Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1718 King's Order

"The city that never sleeps." Zhao Yang is now more and more sure.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang still walked into the city after sending a message to Lin Caihan.

It's still a familiar street, or a familiar smell.

When Zhao Yang was walking on both sides of the street, he found that the shops on both sides were the same as before.

He lifted his foot and walked to the previous Jubaozhai.

The shopkeeper was startled when he saw Zhao Yang, "Why are you in again?"

"This city appeared right in front of me, do you think I can come in and take a look?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But the question is why did the city that never sleeps appear again?"

"The city that never sleeps is about to appear publicly in front of the world." The shopkeeper said softly.


"The King of Darkness in Night City has reached the peak of God King, and his two disciples have also become God Kings one after another." The shopkeeper said excitedly, "From today, Night City is the fourth largest neutral force in God's Domain. .”

Zhao Yang's face changed slightly.

Neutral forces are never selected, the premise is that you have the qualifications for neutrality.

Three God Kings.

Now it seems that the strength of the city that never sleeps is beyond ordinary.

"Is the city that never sleeps free to enter and exit now?"

"Now you can only enter, but not exit, but this restriction will be lifted soon, so you don't need to worry." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

"Where's Ye Mei?"

"Miss Ye Mei, I don't know, but she will show up."


Zhao Yang chatted with the shopkeeper for a while and left here.

As time went by, he found that more and more monks came in.

"The city that never sleeps."

"The city that never sleeps has been opened again."

"It is rumored that every time the city that never sleeps is opened, it will cause a bloody storm."

"Yeah, I heard that not many survived?"

When Zhao Yang was wandering around, a pleasantly surprised voice sounded in his ear.

"Master Zhao."

Zhao Yang turned around and was shocked to find that the person calling him was Jin Fei.

"Why are you here?"

"I came here with Xiaoyue when I heard the news that the city that never sleeps appeared." Concubine Jin said happily.

She didn't expect to meet the man she was thinking of here.

"Then don't you know the rules of the city that never sleeps?" Zhao Yang glanced at Concubine Jin.

"I don't think the Nightless City will attack the Son of God?" Concubine Jin said firmly, "The Nightless City has appeared so many times, but which time has the Son of God fallen?"

Zhao Yang thought for a while and found that what Jin Fei said made sense.

"I heard from the shopkeeper that this place will be unsealed soon, and you can come in and out freely then." Zhao Yang said softly.

"So the city that never sleeps is about to start competing for the world." Concubine Jin suddenly realized something from Zhao Yang's words.


"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing?" Xiaoyue said with some concern.

"I think there is a good time for the city that never sleeps to appear.

It's late. Concubine Jin shook her head and said, "You must know that there are now two to three god kings in the god king level forces, and three to four god kings in the neutral forces, or even more." "

Zhao Yang knew that Concubine Jin was referring to a god-level battle puppet.

"Let's take one step at a time." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

As long as the god king in the city that never sleeps is not at the god emperor level, there is nothing to worry about.

There are four war puppet Yan Huangzong at the peak of the god king.

The two of them stepped on the road paved with bluestones and walked on the noisy street, but Concubine Jin was very peaceful in her heart. She looked at the man beside her from time to time, and the more she looked at her, the more fascinated she became.

Suddenly, a girl wearing a mask appeared in front of her.

The girl was petite and looked at Zhao Yang with a smile.

"I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"Yeah, I didn't think of it either." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The person who came was Ye Mei.

"Shall we talk?"


The three of Zhao Yang followed Concubine Jin all the way to a high gate compound.

And there is heaven and earth in the courtyard, which is like a paradise.

After everyone was seated, Ye Mei pointed to Concubine Jin and said, "Aren't you going to introduce me?"

Zhao Yang introduced each other's identities to both parties.

Concubine Jin looked at Ye Mei full of vigilance, and she realized that Ye Mei was looking at Zhao Yang in the wrong way.

"We are going to be the fourth neutral force in the city that never sleeps." Ye Mei said straight to the point, "Do you think it's appropriate?"

"You who never sleep understand the present

Is it a god-king power? "

"Understood." Ye Mei nodded, "We know that the god-king forces got the god-king puppets, but this doesn't affect our arrival in the slightest."

"Can you tell me why?"

"The stele of good fortune, do you know what it should be after the stele of merits and virtues arrives?" Ye Mei asked with a smile.

"The Order of the King." Concubine Jin said in a deep voice.

"The order of the king?"

"There are only 36 King Tokens in total." Ye Mei explained, "Whoever gets the King Token can become a God King [-]% in the future. You must know that despite the fact that there are so many God Sons in the world, there are not many who can truly become God Kings." .”

"It doesn't seem interesting." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.


Zhao Yang felt that the king's order was not as good as one of his fruits.

"God King, have you figured it out, that's God King." Ye Mei rolled Zhao Yang's eyes.

"Is it useful to superimpose the king order?"

"The superposition of two King Tokens can reach the early stage of God King, the superposition of three King Tokens can reach the middle level of God King, the superposition of four King Tokens can reach the high level of God King, and the superposition of five King Tokens can reach the peak of God King."

"What about six?"

"It's useless any more."

"What if the giant gets the order of the king?"

"I will also become a god king."

"Doesn't this mean that ordinary monks can also become god kings?"

"Theoretically yes, but generally speaking, the more prosperous you are, the more likely you are to get

To the order of the king. "

Hearing this, Zhao Yang understood the function of the token of the king.

But then he stared at Ye Mei and said, "I don't think this is the root cause of your birth in Evernight City."

"After the King's Order appears, there will be the Mountain and River Order." Ye Mei said in a deep voice, "The Mountain and River Order is related to the sect."

"Shanhe Order?"

"The Order of Mountains and Rivers can be turned into a terrifying power of mountains and rivers, even a god-level existence can block it." Jin Fei explained, "I heard that only the peak god-king can enter."

"How many Shanhe Tokens are there?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

He is more interested in the Shanhe Token than the King Token.


"What about after the Shanhe Order?"

"do not know."

"Are the tokens random?"

"The king's order descended immediately according to the good luck of the monks, but the Shanhe order requires you to erect the plaque of the sect, otherwise the Shanhe order will not come to you."

"I have to go back and erect the plaque." Zhao Yang stood up.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Ye Mei said angrily, "The Order of the King hasn't arrived yet, and the Order of Mountains and Rivers is still early."

"Do you still have an auction in the city that never sleeps?"

"No, isn't this a rare meeting?" Ye Mei rolled Zhao Yang's eyes, "Why don't you just leave?"

While Ye Mei was speaking, a young man suddenly walked in from the outside.

The young man's eyes lit up when he saw Concubine Jin.

"Ye Mei, who is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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