Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1665 Sword Gate Pass


When Concubine Jin opened the wine jar, a strong aroma of wine entered Zhao Yang's nostrils.

Zhao Yang felt a burst of pain in his viscera.

"This wine is so strong." Zhao Yang couldn't help but said.

"You will have a deeper understanding after drinking it later." Concubine Jin winked at Zhao Yang.

Bai Haoshou felt a little uncomfortable.

In his opinion, Concubine Jin was flirting with Zhao Yang.

"Isn't it dangerous to drink this wine?" Zhao Yang thought it better to ask clearly.

"Jianmen Pass is refined from famous springs and famous valleys. It will polish your muscles and bones, temper your soul, don't worry, nothing will happen." Jin Fei said with a smile.

Only then did Zhao Yang raise his glass and drank it down.

Concubine Jin wanted to stop it but found it was too late.

She wanted to tell Zhao Yang that the sword gate was closed with a sip.

After Zhao Yang finished drinking, his color changed.

He felt as if he had swallowed a sharp sword.

Those swords were rampaging in his body, his meridians, his flesh and blood, and his muscles and bones were all stabbed and painful.

Sweat flowed from his forehead all at once, and at the same time he felt dizzy for a while, and then fell headfirst on the table.

"My junior brother is too reckless." Bai Haoshou said with a smile.

Seeing Zhao Yang make a fool of himself, he was happy from the bottom of his heart.

He took a sip cautiously, and as a result his complexion also changed


His feeling was no better than Zhao Yang's. He shook his head desperately, but finally fell down.

"Miss, what should I do?" Xiaoyue looked at the two drunken people and asked with a smile.

"Let them both sleep here." Concubine Jin said after thinking about it, "And you are here to take care of them."

Concubine Jin left after speaking.

She came to the study of the palace master of Yaochi.

"Concubine Jin, why are you here?" Palace Mistress Su Jin asked in confusion.

But immediately Sujin felt that Jinfei's aura had changed.

"You recovered!" Su Jin used affirmative sentences instead of interrogative sentences.

"Thanks to Dange's history of law enforcement, otherwise I would not have recovered."

"Dan Pavilion Law Enforcement History Zhao Yang?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"The palace master also knows him?"

"Dan Pavilion's law enforcement history has defeated Zhen Pavilion's law enforcement history in the field of arrays. This incident has become a joke in the entire Upper God Realm." Su Jin smiled lightly, "Furthermore, the Shenzi Jiutong of the Jiuyou lineage, Cang Yuan from the Cang Clan is his younger brother, and God King Ji Qingcheng is his righteous sister, so I don’t think it’s hard not to pay attention.”

"Zhao Yang saved me this time, I wonder if I can be tempered in the holy water?" Concubine Jin pondered for a while and explained the reason for her visit.

"Holy water is related to the inheritance of our Yaochi lineage. This is absolutely impossible." Su Jin refused without thinking, "But our Yaochi can't treat him badly. In this way, you send

Give him a fairyland golden lotus. "

Yaochi Golden Lotus is a specialty of Yaochi.

Only one flower is born every hundred years.

"Alright." Concubine Jin responded.

In fact, Concubine Jin was dissatisfied.

Although Yaochi Golden Lotus is said to be expensive, would Zhao Yang care?

Concubine Jin went to the treasury to get a golden lotus and returned to her courtyard.

"Miss, where have you been?" Xiao Yue jumped up and down in front of her.

"I'm going to find the Palace Master. Mr. Zhao has helped me so much this time. I want Mr. Zhao to go to the holy water for training."

"Has the Palace Master agreed?"


"Then our Yao Chi can't show nothing, can it?"

"The palace lord gave up a golden lotus."

"Golden lotus can allow monks to step into the high level of life, but I think this is compared to saving you. Wouldn't it be too petty to give a golden lotus?"

Concubine Jin was silent.

"The palace lord is still partial to the son of God. Since your accident, I haven't seen the palace lord come a few times." Just as Xiaoyue said this, she was scolded by the golden concubine, "Shut up, you can say such things Is it?"

Arranging the king of gods?

I don't want to live anymore.

Only then did Xiaoyue realize that she had just been reckless.


"This is not an example." Jin Fei said lightly.

"Your lady is right. The king of gods is indeed not something you can arrange." Concubine Jin and Xiaoyue didn't expect Zhao Yang to rub her hands.

The head actually woke up.

" drank a full glass, how could you wake up so quickly?" Concubine Jin was a little moved.

Arguably it shouldn't.

"The wine at Jianmenguan is so strong, I've never had such a strong wine." Zhao Yang tapped his head again, "But the after effects are really too great."

Zhao Yang didn't answer Jinfei's words directly, did he tell Jinfei that he has a strong background?

"But the effect is obvious." Jin Fei said with a smile.

"Yes." Actually Zhao Yang wanted to say that it would not have much effect on him, but isn't that a slap in the face?

"Master Zhao, this is Yaochi's thanks." Concubine Jin then handed Zhao Yang a brocade box, which contained a Yaochi golden lotus.

"Thank you." Zhao Yang took it and said with a smile.

"It's me who should say thank you. From now on, I owe Mr. Zhao a favor. If you can get me in the future, Mr. Zhao, you just let me know." Concubine Jin said seriously.

That's the promise.

"Okay." Zhao Yang said bluntly.

At this moment, Bai Haoshou woke up leisurely, "Where am I?"

His face was full of bewilderment.

He shook his head only to realize that he was still in Yaochi.

"Brother Bai, we should go."

Bai Haoshou actually didn't want to leave, but he also knew that it was inappropriate to stay.

Concubine Jin personally sent the two of them to the mountain gate, and Bai Haoshou summoned them

He got off his battleship and left with Zhao Yang and Bai Haoshou on board.

After returning to Dan Pavilion, Zhao Yang bid farewell to Bai Haoshou.

But what he didn't expect was that Xiaoyue came to the door again the next day.

"Master Zhao, it seems that something happened to my young lady again."

"An accident happened again?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

Didn't you recover yesterday?

Zhao Yang summoned his own battleship, and hurried towards Yaochi with Xiaoyue on board.

When he arrived at Jinfei's courtyard, Zhao Yang found that Jinfei was still as weak as yesterday.

At this time, she looked a little flustered.

When she saw Zhao Yang, she seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, "Master Zhao, help me quickly."

Concubine Jin didn't want to fall into despair again.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Zhao Yang comforted.

Concubine Jin gradually calmed down at Zhao Yang's words.

Zhao Yang checked and found that Concubine Jin was poisoned again.

"Could it be that the toxin cannot be completely removed?" Zhao Yang pondered for a while and summoned the ice silkworm.

The ice silkworm quickly absorbed the toxins in Concubine Jin's body.

"I seem to be able to practice normally again." Concubine Jin said softly after feeling it for a while.

"Cultivate first, and watch it tomorrow." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Concubine Jin nodded.

And when Concubine Jin was practicing, Zhao Yang found that the ice silkworm was a little fatter than before.

"Could it be that devouring toxins can speed up your growth?" Zhao Yang murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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