Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1672 Zhong Feiyang

"Suppress me with the first case?" Zhao Yang said with some displeasure.

"I am Zhong Feiyang, the divine son of the first sect." The man stood up and said proudly.

"Those who don't know think you are the Holy Son?" Zhao Yang said indifferently.

If Zhong Feiyang were the Holy Son, Zhao Yang would still care.

"Arrogant, get out of here." Zhong Feiyang pointed to Zhao Yang's box and said.

"Master Zhong, this is my Dan Pavilion's auction site, I hope to show this old man a face, and don't make trouble here." The second elder stood up at this time.

"What are you, worthy of my face?" Zhong Feiyang glanced at the second elder, his face full of disdain.

The second elder's hand trembled.

He really wanted to slap the guy in front of him to death, but he didn't dare, it would bring him and Dange an unpredictable crisis.

"You said let me get out?" A cold voice came from Zhao Yang's box.

"Are you deaf? Do you want me to say it again?" Zhong Feiyang said unceremoniously.


A dharma seal descended from the sky, and the mighty true meaning of martial arts came to suppress Zhong Feiyang with overwhelming momentum.

Zhong Feiyang's hair was flying, his eyes were shining brightly, his body was emitting brilliance, and the ancient scriptures rumbled.

He squeezed his fist and rose into the sky.

In Zhong Feiyang's heart, no matter what kind of seal you are, anyway, I can't stop Lao Tzu

The Peerless Fist Seal.

It's just that when his fist seal collided with the magic seal in mid-air, he was shocked to find that he was blocked.

"What kind of seal is this? How can you block my Wushuang fist seal?" Zhong Feiyang shouted.

He felt incredible.

In his opinion, there is no son of God in the outside world who is his opponent?

"This is the seal of King Wu." At this point, Zhao Yang shouted loudly, "The world is long, and there is only truth."

The power of King Wu Fayin more than doubled in an instant.

Zhong Feiyang's fist marks were smashed into pieces, and he himself was forced back to the ground staggeringly. His face turned blue and white, and finally spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Is this the son of God in the first pavilion?" Zhao Yang stood in front of the box, looking down at Zhong Feiyang, "Trash."

"You're looking for death, do you know that?" Zhong Feiyang said through gritted teeth.

"Hehe, what else can you do besides bark?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhong Feiyang with mocking eyes.

"I can't represent the level of the first pavilion. If you have the ability, you challenge my elder brother Zhong Shenxiu." Zhong Feiyang stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"Zhong Shenxiu?"

"The Legendary Holy Son."

"Zhong Shenxiu is expected to become a taboo in the future."

"No matter how strong the Son of God is, it is impossible for the Son of God to be a match for the Son of God."

Guqin heard everyone's discussion and said quickly, "Zhao Yang, Qian

Do not agree. "

"That's right, Zhao Yang, this is not a joke, no matter how strong the Son of God is, it is impossible for the Son of God to be the opponent of the Son of God." Mu Jian also persuaded from the side.

Seeing that Zhao Yang didn't speak, Zhong Feiyang thought that Zhao Yang was intimidated, "It turns out that you also have someone to be afraid of."

Bai Jinghao quickly grabbed Zhao Yang's arm, "History of Law Enforcement, you are not at the same level, don't be fooled by him."

Zhao Yang pushed Bai Jinghao's hand away, his eyes were very clear without any waves, "I'm not interested in challenging your elder brother Zhong Shenxiu, but if Zhong Shenxiu is interested, I don't mind fighting him."

When Zhao Yang's voice fell, the audience was in an uproar.

"This guy has courage." Even Yu Tong, who had a bad relationship with Zhao Yang, looked at Zhao Yang with admiration at this time.

You know, not everyone dares to say such a thing at a time like this?

"I will bring this sentence, I believe my elder brother will make a move." Zhong Feiyang's face was filled with joy.

"Do you know what you look like at this moment?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Like what?" Zhong Feiyang asked subconsciously.

"A bullying dog."

Zhong Feiyang was so angry that his face turned green, "You wait for me, my elder brother will not let you go."

After Zhong Feiyang put down his harsh words, he turned and ran away.

"Second Elder, will the auction continue?" Zhao Yang looked at the Second Elder.

"Ah! Go on, go on." The second elder said here suddenly

Then I thought of something, "Did you call out to one billion just now? Is there anything higher than one billion?"

Everyone was silent.

Already at this price, who will compete?

In the end Tai Ajian was photographed by Zhao Yang.

After the auction, everyone started discussing.

"How many god stones does Zhao Yang have?"

"I think there have to be billions more."

"That's right, otherwise how dare you waste it so much?"

"But Zhao Yang offended the first pavilion, and he will suffer in the future."

"Actually, it's not as responsible as you think. The First Pavilion is a transcendent force. What is transcendence? It's just transcending the world. The First Pavilion won't take care of the younger generation's struggles."

"What do you mean?"

"If Zhong Shenxiu doesn't take action, this matter will be over. Don't you think the first pavilion will help Zhao Yang find a place?"

"Then let's watch Zhong Shenxiu."

After Zhao Yang returned to his residence, Wang Xun and other soldiers came to see Zhao Yang.

Their expressions were all dignified, obviously they knew about it.

"Get the hell out and go back to practice." Zhao Yang said angrily.

After they left, Mingyue came to Zhao Yang's side.

"I looked up some information, and found that Zhong Shenxiu has very little information, I only know that he is very strong." Mingyue said softly, holding Zhao Yang's big hand.

She was worried.

"I have no absolute

I am sure to defeat Zhong Shenxiu, but I am confident that I will not lose. " Zhao Yang said softly.

Mingyue's pupils shrank slightly, "You...are you the Son of God?"

Zhao Yang talked about this, how could Mingyue still not understand?

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

"My husband is really amazing." Mingyue's beautiful eyes exuded a dazzling luster.

"Actually, Caihan will become the Son of God without accident." After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang said slowly.

"What?" Mingyue was startled.

If Zhao Yang is the Holy Son, she is still mentally prepared, but if Lin Caihan is the Holy Son, she is not mentally prepared.

"I didn't expect the transcendental forces like the First Pavilion to come out so soon." Zhao Yangyu said earnestly, "The reason why I told you this is to let you not worry. Sooner or later we will still be able to gain a firm foothold in the Upper God Realm of."

Hearing this, Mingyue thought for a while and said, "Husband, can I recruit a group of disciples?"

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"I think it is still necessary to cultivate a group of my confidantes." Mingyue said in a deep voice, "Dan Pavilion belongs to Dan Pavilion after all, and they may not part ways in the future."

"Then you go and challenge some monks with clean backgrounds to train them."

"Cultivating monks requires resources."

"Is a billion dollars enough for you?" Zhao Yang threw a universe bag to Mingyue.

"Enough, enough, enough." Mingyue said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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