Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1746 Go to Level 2

"After the casino is demolished, someone will still do it." Zhao Yang looked at Leng Aoxue, "Grey areas will always exist."

Leng Aoxue fell silent.

"Let's go and see what's good?" Zhao Yang changed the subject.

The owner of that shop didn't even say hello when he saw Zhao Yang and the others.

"Boss, is this how you do business?" Zhong Shenxiu said with some displeasure.

"Can you afford it?" the boss sneered.

Zhao Yang took out the Tianjiao Token and hung it on his waist.

After seeing the order of Tianjiao, the boss was surprised at first, and then said with a smile on his face, "It turns out that Tianjiao is coming. Today, everything purchased by Tianjiao will be [-]% off."

Zhong Shenxiu and the others were all stunned when they saw the boss's attitude change.

This boss changed his face too quickly, right?

"I bought a lot of land today." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Tianjiao and you are happy, even if I lose."

"What is the top resource here?" Zhao Yang said straight to the point.

"The top resources in the first level are actually still in the God King Realm." The boss introduced, "The top one is the battleship of the God King Peak."

"How many god stones?"

"50 billion ones, if you want 40 billion ones."

"Are there any war puppets at the peak of the god king?"

"There are also war puppets at the peak of the god king, 20 billion each."

"It is possible to step

Are the resources of the pinnacle of the god king? "

"Yes, four-petal lotus, one billion."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Give me three warships from the peak of the god king, three war puppets from the peak of the god king, and three four-petal lotus flowers."

"These things are 240 billion in total. If you discount 190%, it will be [-] billion." The boss said with a smile.

Zhao Yang handed the boss a universe bag.

The boss glanced at his divine sense, and said with a smile, "Wait a minute."

Just when the boss was preparing things, Zhao Yang threw a Qiankun bag to the three of them respectively, "There are one billion in the Qiankun bag, you can buy whatever you want?"

If one billion is converted into a middle-grade god stone, it is one trillion.

This is definitely an unimaginable wealth.

"Really?" Gao Boya looked at Zhao Yang in shock.

"Is this still false?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Then I'll be disrespectful."

"Then I'll take it too."

Zhong Shenxiu was a little embarrassed.

He didn't expect to have his share too.

"Thank you." He squeezed out two words.

What they bought were the resources of the early and mid-stage God Kings.

There are not many god-king realms in their sect.

"This sect can have one more high-level god king, two middle-level god kings, and four early-stage god kings." Leng Aoxue said a little excitedly.


, In this way, the strength of the sect has risen to a higher level. " Gao Boya said in agreement.

"In the future, we will have more confidence in facing the heavenly beasts in the moat." Zhong Shenxiu said in a rare way.

"What are your plans next?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

Hearing this, Zhong Shenxiu and the three looked at each other and fell silent.

After a while, Zhong Shenxiu said, "I didn't know that my strength was at the bottom until I got to the first level. To be honest, I don't know if I can get to the second level. The premise is still with your help."

"I'm not sure about going to the second level." Gao Boya said bitterly, "I know that the second level is not your end, you will go further, and I don't want to hurt you."

"I want to move on." Gao Boya and Zhong Shenxiu didn't expect that Leng Aoxue said this, "I want to see the scenery ahead."

"The scenery ahead may break you down," warns Cobert.

"Even if it's a way of no return, I'll admit it." Leng Aoxue said in a deep voice.

"I have to rest here for another three days. You should think about it carefully during these three days." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

For the next time, the four of them continued to wander on the street.

When it was almost night, they all entered Zhao Yang's small world by coincidence.

In this way, another three days passed, and Zhao Yang's spirit had almost recovered.

He summoned the three of Zhong Shenxiu from the small world


"What are you thinking?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"I will go back with Shenxiu." Gao Boya said.

"Actually, I can take you to the second level." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Forget it, according to our understanding, we are not qualified to go to the second level at all in this situation." Zhong Shenxiu shook his head, "It's better not to affect you."

"Yes, we will go with you, it will definitely affect you." Gao Boya said in a deep voice, "Let's leave now."

"Take good care of Leng Aoxue." Zhong Shenxiu's eyes revealed a little reluctance.

He knew very well that Leng Aoxue followed Zhao Yang to the second pass, there was no guarantee that nothing would happen on the way.

But he also knows that this is not something he can change, who made his strength weak?

After Zhong Shenxiu and Gao Boya left, Leng Aoxue's eyes fell on Zhao Yang, "I may trouble you in the future."

"Everyone is watching and helping each other." Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "Let's go."

"it is good."

The two left the first level and headed towards the second level.

In the end, before he had gone far, a bolt of lightning struck Leng Aoxue.

The lightning speed was so fast that Leng Aoxue didn't react at all.


Zhao Yang raised his hand and knocked out the lightning, Leng Aoxue was startled.

He looked at the figure rolling down on the ground, "This is...?


"A kind of heavenly beast, due to its high speed, its combat power is infinitely approaching the Holy Son. If the Holy Son is not careful, it will be seriously injured or fall." Zhao Yang said slowly.

During the three days of rest, he would take an hour every day to learn about the news from the outside world.

Why are there so many holy sons and saintesses in the first level? Because some holy sons and saintesses were attacked before going far, and they withdrew to the first level in fear.

"Looks like you have to play well." Leng Aoxue said solemnly.

Speaking of which, she was still a little lax. She thought that this place was not far from the first level, and it stands to reason that there would not be a strong existence.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Soon a month passed.

Gradually, Leng Aoxue's spirit was about to collapse.


They were a team before, and they could watch and help each other.

But now it's just the two of them, and they can no longer cooperate like before.

She needs to be fully prepared to deal with the sudden attack that doesn't know when it will appear.

Heavenly beasts attack every day, and at different times.

This is the existence that can threaten the Son.

Can she ignore it?

But in such a high-pressure state all day long, who can bear it?

"Zhao Yang, I'm dying soon." Leng Aoxue had to say after persisting for three days.

(End of this chapter)

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