Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 172 The Power of the Golden Elixir

Zhang Fan's face changed drastically.

He tried desperately to resist, but to no avail.

That force is too strong.

At the very moment, Zhao Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhang Fan's shoulder.

Zhang Fan stopped.

Zuo Muzi looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and said, "You... who are you?"

Zuo Muzi is a high-level existence of supernatural powers.

Zhao Yang is only at the second level of the Divine Ability Realm, how can he compete with her divine sense?

There is no reason for this, let alone possibility.

"I have no problem with your Peach Blossom Sect recruiting geniuses from all major forces over the years, but you should never put your mind on the Taoist sect." Zhao Yang said, his eyes burst into golden brilliance.

His eyes seemed to shroud Zuo Muzi's body like mighty might.

Zuo Muzi let out a wow, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the spot.

She looked at Zhao Yang in horror and said, "Golden Core Eyes, can you be an existence of the Golden Core Realm?"

Zhang Fan's pupils also shrank.

Jindan realm?

Can you stop joking?

You must know that the younger generation of Daojia Zongmen have not set foot in the realm of supernatural powers, okay?

Could it be that Zhao Yang has become a strong man in the Golden Core Realm?

Can you give me some way out?


Zhao Yang punched Zuo Muzi.

The golden fist strength turned into a torrential wave, submerging Zuo Muzi's body on the spot.

When the dust had cleared, Zhang Fan and Huazi found that Zuo Muzi had lost even a single hair.

"You...killed Elder Zuo Muzi?" Huazi trembled all over.

She knew that she had provoked an existence that shouldn't be provoked this time.

The sign of the golden core state is the birth of a golden core, and the external performance is that you have the eyes of the golden core, and the strength of the golden core contains the power of the golden core when you make a move.

She was sure that Zhao Yang was a strong man in the Golden Core Realm.

Jindan Realm.

Only the suzerain of the Peach Blossom Sect has reached this level.

"Kill it if you kill it." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "What about your Peach Blossom Sect?"

"How dare you pay attention to my Maoshan Daozong?" Zhang Fan angrily took out a piece of talisman paper.

"Don't, don't, don't." Huazi was startled when she saw the talisman paper in Zhang Fan's hand.

She knew that this talisman was a message, and Zhang Fan would undoubtedly tell Maoshan Daozong about it.

If Maoshan Daozong knew, how could Taohuazong survive?

"Everyone has to pay for their mistakes." Zhang Fan snorted coldly.

Zhang Fan was furious.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang today, he would definitely fall into the hands of Taohuazong.

"No." Hanako begged while wiping her tears.

But when Zhang Fan wanted to ignite the talisman paper, he suddenly froze.

"Will you wash off the foundation on your face?" Zhang Fan hesitated and said.

Hanako didn't know, so she ran to the side to wash her cheeks. It didn't take long for a pear blossom with rain to meet Zhang Fan's eyes.

"This girl looks good." Zhao Yang touched his chin and said.

Although Zhao Yang was used to seeing many beauties, he was still amazed at this moment.

The girl has the feeling of a weak Xizi, and what is even more rare is that she looks very docile.

"It's okay if I don't tell the sect about this matter, and you will be a maid by my side from now on." Zhang Fan pondered for a while and said lightly.

"Ah! Really?" Hanako revealed surprise.

"In addition, from today onwards, you have nothing to do with Peach Blossom Sect." Zhang Fan continued.

"This..." Hanako's face was full of embarrassment.

"Either I bring my Maoshan sect's masters to defeat the Peach Blossom Sect, or you will behave as a maid by my side in the future, can you choose one?"

Huazi hesitated and knelt down in front of Zhang Fan, "I have seen the master."

"Hanako, ugly words come first, if you dare to obey others, you will not be able to bear the consequences." Zhang Fan said with a cold gleam in his eyes when he said this.

"No, since Hanako has followed the master, she will belong to the master from now on." Huazi said respectfully.

"Wait." Zhao Yang said suddenly at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Fan looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously.

"You seem to have forgotten the man who died innocently."

Zhang Fan slapped his head, "Why did I forget about this?"

When Hanako heard this, she slapped the Western European man's head to pieces.

"Master, I will kill this evildoer." Hanako said solemnly.

Zhao Yang frowned.

In the final analysis, the instigator of this incident was Hanako.

"Why don't we forget about it?" Zhang Fan hesitated and looked at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was silent for a moment, and then shot violently.

He kicked Hanako's dantian.

Huazi let out a scream, her face was full of horror, " abolished my cultivation?"

"Everyone has to pay for their actions." Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Fan at this point, "Anyway, what you care about is her skin, don't you?"

Zhang Fan smiled wryly.

In fact, Zhang Fan also valued Huazi's cultivation, but what can he say now?

After returning to the shore, Zhao Yang parted ways with Zhang Fan.

"Master, who is that person?" Huazi looked at the direction Zhao Yang was leaving and asked softly.

Her eyes were full of hatred.

She hates it.

I finally cultivated to the supernatural power level, but now all of them are gone.

How can I return to being an ordinary person when I am used to being aloof as a monk?

"Don't inquire about that person's identity." Zhang Fan looked at Hanako warningly, "I know you hate that person, but don't think about revenge, otherwise even I won't be able to protect you."

"How dare I?" Hanako lowered her head, looking very cute.

Just really?

Zhao Yang found Zhang Lan and sent her back to school.

Zhang Lan didn't ask Zhao Yang what happened?

Because she knew that if Zhao Yang wanted to say something, he would definitely tell herself.

Now he shows his attitude by avoiding talking about it.

After sending Zhang Lan to the dormitory, Zhang Lan looked at Zhao Yang with some reluctance, "How great would it be if we could go on like this forever?"

"Go back to sleep." Zhao Yang patted Zhang Lan's head and said softly.

Zhang Lan's eyes suddenly dimmed.

She knew that Zhao Yang didn't want to make a promise to herself.

She returned to the dormitory in a daze.

As soon as he arrived in the dormitory, Wu slowly waited for the three roommates to scream.

"What a big doll."

"I've always wanted this doll."

Wu slowly pondered for a while before asking, "Why do you look unhappy?"

"Nothing." Zhang Lan said a little lonely.

Wu Huanxuan was about to say something when he suddenly saw Zhou Dasheng's box.

"Zhao Yang gave you a gift?"

"That..." Zhang Lan just said here, but Qian Yiyi snatched it.

When she saw the diamond ring shaped like a pigeon egg, she was stunned.

"This... Isn't this the treasure of Zhou Dasheng's town store for a lifetime?"

Niu Erhua flipped through and found the invoice. When she saw the amount on the invoice, her face was full of envy, "Zhang Lan, Zhao Yang is willing to buy it for you for a lifetime?"

"Zhang Lan, what background does Zhao Yang have? I heard from a student of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine that Zhao Yang summoned several helicopters." Qian Yiyi asked curiously.

"Nothing." Zhang Lan shook his head after thinking about it.

When Qian Yiyi was waiting to ask something, Zhang Lan's cell phone rang.

"Zhang Lan, your father and I will take the high-speed train to Jiangnan tomorrow."

"Ah! Why do you two suddenly want to come?" Zhang Lan asked in doubt.

"You child, you didn't tell us when you fell in love?"

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