Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1705 Exposure of Identity

"That's right, the Demon Suppressing Formation is aimed at the blood of the demon race. As long as they get close to the Demon Suppressing Formation, their strength will be weakened, and then combined with the Early Warning Formation, it will be foolproof."

"Even if the early warning formation is slightly inferior, with the magic suppression formation, the problem can be solved in a short period of time."

"I don't know which heavenly wizard created the magic-suppressing array?"

"Isn't it Guo Fengchun, the young master of the Zhen Pavilion?"

"This is a trumpet, just recently certified."

"I want to meet this big guy."

"Please announce the identity of this person."

Following the appeal of many alchemists, the news quickly reached the ears of the three elders who were in charge of the Dao Secret Realm.

The third elder knew who this trumpet was through the background?

"It turned out to be him?" The third elder knew that the matter was of great importance, so he wanted to contact the ancestor.

As a result, Qingyun came to the door at this time.

"History of Law Enforcement, what's the matter?" The third elder looked at Qingyun and said.

Qingyun is not only the law enforcement history of Zhenge, but also a son of God.

The third elder still gave great respect.

"Who is the one who announced the magic suppression array?"

"Zhao Yang." The third elder replied.

"It really is him." Qing Yun's pupils shrank.

Qingyun was also researching related formations, but unfortunately he didn't have a clue yet, so Zhao Yang did it.

"I see that many formation masters want to know his identity, so the third elder will announce it."

"This matter

pull……. "The third elder was interrupted by Qingyun just as he said this, "Zhao Yang has researched the magic suppression array, and if we keep it secret, how will the array masters in the world think of us?" "

"It makes sense." The third elder looked at the angry Qingyun and nodded, "But I think it is still necessary to let the ancestors know about it."

"Leave this matter to me." Qingyun said lightly, "I don't think heroes should be buried."

"it is good."

When Qingyun made the announcement, the third elder contacted the ancestors.

It turned out that the ancestors had not been in touch.

The third elder left a message to the ancestors.

And this creates a misunderstanding.

When Qingyun announced on behalf of the formation pavilion that the founder of the magic suppression formation was Zhao Yang, many formation masters were amazed.

"It turned out to be Zhao Yang."

"At first, I thought it was the young master of the Zhen Pavilion or the history of the law enforcement of the Zhen Pavilion."

"Don't forget that Zhao Yang's formation technique is unparalleled in experience."

"Awesome, Zhao Yang saved the alliance three times before, and this time he saved countless sects."

However, some monks raised objections.

"Zhenge's announcement of Zhao Yang's name in this way is definitely not bringing trouble for Zhao Yang."

"Zhao Yang is not as powerful as the ancestors. What if the Night Demons find Zhao Yang?"

"Are some people in the pavilion deliberately trying to get rid of him by the hands of the night demon?"

Danzu quickly received the news.

So Danzu immediately found

Array ancestors.

"What do you mean by asking the Zhen Pavilion to announce the creator of the magic suppression array?" Danzu asked angrily.

Only then did the ancestors realize that there were many messages on his nameplate.

"I just went to Yaochi Qige to help build the anti-mole tablet." Zhan Zu said here and checked the messages, "Qingyun is really messing around."

"Qingyun?" Danzu suddenly realized, "You mean Qingyun released it."

"Yes." Zhenzu's face was not very good-looking.

It doesn't matter if you say that the two major forces are a bit dirty in normal times, the question is when is this, can you add to the block at this time?

"It's my Zhen Pavilion's fault." Zhen Zu said frankly, "I will give Dan Pavilion an explanation."

As a result, after Danzu left, Zhenzu was imprisoned in Qingyun for ten years.

Hearing this news, Dan Zu was speechless.

Didn't you admit that Zhao Yang is the founder of the magic suppression array in disguise?

Yan Huangzong!

Zhao Yang was also very speechless.

He really wanted to say that the old guy Zhanzu was a pig teammate.

"Now the night demon clan will probably take revenge on our Yanhuang sect." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter, our Yanhuang Sect is capable of dealing with such a crisis." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Then Zhao Yang summoned twenty war puppets.

These war puppets have all been upgraded by Zhao Yang, and their strength is infinitely approaching that of the God King.

"Actually, I'm curious about one thing." Mingyue looked at Zhao Yang and said, "How is the Night Demon?"

How do you know where our Yanhuang Sect is located? "

Yanhuangzong's residence is kept secret.

Few know.

"The soldiers of mine in Pill Pavilion." Zhao Yang's eyes flashed.

He also realized it.

Why did the night devil find him so easily?

Most likely a traitor appeared among the soldiers?

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang contacted Wang Xun and Bai Jinghao, and Zhao Yang asked the two to investigate the traitor separately. Of course, they didn't know each other was investigating.

Zhao Yang was not idle either.

He built the magic suppression array at the gate of the sect.

Of course, Zhao Yang's cultivation might not be able to build a high-level one.

But talk is better than nothing, right?

In the middle of the night, while Zhao Yang was still under construction, two warships sounded an early warning to Zhao Yang.

"There are a large number of night devils approaching."

"How many?"

"150 and eight statues, they are rushing towards Yanhuangzong from various defense lines."

"Are the 24 warships in charge of security enough?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

Yanhuangzong has a total of 48 warships, of which 24 are responsible for deployment, and 24 are responsible for patrol and living quarters.

"These night demons have three giants, ten powerful ones, thirty big bosses, and five 110s at the beginning of the life god state." The warship responded, "24 warships can build a tight protective net."

All warships can exchange information with each other.

Zhao Yang called again just in case

Ten war puppets who were at the pinnacle of the god state were selected.

Looking forward to it.

When the 150 eight night demons were still a few miles away from Yanhuangzong's mountain gate, twelve warships suddenly appeared in all directions of them.

There is no extra words. Some of these battleships turn on the main guns to lock on the giants and powerful masters, and some turn on the secondary guns to bombard the bosses or below indiscriminately.

Under a round of bombardment, except for a giant who respected Chuang, the rest were all blasted to pieces.

"How do you have such a powerful battleship?" The giant said dumbfounded.

Even the warships built by Zhenge are not so strong, okay?

"You don't need to know about this." Zhao Yang said condescendingly.

Mu Jian rushed to slap it to pieces.

"Clean the battlefield." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Soon hundreds of Yanhuangzong soldiers appeared and wiped out the traces of the battlefield.

After returning to Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang continued to build the Demon Suppressing Formation.

It seems that today's night demon attack is just an episode.

Half a month later, Zhao Yang built a magic suppression formation in all four directions of Yanhuangzong. In the future, as long as there are demons coming here, they will be targeted to a certain extent.

"Cultivation still needs to be improved." Zhao Yang murmured.

It is a little difficult to improve after the cultivation level reaches the living god state.

It is true that Zhao Yang can speed up through time fragments, but he feels that it is not appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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