Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1740 Strengthening Strength

Leng Aoxue took advantage of this rare moment to forcibly stabilize her figure.

Zhao Yang immediately removed the cage.

"Thank you." Leng Aoxue looked at Zhao Yang and said.

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

In his view, since everyone is a team, they should help each other.

After a while, Gao Boya and Zhong Shenxiu also stabilized their figures.

"I didn't expect that I almost finished the game before embarking on the taboo road." Gao Boya said with some fear.

"Why didn't you help just now?" Zhong Shenxiu looked at Zhao Yang angrily.

"Because your life is not in danger." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Besides, if you can't even stabilize your figure, then what kind of forbidden road are you going to go?"

"Leng Aoxue didn't stabilize her body, why did you save her?" Zhong Shenxiu said without thinking.

Leng Aoxue's eyes flashed a cold light, "Zhong Shenxiu, do you really want me to die that much?"

"I... I didn't mean that." Zhong Shenxiu realized that he had said something wrong.

"The cyclone around Leng Aoxue is very big, and there are several cyclones near her. If you don't help Leng Aoxue, something may happen to Leng Aoxue." Zhao Yang said lightly, "And there is only one cyclone around you. Can the situation be compared with Leng Aoxue?"

What Zhong Shenxiu was about to say was interrupted by Gao Boya, "Zhong Shenxiu, don't affect the overall situation."

Zhong Shenxiu Leng

He snorted and said nothing more.

As time went by, everyone found that they were moving in one direction, but what disturbed them was that they could not see the place of perch for a long time.

It takes a lot of divine power to maintain oneself in this space.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed, and they finally saw a piece of land.

"There is land over there." Zhong Shenxiu pointed to the land in the distance and shouted.

A group of four hurriedly landed on the land.

But after arriving on land, the situation is not much better. The cyclone on land can still tear ghosts and gods apart.

"This piece of land will not appear for no reason." Gao Boya said in a deep voice, "Let's look inside."

The spiritual sense here has been greatly restricted.

They simply have no way to conduct long-distance detection.

After walking for a long time, they saw a city, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

But when they arrived at the gate of the city, they were stopped by a line of soldiers. A commander in chain armor said indifferently, "If you want to cultivate in the city, you need to pay 100 million god stones."

"One million divine stones?" Hearing this, Gao Boya handed the commander a Qiankun bag, "100 million, take a look."

After scanning the divine sense of the leader, he said angrily, "Are you teasing me?"

"What do you mean? Don't you say that a person has 100 million

? "Gao Boya was a little confused by this leader.

"I'm talking about the top-grade sacred stone, you fucking gave me the middle-grade sacred stone? Did you send the beggar?" The commander pointed at Gao Boya with the Zhan Ge in his hand.

Gao Boya's complexion changed drastically.

Being pointed at by the war spear in the commander's hand, his soul was trembling constantly.

He suddenly realized that the strength of this commander was still above him.

Definitely not something he can beat.

"There is no high-grade divine stone in our continent." Zhao Yang said at this time.

"No wonder." Hearing the expression on the face of the commander here, he relaxed a little, "It seems that your mainland rules are not perfect, so if you don't have a high-grade sacred stone, then use the middle-grade sacred stone to settle the settlement. One billion per person. "

Hearing this number, Gao Boya and the others clicked their tongues.

"Everyone, take your own." Zhong Shenxiu said in a deep voice.

So the four of Zhao Yang each paid one billion middle-grade divine stones.

"Remember, you can stay in the city for a month, and after a month you have to leave here." The commander said lightly.

"One month?" Zhong Shenxiu was about to explode when he heard this number.

One billion can only stay in the city for a month?

"Speaking of which, this is just a transit station. You came to Taboo Road to become stronger, not to waste time here." The leader said with a smile.

The four came to the center of the city.

There are rooms one after another in the middle of the city.

The commander opened a room at random. This room is not very large and can accommodate three or four monks.

And when he pressed a switch, there were bursts of cyclone power in the room, but these cyclone powers were fundamentally different from the external cyclones.

"After the power of the cyclone here is filtered, it can refine your body and strengthen your foundation." The commander said lightly, "As for how long you can last every day, it depends on you."

Hearing this, the eyes of Leng Aoxue and others lit up.

"Can we go in and practice now?" Leng Aoxue asked.

"Anytime." The leader nodded.

The four of Zhao Yang chose adjacent rooms.

After Zhao Yang entered, he turned on the button, and then the cyclone rushed towards his body.

He couldn't help grunting, and scars appeared on his skin.

Zhao Yang is still a little risky, because generally speaking, everyone withdraws their defenses gradually, and there is no one like Zhao Yang who withdraws all defenses when he comes up.

Of course, the effect is also obvious.

He soon felt the slightest energy rushing into his physical body.

As time goes by, he gradually feels that he is becoming stronger, although this strength does not seem obvious


After an hour passed, Zhong Shenxiu stopped.

He was already sweating profusely at this moment, his body was covered with scars, and his energy was exhausted to the extreme.

"I don't think they lasted as long as I did." Saying this, Zhong Shenxiu fell headlong to the ground.

What he didn't know was that both Leng Aoxue and Gao Boya were insisting, let alone Zhao Yang.

But Leng Aoxue and Gao Boya are also reaching their limit.

"I just don't know if they are still persisting?" Gao Boya said and passed out.

Leng Aoxue persisted longer than Gao Boya, but passed out after a few minutes.

What they didn't know was that Zhao Yang was still persevering, and he was far from reaching his limit.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Leng Aoxue and the others persisted here for a week before leaving the room.

Because they found that the power of the cyclone here could no longer help them.

"My physical body is at least [-]% stronger than before." Zhong Shenxiu said excitedly.

"The tyranny of the physical body has made our combat effectiveness a lot stronger." Gao Boya nodded and said, "As expected of the taboo road, we have only reached the first transit point and strengthened our strength."

"I don't know how long Ye Hao will stay." Leng Aoxue looked at Zhao Yang's room and said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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