Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1674 I am also the Son of God

Dan Pavilion!

Xiaoyue didn't say anything to death, so Zhao Yang waited in Dan Pavilion.

In the end, they waited for half a month, and they didn't wait for Zhong Shenxiu, let alone the First Pavilion to release any statement.

On this day, Mingyue brought back more than 100 monks.

What he didn't expect was that Mingyue brought back all women.

"Why are they all girls?"

"As a woman, do I train male monks?"

"But these girls seem to be pretty good-looking?"

"I am a beauty control."

Hearing Mingyue's explanation, Zhao Yang didn't know what to say for a while.

"This courtyard is very big. Arrange them to practice here. If you need any resources or equipment, you can just ask Bai Jinghao."

"Where are you going?" Mingyue suddenly realized something from Zhao Yang's words.

"I'm going to the first temple. Actually, I wanted to go before, but I was delayed by Zhong Shenxiu's matter." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

After confessing for a while, Zhao Yang left Dan Pavilion on a battleship.

As a result, Gu Qin suddenly said, "You are being watched."

Zhao Yang was startled.


"The other party is also a god king." Gu Qin said.

"I think it is the magic weapon of the god king." Mu Jian said at this time.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang relaxed.

It doesn't matter if it is the magic weapon of the god king.

After all, he has three magic weapons of the god king here.


After the battleship traveled tens of thousands of kilometers, a pair of scaly claws slapped towards Zhao Yang's battleship.

Those claws covered the sky and the sun like a cloth that lifted the sky.

The moment the battleship was about to be shattered, a sword chant resounded throughout the world, and the dazzling sword light tore those claws to pieces.

"No, that kid also has a magic weapon of the god king." The other party was about to leave after realizing this.

It's just that the moment he was about to leave, he suddenly felt his eyes dim.

At the same time, a beam of sword light ignored the gap between space and time, and pierced through its body.

Zhong Feiyang's eyes turned red when he saw his Divine King Qi Ling was severely injured, "Zhao Yang, do you want to die?"


Zhao Yang, led by the wooden sword spirit, descended to Zhong Feiyang.

"Are the disciples of your first sect so shameless?" Zhao Yang asked with a cold look in his eyes.

"You..." Zhong Feiyang didn't know how to refute for a while?

"You said that if I made public about your sneak attack on me today, what do you think the world will think of your first case?"

"you dare?"

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"The first case is not something you can compete with?" Zhong Feiyang was slapped by Zhao Yang just as he said this.

"You..." Zhong Feiyang was stunned.

Zhong Feiyang was also shocked by the magic weapon of the god king who was hit hard.

what's the situation


Zhong Feiyang was slapped by Zhao Yang?

"Is the first case very powerful?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "And I have been waiting in Dan Pavilion for half a month, where is Zhong Shenxiu?"

"If my brother comes, I don't believe you dare to say that?" Zhong Feiyang sneered.

He thinks Zhao Yang is pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?

"You think your brother is the Son of God?" Zhao Yang exuded an immortal aura when he said this, and the space behind him turned into a black hole as dark as ink, deep and terrifying.

At this moment, the expression on Zhong Feiyang's face changed.

He felt that Zhao Yang could kill him with one finger.

"" Zhong Shenxiu took a few steps back in fright.

"Or do you think there is only a god-emperor existence behind your first pavilion? Do you want me to call my ancestor back from the battlefield outside the territory?" Zhao Yang continued.

"" What did Zhong Feiyang hear?


Zhao Yang is the divine emperor's direct in-law!

"I've been waiting in Dan Pavilion for half a month, where is Zhong Shenxiu?" Zhao Yang stepped forward and grabbed Zhong Feiyang's collar and asked loudly.

Zhong Feiyang was so frightened that he was trembling all over, and he didn't dare to say a word.

"Trash." Saying that, Zhao Yang dropped Zhong Feiyang, looked at Mu Jiandao who was also stunned beside him, "Let's go back."

Mu Jian nodded and led Zhao Yang back to the battleship.

"That... are you the Holy Son?" After a while, the wooden sword

just asked.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

Mu Jian and Gu Qin looked at each other, "You said you are the descendant of the God Emperor?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded again.

Mu Jian and Gu Qin finally understood why Zhao Yang didn't care about Zhong Shenxiu.

Dare to feel that the two are at the same level.

The Holy Son is against the Holy Son, who is afraid of whom?

"I finally understand why the Tongtian Divine Tree entrusted me to you." Mu Jian said with emotion.

It is impossible to make an inch of progress following the Tongtian Shenshu, but it is possible to go further if it follows Zhao Yang.

"We should go and see what we can get in the first temple?" Zhao Yang didn't want to talk too much about this topic.

Mujian and Guqin also came to their senses, so they stopped talking about the Holy Son.

According to the map, the battleship came all the way to the west of Tianzhu.

Zhao Yang saw a huge chasm from a distance, the chasm was bottomless, and the other side of the moat was even more gray with no end in sight.

"Spiritual thoughts are limited here." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"The first temple was stationed in the west of Tianzhu, which is here." Guqin explained, "I heard that there is a horrible existence at the bottom of Tianzhu, but no one has seen it in these years."

"Now that the first temple is gone, don't we need to be stationed here?" Zhao Yang asked after looking into the distance for a while.

"I don't know." Guqin shook her head.

There have been some changes in the terrain over the years, Guqin according to the treasure map

After searching for several days, I finally found the location of the treasure.

"It's here." Guqin pointed to a stone in front of her.

This stone is no different from other stones, but this is where the formation is located.

Guqin and Mujian came forward to study for a while before finding a clue.

"It's so deeply hidden." Mu Jian said in a deep voice, "If it's not confirmed that this stone is the eye of the formation, I'm afraid I won't be able to find the Dojo of the first temple in this life."

You must know that there are more than billions of stones here.

Furthermore, only the divine sense of the strong can find a flaw.

For example, Zhao Yang didn't find anything.

Just when Mu Jian wanted to go in, he was forced back by a tyrannical array force.

"I'm not allowed to enter this dojo." Mu Jian said with an ugly face.

"Maybe this is the inheritance of the first temple." Guqin didn't try, but looked at Zhao Yang, "Maybe only you can enter."

Zhao Yang nodded, and he turned into a stream of light, walking towards the crack.

There are holes in the cracks.

Before Zhao Yang could stand still, several roars sounded.

Out of the corner of his eye, Zhao Yang saw an ugly reptile rushing towards him.

He didn't care to think about why there was such a creature in the first temple, and he started to run the Heart Sutra of King Wu immediately.

King Wu's true meaning spread like flowing water towards the surroundings, he fisted with five fingers and blasted towards the nearest reptile.

(End of this chapter)

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