Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1716 Rehabilitation

"The number of monks who have reached the mid-stage of the Life God Realm has reached more than 3000, the number of monks who have reached the early stage of the Life God Realm has reached more than 1, and the number of monks who have reached the high level of the Death God Realm has reached 4000, and the monks who have reached the middle stage of the Death God Realm The number has reached more than [-]." Lin Caihan introduced to Zhao Yang that day.

"If the power of the god-king class knows this number, how would you feel?" Tang Yiren said with a smile.

Ordinary god-king forces have dozens of mid-stage god-level forces, while top god-king forces like Yaochi have reached hundreds.

It can be said that Yanhuangzong can completely crush it now.

More importantly, the gap between the two sides will further widen as time goes by.

"Hasn't there been any major events in God's Domain these years?" Zhao Yang asked.

"No, everyone has been desperately developing their own strength these years, and the land of good fortune and meritorious deeds have appeared one after another, which has made the major forces feel a lot of pressure." Lin Caihan said softly.

After listening to Lin Caihan's introduction, Zhao Yang wandered around the sect.

Zhao Yang saw Zhang Yan at a gazebo.

Zhang Yan looked sadly into the distance.

"What are you thinking?" Zhao Yang came to Zhang Yan and said calmly.

"I... didn't think about anything?" Zhang Yan hurriedly saluted Zhao Yang.

"Are you thinking about your brother?"

Zhang Yan nodded shyly.

"Since you miss your brother, go and see

Bar. " Zhao Yang said softly.

"Really?" Zhang Yan's eyes suddenly brightened.

These years Zhao Yang has kept Zhang Yan in a state of herd, and Yan Huangzong didn't care about Zhang Yan, because she will leave in the future.

Zhang Yan is also very knowledgeable.

These years, I don't have many friends in Zongmen, except for occasionally chatting with Caidie, most of the time I spend in her yard.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

After leaving Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang summoned a warship.

When the battleship was heading towards Dan Pavilion, Zhao Yang looked at the girl beside him and said, "What dreams do you have?"

"Dream?" Zhang Yan thought for a while before saying, "I hope my younger brother can turn his back on his evil ways and turn to the right, and then he can spread the branches and leaves for the Zhang family."

"What about you?"


"Don't you have a dream?"

"I don't seem to have it." Zhang Yan smiled wryly.

"The reason why your brother is what he is today is largely due to your doting." Zhao Yang said softly, "Haven't you thought about pursuing feelings?"

"I used to have a fiancé, but later my Zhang family fell into disarray, and my fiancé also broke ties with my family." Zhang Yan said with sadness in her eyes, "I no longer have any expectations for relationships."

Zhao Yang was silent.

Zhang Yan felt that her feelings had been betrayed.

When the battleship was hundreds of kilometers away from Dan Pavilion, Zhao Yang put away the battleship, otherwise, if he entered again, he would be killed by Dan.

The soldiers stationed in the pavilion found out.

Zhao Yang didn't want to attract the attention of other monks.

The Dan Pavilion was still as prosperous as ever, Zhao Yang brought Zhang Yan to the Mercenary Association.

"What are we doing here?" Zhang Yan looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

Zhao Yang pointed at a young man who was acting as a guide, "Are you familiar?"

Looking at the young man, Zhang Yan's eyes turned red.

I saw that young man flatteringly recommending the gossip and information he got to every monk who came in and out.

"Exclusive information, do you want to know what treasures are in the gravel mountain?" Zhang Mo asked a middle-aged man in a low voice.

"What information?" The middle-aged man asked impatiently.

"The secret that can make a monk become a strong person in the state of life." Zhang Mo's voice became weaker when he said this.

The middle-aged man showed excitement, "Tell me."

"As long as you pay a thousand divine stones, I'll tell you." Zhang Mo rubbed his hands.

"Okay, I'll give you a thousand god stones, but if you dare to trick me, don't blame me for skinning you." The middle-aged man readily gave Zhang Mo a thousand god stones.

Immediately Zhang Mo told the middle-aged man the news he got from the avenue.

The middle-aged man turned and left.

"Is he cheating money?" Zhang Yan asked softly.

"Actually, news about him came from the avenues, but the middle-aged man didn't know about it, and what he called was just a lack of information." Zhao Yang said lightly,

"If you say you are cheating, you are cheating, and if you say you are not cheating, you are not cheating."

Zhao Yanggang said that a young man came here with two guards.

"That's him." The boy pointed at Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo turned around and ran away in fright when he saw the boy, but was still caught by the two guards.

"Call me." The boy roared angrily.

The two guards immediately punched and kicked.

Zhang Yan saw that the heart of the earth was bleeding.

Zhao Yang glanced at Zhang Yan, and then said calmly, "You stand here." Then he came to the side of the two guards, "Okay, don't beat him to death."

The two guards stopped involuntarily.

"Who told you to stop?" the boy said a little arrogantly.


Zhao Yang slapped the boy on the body, half of the boy's face suddenly swelled up.

"At such a young age, with such a cruel heart, how did an adult teach him?" Zhao Yang scolded.

"You are finished, you dare to hit me, do you know who my father is?" The young man pointed at Zhao Yang, his eyes full of resentment.

Two guards approached.

As a result, he was seriously injured by Zhao Yang's two slaps.

"I'll give you time to contact your father. I really want to know who your father is?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Yes, but I hope you can still say that when my father comes later?" The boy said and contacted his father through the nameplate.

At this time, Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Zhang Mo, "Is it enough?"

"It's still a bit worse." Zhang Mo said with a sad look in his eyes.

"How far is it?"

"It's still 120 million short." Zhang Mo said bitterly.

Only when he really made money did he know how hard it is to make money?

He worked so hard over the years to collect 180 million.

But he lost 300 million in one night.

Thinking of this, he wished he could shoot himself to death.

"How much time did I give you?" Zhao Yang said, his eyes turned cold, "Do you think I'm too kind?"

Zhang Mo became anxious when he heard this, and he knelt down in Zhao Yang's face with a puff, "Master Zhao, can you give me some more time, I will try my best to get the 120 million."

Seeing that Zhao Yang was unmoved, he kowtowed his head continuously.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Yan showed a gratified smile on his face.

The younger brother has grown up and is sensible.

"Okay." Zhao Yang didn't speak until after Zhang Mo knocked a dozen times.

"Young master Zhao, you agreed?" Zhang Mo said excitedly, his head was bloody.

He felt that as long as he was given time, he would be able to make up the 120 million sooner or later.

"Reunite with your sister." Zhao Yang said lightly.

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, Zhang Yan dared to show up.

Zhang Mo stared at Zhang Yan obsessively, tears falling down uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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