Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1707 Bai Haoshou

"Then you kill me?" Bai Haoshou raised his eyes and said with clear eyes.

"Why can't you be more broad-minded? Zhao Yang's law enforcement history in Dan Pavilion, what harm does it do to you?"

"One mountain cannot contain two tigers. You don't understand this truth, right? Zhao Yang is in the limelight now, and he will be even more popular in the future. How can I have anything to do in the future?"

"That's not what he wants to do."

"I don't believe he can refuse the position of Lord of Pill Pavilion." Bai Haoshou shook his head.

Dan Zu didn't bother to say anything.

"Go to the back mountain to retreat for ten years." Danzu said coldly.

After the news that Bai Haoshou was punished and went to the back mountain to retreat for ten years, Wang Xun and others were all shocked.

"Why was the Young Pavilion Master punished by Dan Zu?"

"And the reason has not been explained yet, which is a bit weird."

"Could it be...?"

Wang Xun let out a long sigh at this time, "I finally understand why Wang Zhang didn't say who is behind the scenes?"

"Young pavilion master."

"It turned out to be the Young Pavilion Master."

"Young Pavilion Master thinks we are going to threaten Wang Zhang?"

"So Wang Zhang has no choice."

"That is to say, the law enforcement history has seen through it a long time ago. Is this why he resigned as the law enforcement history?"

"The history of law enforcement is being squeezed out."

"What kind of world is this?"

"Dan Pavilion, I don't want to stay anymore."

Upon hearing this, Wang Xun scolded, "Don't say such things in the future."

their bodies

Already branded with Dan Pavilion, leaving Dan Pavilion means betraying Dan Pavilion, okay?

In the confinement room in the back mountain.

When Bai Haoshou saw the news that he was in confinement spread, his face became gloomy.

This kind of thing can be said, or it can not be said.

But Danzu passed on.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what's going on?

"It's ruining his reputation."

Bai Haoshou was so angry that his facial features were distorted, but he couldn't do anything.

He could only vent all his resentment on Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, one day I will step on you." Bai Haoshou roared and roared in his heart.

In the following days, the Yemo family may also know that there is nothing they can do, so the Yemo family began to hibernate again.

Lin Caihan and others also began to recruit disciples.

Yanhuangzong recruits disciples very strictly.

If the background is not clean, the will is not firm, and the mind is not pure, then the Yan Huangzong will not accept it.

No matter how good your qualifications are.

It took Yanhuangzong several months to recruit [-] disciples.

These [-] disciples were checked by Guqin one by one, and only after they confirmed that there were no problems did they start teaching practice.

Zhao Yang also opened the altar to preach from time to time, so they entered the country very quickly.

Of course, it is still not as good as the [-] direct disciples of Yanhuangzong.

Time passed slowly like this.

In the middle of the night, Zhao Yang looked towards the northwest direction with a feeling, and a golden light fell from the sky.

Zhao Yang soared into the air and chased after him.

At the same time, all the monks in the west saw the golden light.

When Zhao Yang tracked it down, he saw a stone tablet.

"A place of good fortune."

The four big characters are golden, exuding a chilling light.

"Land of Creation?" Zhao Yang looked at the stele in surprise.

"Could it be that the place where this stone tablet lands is the land of good fortune?" Mu Jian sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang.

"Can this stele be taken away?" Zhao Yang asked.

Just now Zhao Yang tried it.

Can't move.

"Don't dare to move." Mu Jian said in a deep voice, "I feel the warning from Heaven."

"Is the land of good fortune in this stele?" Zhao Yang asked again.

"I didn't perceive a space to enter."

Zhao Yang stared at the stele.

If there is no more discovery, other monks will arrive soon.

"Do you want to seal off the surrounding area?" Mu Jian asked.

"There are seven god-king-level powers in the entire west, and they can't be blocked." Zhao Yang shook his head.

The vision just now was too obvious.

Which god-king-level power doesn't want a piece of the pie?

"Senior, why don't you tell me?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of the tear in the sea of ​​consciousness.

No one responded.

"Senior, don't you know?" Zhao Yang said deliberately.

"Hmph, don't you dare to provoke me with words?" A woman's voice rang in Zhao Yang's ears, "The place of good fortune is the heaven.

Thanks to the gift, this area will soon turn into a paradise. "

"How can I seize the opportunity?" Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"At that time, the forces of the god-king level will be divided, and I will tell you which one to choose?" the woman said.

"You mean that the land of creation has not yet formed?"


"Am I just waiting here?"


Zhao Yang pondered for a while and contacted Lin Caihan through the nameplate.

"Let that war puppet of the God King Realm come to me."

Just after Zhao Yang contacted him, monks rushed here one after another.

There are god-king-level forces, and there are giant-level forces.

"The land of good fortune has appeared again." An old man of the Jade Clan said excitedly.

"Senior, what is the land of creation?"

"Every time the stele of the land of good fortune comes down, this place will turn into a land of good fortune, and all kinds of rare resources will appear in the world." The old man hastily informed the god king of the jade clan when he said this.

Hurry up and grab this area.

It didn't take long for the seven god kings from the west to appear here one after another.

"Since the land of good fortune appeared in our west, the land of good fortune belongs to our seven families." The seven god kings quickly reached an agreement, and after reaching the agreement, they were ready to drive people away.

Those giants and power-level forces were outraged, but they didn't dare to say anything.

"Seven? Why do I think there are eight?" Zhao Yang said lightly.


Young master, if I remember correctly, you have nothing to do with Dan Pavilion now, right? "The God King of the Jade Clan looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"Yeah, I don't know which one you represent?" the God King of the Shadow Clan said with a smile.

"Young master Zhao, this is a game of god-king powers." The god-king of the Xian clan emphasized.

"Is this enough?" Zhao Yang pointed to the war puppet beside him.

That battle puppet was wearing a bamboo hat, if Zhao Yang didn't point it out, no one would take it seriously.

But as his words fell, an astonishing fluctuation permeated the air, even the god king present was startled.

"What a tyrannical fluctuation."

"I'm afraid this person has traveled a long way in the God King Realm."

"It's hard to beat."

When the seven god kings realized the horror of this war puppet, they realized that it was very unrealistic to push Zhao Yang away.

"Then there are eight families." The god king who ruled the dynasty said.


"No more."

The god kings of the seven families expressed their views one after another.

It's just that soon the owner of the Qun Yao Pavilion came here, and when he saw the inscription on the Stele of Creation, he immediately expressed that he would also like to have a share.

The seven god kings had no choice but to agree.

Because Qun Yao Pavilion is a neutral force, and their power is also in the west.

"Okay, then there are eight of us." Goode said in a deep voice.

"Nine families." The god king who ruled the dynasty said with a smile.

"Which one else?"

"Me." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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