Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1736 Come to Negotiate

As Lin Caihan moved the map of mountains and rivers, that figure was forcibly absorbed into the map of mountains and rivers.

Lin Caihan moved towards the map of mountains and rivers.

The map of mountains and rivers shrank into a scroll and fell into Lin Caihan's hands.

You can see a phantom struggling constantly in the mountain and river map, but unfortunately it doesn't help.

"Send another magic weapon of the peak of the god king to protect the wounded one." Lin Caihan gave some instructions and entered Zhao Yang's small world with a map of mountains and rivers.

In the small world, Zhao Yang is quietly enlightening.

"Who came to break into the mountain gate?"

"A god emperor of the demon clan." Lin Caihan said as he took out the map of mountains and rivers.

Zhao Yang looked at the struggling phantom in the picture of mountains and rivers and said, "Let's talk."

The phantom gave up struggling when he heard this, "This time, my Green Goblins did not behave properly. In this way, my Green Goblins will pay compensation."

"Why did you come to kill me?"

"I want the source fruit of the God Emperor level in your hand, and of course we also want the resources you got at 500 meters." The God Emperor of the Green Demon Race said in a deep voice.

"The resource I got at 500 meters is this map of mountains and rivers." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"No wonder you didn't say it." The Emperor of the Green Demon Clan smiled wryly.

If he knew, he wouldn't come here recklessly?

"Shanhetu has two abilities. The first ability is the seal, as long as the emperor's initial stage

The existence of the mountain and river map can be sealed; the second ability is refining, and the god emperor will be refined into the god emperor's original source. Go to the early stage of the emperor. "

Hearing this, the faces of the ancestors of the Green Demons turned green.

Is this Zhao Yang's rhythm of refining himself?

"We, the Green Demons, will offer compensation that satisfies you." The God Emperor of the Green Demons said hastily.

"What kind of compensation do you think can be compared with a god emperor?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "In addition, if I negotiate with you, then I must abide by it, so you should die."

As he spoke, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan pinched the handprint, and then Shanhetu began to refine the Green Demon God Emperor.

"Send a battle puppet to the Green Demon Clan. If the Green Demon Clan doesn't pay compensation, then there is no need for the Green Demon Clan to exist." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said.

Lin Caihan nodded slightly.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Caihan dispatched a war puppet who was a middle-level living god to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

When passing through the alliance's defense line, this battle puppet revealed his identity. He was ordered by the suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect to demand compensation from the Green Demons.

A god king of the alliance was puzzled and asked what compensation he wanted.

"Last night, a God Emperor of the Green Demon Clan attacked Yanhuangzong, and now he has been captured by Yanhuangzong."

All layers were shocked.


The God Emperor of the Green Demon Clan attacked Yanhuangzong?

and many more.

The God Emperor was captured?

"Is there anything else, everyone? If there is nothing else, I will go to the Heavenly Demon Sect and demand compensation from the Green Demons." The war puppet said softly.

"It's alright, you go."

The war puppet headed straight to the Heavenly Demon Sect in response.

He revealed his identity, and he was ordered by the Yanhuang Sect master.

Soon the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sect received the war puppet.

"What do you Yanhuangzong want from us?"

"Last night, the God Emperor of the Green Demon Clan attacked Yanhuangzong, you Demon Clan need to give us an explanation." The battle puppet said neither humble nor overbearing.

"What?" The head of the Heavenly Demon Clan was startled.

"Do you Yanhuangzong have any evidence?" An elder of the Sky Demon Clan asked in a deep voice.

"The God Emperor of the Green Demon Clan has been sealed, it might as well be completely refined." The war puppet said lightly, "If you don't believe me, you can go to Yanhuangzong to observe it."

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan and all the elders were taken aback.

The God Emperor of the Green Goblins was sealed.

"Third Elder, go and invite the patriarch of the Green Demon Clan." The suzerain of the Sky Demon Clan looked at an elder.

The elder left in a hurry.

Not long after, the patriarch of the Green Goblins came to the hall.

"The God-Emperor of your Green Goblins last night

Headed to Yanhuangzong? "The patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan asked in a deep voice.

The patriarch of the Green Demon Clan showed a trace of panic on his face, and then he pretended to be calm and said, "No."

"It seems that the one sealed by our Yan Huangzong is not the emperor of your Green Demon Clan." War Puppet said lightly, "In this case, I will report to the suzerain and let the suzerain completely refine it."

The patriarch of the Green Demon Clan was startled, "Is the God Emperor your Yanhuang Sect able to seal?"

"If you don't believe me, come with me." War Puppet said calmly.

The patriarch of the Green Goblins was silent for a while and decided to follow him to have a look.

The patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Clan followed suit.

Yan Huangzong!

When the group of three arrived at the gate of Yanhuangzong Mountain, they immediately noticed that Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation was stronger than Tianmozong's.

"Why is your Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation so tyrannical?" asked the head of the Heavenly Demon Clan in puzzlement.

"What do you think?" War Puppet said lightly.

After their identities were checked, they came to Yanhuangzong's living room under the surveillance of the magic weapon of the two peak gods.

As soon as they arrived at the living room, they felt the existence of two cultivation bases that were not inferior to theirs.

This made the patriarchs of the Sky Demon Clan and the Green Demon Clan secretly startled.

They don't understand why there are four peak god kings in Yanhuangzong?

Not long after, Lin Caihan walked in.

"Deputy Sect Master Lin." The head of the Heavenly Demon Clan stood up and greeted him.

"Deputy Sect Master Lin." The chief of the Green Demon Clan also got up and greeted.

Lin Caihan nodded, and then sat on the main seat, "The two of you came to Yanhuangzong to see the God Emperor of the Green Demon Clan, right?" At this point, Lin Caihan waved his hand and a picture of mountains and rivers appeared in the picture. The God Emperor wailed in pain, and it could be seen that its body had begun to melt.

"It really is the ancestor." The patriarch of the Green Demon Clan changed his expression greatly when he saw the figure, and then he looked at Lin Caihan with cold eyes and asked, "Deputy Sect Master Lin, what do you mean?"

"Let me introduce this magic weapon to you." Lin Caihan said lightly, "This is a map of mountains and rivers. It is the magic weapon that my husband got at the 500 meters. In theory, it is no problem to charge three or five god emperors, but I don't know How many god emperors do you demons have?"

"You...are you threatening me?" Lin Caihan, the chief of the Green Demon Clan, just said this and threw out the map of mountains and rivers in his hand.

The mountain and river map didn't even see an increase, so the patriarch of the Green Demon Clan was taken in.

"Let's refine it." Lin Caihan said lightly.

As Lin Caihan's words fell, the chief of the Green Demon Clan screamed and was refined into a ball of origin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I'm sure you've seen it too. It's not that our Yanhuang Sect doesn't want to talk to the Green Demon Clan, but the chief of the Green Demon Clan doesn't want to talk to us." Lin Caihan looked at the leader of the Heavenly Demon Clan indifferently and said, "Please go back and send someone who can talk to us." come."

(End of this chapter)

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