Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1696 Giant God Son

"The demons haven't invaded yet, we have time to deal with it calmly." Danzu said in a deep voice.

Gradually, the army of 32 god-king-level forces arrived.

The 960 million troops went to the three lines of defense.

Zhao Yang and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the well-equipped 300 million soldiers.

With the addition of these soldiers, it is impossible for the demon army to break through in a short time.

God-level soldiers are still very powerful.

After they arrived, they arranged formations on the original basis, laid out cannons, and filled them with equipment.

"Everyone, an army of 960 million may not be able to stop the demons." Zhan Zu looked around the audience and said, "The major god-king-level forces will mobilize another [-] troops to come. In addition, the giant-level forces and powerful-level forces cannot be idle. on."

"There are about 100 giant-level forces in the entire Upper God Realm, so each giant-level force sends [-] troops; there are about [-] powerful-level forces, and each powerful-level force sends [-] troops." Qi Zu thought for a while and said Said, "This way we can make up another [-] million soldiers."

"Conscripted in the name of the god king present, any force that dares to obey the law and violates the law will not be pardoned." The god king of Yuhua Dynasty said murderously.

Soon the God King's order spread throughout the entire Upper God Realm, and all the giant-level and powerful-level forces were stunned after hearing the news.

"Why did we send troops?"

"Send fifty thousand soldiers to die

? ”

"Damn, do you still need to send elites?"

"If the [-] elites are lost, wouldn't we be finished?"

However, the orders of the God King had to be obeyed. Those giant-level forces and powerful-level forces mobilized soldiers one after another, and then personally sent those soldiers to the battlefield.

"The demon clan's offensive is too powerful."

"We lost 240 million soldiers in three days."

"If it wasn't for our array protection, and if we didn't have so many combat equipment, we would definitely have lost more than that."

"Master Zhao hasn't recovered yet?"

"Young Master Zhao used the taboo technique twice in one day, do you think Young Master Zhao still has the ability to continue to use it?"

"The battle of clans has never been about relying on one person."

Outside the crack, the formation ancestors and several god-level formation masters are engraving the demon-suppressing tablet.

However, the Demon Suppressing Tablet will not be engraved in a short while.

"Are Yao Chi, Qun Yao Pavilion, and Hall of All Living Beings still pretending to be stupid?"

"Why are you still neutral at this time? If we can't stop the demons, your three major sects won't even think about it."

"Usually you are neutral, what's the point of being neutral at this time?"

Soon dozens of god kings joined forces to put pressure on the three neutral forces, Yaochi was the first to express their support under the excitement of the crowd, and would fully support the alliance of all races to resist the demons.

Afterwards, Yaochi dispatched [-] soldiers.

The ten thousand soldiers were led by Su Jin.

Everyone was dissatisfied when they saw Yaochi bringing [-] soldiers, but they were surprised when they saw the configuration of the [-] soldiers.

"Thirty high-level living gods, middle three hundred living gods, early three thousand living gods, and more than 5000 high-level death gods."

"As expected of a neutral force."

"I don't know how many resources they brought this time?"

Su Jin greeted the god king present and said, "This time, we Yaochi brought a lot of combat equipment, and then these combat equipment will be sent to the first line of defense, and these soldiers will also be under the unified management of the alliance."

When Su Jin said this, a soldier came out of the crack in a panic.

"The offensive of the demons has suddenly increased, and the first line of defense is in jeopardy, and it is about to collapse."

"What?" The God King present turned pale with shock.

There are millions of soldiers stationed on the first line of defense.

How do you say it crashes?

"A top-notch master appeared from the Demon Race. He held a saber, and no one could stop him." The soldier said immediately.

"Is there no master in our alliance?"

"We dispatched six giants to intercept them, but that one killed three of them with one blow and severely injured three of them." The words of the soldier made everyone turn pale with shock.

"A giant at the level of a child of God?"

"The one with such fighting power is probably not an ordinary son of God."


The level can completely cut through our defense line. "

"Who has a giant-level son of God under his command?"

You look at me, I look at you.

There are not many god sons at the level of gods, and there are not many god sons at the giant level.

At this time, another soldier rushed out.

"The first line of defense has been breached, and millions of soldiers have been divided by the demons. Should we send reinforcements here, or defend on the second line of defense?" The words of the soldier shocked the audience.

"How is it possible?" Danzu changed color.

"Even if the opponent has a god-level giant, shouldn't they break through the front line in such a short period of time?" Qi Zu was also shocked by the news.

"The most urgent thing is to defend the second line of defense." Zhenzu said in a deep voice.

"Could it be that those millions of monks can't be saved?" The Cang Clan God King stared.

"How to save?" Yaozu Potian God King sighed softly, "The demons are eager for us to rescue."


How to save?

The demon army is densely packed and there is no end in sight.

It doesn't matter how many reinforcements are sent.

Besides, the giant son of the demon clan is still watching it covetously?

And what if the second line of defense is also penetrated?

"You don't need to worry, this time I brought a giant-level god son." Just when everyone was at a loss, a hearty voice sounded in the audience, and then a huge battleship came across the sky


There are [-] luxuriously equipped soldiers on the battleship.

"The Hall of All Beings."

"The Hall of All Living Beings is also here to help."

"Wait, the Hall of All Living Beings said that he brought a giant-level son of God?"

After the battleship landed, the Lord of All Beings looked at a middle-aged man beside him and said, "Lingtao, go to the defense line quickly and kill the giant of the demon clan. Of course, if you can't kill it, you can do serious damage."

The middle-aged man nodded yes.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing him go to the battlefield.

Finally, there is an opponent to match it.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang has been recuperating in his warship for the past few days.

Disregarding himself and forcibly urging the Dream Heart Sutra, Zhao Yang hurt the source.

So even after a few days, he was still sick.

But he is not idle, he is also paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

When he saw that the first line of defense was breached, his face suddenly changed.

"Why was it so good that it was breached?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Soon a alchemist released a detailed battle process.

"There doesn't seem to be any giants at the level of the Son of God." Zhao Yang stood up immediately after realizing this.

And just when he wanted to go to the battlefield, he felt a burst of weakness for no reason.

"Use the taboo technique again?" Zhao Yang thought to himself.

He vaguely felt that it was better to use the taboo technique sparingly.

(End of this chapter)

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