang, I have already built the mountain protection formation."

When Huang Yuyao heard this, she quickly brought all the high-level officials of the sect to the front of the mountain guard formation.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't know that the guard you built

What is the level of the mountain array? "

"Sect Master Huang, can you break the Shenyuanzong's mountain protection formation?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"The previous mountain-protecting formation was only at the mid-level of the Living God Realm, and the formation couldn't stop me when I tried my best." Huang Yuyao replied softly.

Zhao Yang squeezed a seal.

A golden radiance enveloped the entire Shenyuanzong, and the heavy coercion made the high-level people present change their expressions.

The third elder felt the deepest.

"Master Zhao, what level is this?" the third elder asked excitedly.

"I noticed that the nine elders of your Shenyuan Sect are all mid-level living gods. In this way, Sect Master Huang and the nine elders will know after repeated attacks."

"Young Master Zhao, it's hard to stop us from attacking repeatedly, even with a high-level formation at the Life God Realm?" the Great Elder said in a deep voice.

"I think maybe none of you can shake the formation." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Huang Yuyao pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "In that case, I'll come first."

Huang Yuyao reprimanded softly as she spoke, and a sword filled with flames, carrying a destructive brilliance, slashed down towards the mountain guard formation.

But the result?

The mountain protection formation didn't even cause the slightest ripple.

It just disappeared into nothingness.

"how is this possible?"

"The suzerain is a high-level existence in the realm of living gods."

"Even if it is a formation of this level, it is absolutely impossible to take it so easily.

Sovereign's full blow, right? "

"The level of this formation shouldn't be that of a giant?"

Immediately, the nine elders shot at the same time.

The nine martial spirits traversed the entire world and blasted towards the mountain protection formation.

The results of it.

The mountain guard formation is as stable as Mount Tai, and it seems that they don't take their attacks seriously at all?

"You guys only have this strength?" Zhao Yang said with a smile on the side, "It didn't even cause a ripple in the formation."

What did Huang Yuyao realize at this time, "Master Zhao, the formation you built is at the level of a giant?"

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

What he didn't tell Huang Yuyao was that even if it was ten giants or eight giants, don't even think about breaking it.

"Master Zhao, I really don't know how to thank you?" Huang Yuyao knew very well what this formation means?

The giant-level formation, Shenyuanzong, simply can't afford it.

But now Zhao Yang has established for Shenyuanzong.

"I will hand over the core of the formation to Sect Master Huang." Zhao Yang said, leading Huang Yuyao to the center of the formation.

After Huang Yuyao had completely refined the formation center, Zhao Yang continued, "The formation center has two levels, and you can give the second level to the elders of the sect."

Huang Yuyao nodded slightly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Zhao Yang handed over the center of the formation.

Because such a tyrannical formation can completely destroy Shenyuanzong.

"I have an unkind request." At this time

Zhao Yang said softly.

"Master Zhao, please tell me." Huang Yuyao said hastily.

"Can I go to your practice hall to practice?" Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Young Master Zhao should not be lacking in exercises, right?" Huang Yuyao asked puzzledly.

"All I know are high-level exercises, and I want to see low-level exercises." Zhao Yang said frankly.

"In this way, except for the last floor of the Gongfa Palace, the rest can be opened to you, Mr. Zhao." Huang Yuyao said immediately.

"Thank you."

Accompanied by Huang Yuyao, Zhao Yang came to the Gongfa Hall.

Huang Yuyao introduced to Zhao Yang what exercises are available in each floor of the exercise hall.

"The exercises in this room are the exercises in the early stage of the living god state. There are 36 volumes in total, and they are..." As Huang Yuyao explained, Zhao Yang listened quietly from the side.

"As for the next level, there is the mid-level exercise of the Living God Realm. Only the elders and quasi-elders of the sect can enter." Huang Yuyao looked at Zhao Yang apologetically at this point.

"What level of exercises do you practice?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Lihuojue, a high-level living god realm."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and handed Huang Yuyao a volume of exercises, "This is for you."

Huang Yuyao opened the book of exercises in doubt.

"Fire Jue, the pinnacle of the God Realm."

After seeing the introduction of this book of exercises, Huang Yuyao was shocked.

There is no such level of skill as Shenyuanzong, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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