Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1751 I Come From Soul Heaven

The absolute defense activated by Zhao Yang with the Eternal Immortality Art is much stronger than the real absolute defense by more than one level.

A majestic aura emanated from his body, firmly guarding him within it.

The Heavenly Beast slammed into Shenmang heavily, grinning in pain.

Zhao Yang stretched out his hand to pinch its neck, feeling the fluctuations coming from the body of the Celestial Beast, and said lightly, "Those who can vibrate twice on the Celestial Monument may not be able to avoid it." But then Zhao Yang pinched it and broke it. neck.

Just when he was about to move forward, a flute suddenly sounded in this side of the world.

The clarity in his eyes suddenly dimmed a lot.


A wisp of piano sound rang in Zhao Yang's mind without any warning.

The clarity in his eyes dimmed a lot again.

The next moment, a figure dressed in black held a machete and slashed towards Zhao Yang's neck.

When he assassinated, he didn't cause any space ripples.

Didn't even cause any volatility.

Seeing that the scimitar was about to cut through Zhao Yang's throat, the blood in his body suddenly burned.

That is the blood of the Emperor.

That is the mark of immortality.


Zhao Yang woke up instantly.

At this time, the scimitar was already very close to his neck.

He avoided it hastily, but a trace of blood was still splashed.

He touched his neck and found that the blood had turned black.


"Being hit by my Broken Heart Powder, no matter how powerful you are, your combat effectiveness will be reduced by half." The man in black looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said.

"Who sent you here?" Zhao Yang glanced at the three of them and asked.

"It seems that you already have a guess in your heart." At this time, a woman holding a guqin appeared in the distance.

"Sifang pawn shop." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"You are smarter than I imagined, but unfortunately you are doomed to perish today." At this moment, a handsome young man with a flute came out from the darkness.

"Aren't you going to introduce your identities?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I know you want to delay time, but delaying time is more beneficial to us." The man in black sneered, "My name is Hei Wuya."

"My name is Qin Nu."

"My name is Mudi."

The three introduced their identities one after another.

"You are all on the monster list." Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

"Then you should know that you will never survive today." Qin Nu smiled and said, "If I were you, I would kill myself, otherwise you will die in pain later."

"That's right, the pain of Duanchang San is not something you can bear." Mudi said with a smile.

"Biechangsan is indeed a good poison, but I can't do anything to get it." Zhao Yang made an ancient seal with his hands when he said this.


The alchemy in his body instantly turned into a series of mysterious runes, sending the invading

The poison components in his body were forcibly decomposed.

The healing technique at this time has become even more terrifying under the blessing of Eternal Immortality.

In just one breath, the toxins in the body are almost eliminated.


"I didn't expect your alchemy to be so high."

"But that doesn't change the outcome."

After the three of them looked at each other, the sound of the piano and the flute turned into invisible fluctuations and pushed towards Zhao Yang horizontally.

Zhao Yang couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

After he blocked Hei Wuya's two blows with difficulty, his big hand grabbed towards the void.

A copper furnace filled with monstrous coercion appeared in the midair, and one could see that the scriptures of the Great Dao were being spewed out of the copper furnace.


Zhao Yang carried the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove and blasted towards Hei Wuya.

Hei Wuya wanted to dodge, but was shocked to find that the space around him was blocked.

He can only resist.


He was sprayed with blood by the copper furnace of heaven and earth, and fell back weakly.

Zhao Yang summoned the Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace and threw it at Qin Nu.

Qin Nu was defeated and was also severely injured, bleeding on the spot.

When Mudi saw this scene, the flute in his hand suddenly turned into a light curtain, and he himself fled towards the distance without even thinking about it.

Just when Zhao Yang wanted to chase after her, Qin Nu’s Qianqian ten fingers hooked the ten strings, and when she let go of the strings, the strong sound waves made Zhao Yang briefly absent-minded.


Qin Nu looked at the broken strings, gave Zhao Yang a bitter look, turned around and fled here.

When Zhao Yang's eyes regained their clarity, a cold look appeared in his eyes.

All three guys escaped.

"How do you feel?" The mysterious woman's voice sounded in his ears.

"There is not a simple person who can be on the list of evildoers." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying.

"Eternal Immortality is the strongest skill among the god-emperor's peak, but which existence on the evildoer list does not practice at the god-emperor's peak?" The mysterious woman said lightly, "Besides, your soul is too weak. "

"Is there a solution?"

"Go to Soul Sky Continent."

"Soul Sky Continent?"

"The ones who practice in the Soul Sky Continent are martial souls, and for them, martial souls are the only ones."

"Can I go to the Soul Sky Continent to obtain the Martial Soul?"


"How can I go to Soul Sky Continent?"

"Find the Holy Son or Holy Maiden of the Soul Sky Continent. When they go back, you can go to his small world."


Zhao Yang then walked forward.

And as he killed one after another of the celestial beasts, he gradually found himself getting stronger.

"My cultivation is increasing."

"My origin has also improved a bit."

"Could it be that killing a heavenly beast can make me stronger?"

After realizing this, Zhao Yang changed

Be pleasantly surprised.

In fact, he wasn't very interested in killing celestial beasts before, but after realizing this, he began to actively look for celestial beasts.

Zhao Yang has been on this road for two years.

Even if his speed is much faster than those of the same level.

But he still couldn't see the third city.

However, he has nothing to worry about. In the past two years, his cultivation base has made great progress, which he feels is equivalent to the achievements of the outside world for decades.

What's even more rare is that his background has also improved a lot.

This is the most important.

That day, he suddenly smelled a smell of blood, and then he heard the sound of fighting in front of him.

He rushed forward in a flash.

It didn't take long to see a young girl struggling with two celestial beasts, and a celestial beast fell to the side.

The girl was dressed in rags and was covered in blood.

It can be seen that she is at the end of her strength, but she is still gritting her teeth and persevering.

She exudes purple divine light all over her body, and a purple sacred tree stands beside her, and the branches are blocking the two celestial beasts.

However, those branches have been broken a lot, and it seems that they can't stop it for a long time.

"Help." The girl shouted when she saw Zhao Yang.

Her eyes were full of hope.

"Which continent are you a monk from?" Zhao Yang said as he punched a celestial beast back.

"Soul Sky Continent." The girl replied.

(End of this chapter)

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