Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1662 The mentality is broken

Everyone finds it incredible.

Isn't Zhao Yang's formation too simple?

Qingyun also thought so at this time.

He looked at the formation in front of him and fell into deep thought.

It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible for Zhao Yang to arrange only one five-element formation, but the problem is that he can't see that there are other formations.

After pondering for a while, he walked in.


The flames all over the sky fell towards Qingyun.

Qingyun avoided.

He can't use force to break open, but dodging is still no problem.

But as a result, two vines wound up towards his ankles.

Qingyun avoided it again within a hair's breadth.

But the moment he avoided it, the turbulent waves slammed down on him fiercely.

His face suddenly changed.

He was forcibly taken out of the five-element formation.

"I understand, what Zhao Yang arranged is the five-element formation, but the five-element formation he arranged is running too fast, and the five formations are constantly changing. If you want to find the center of the formation, it is as difficult as climbing the sky. "

"I really can't imagine how Zhao Yang arranged it? You know, it only took him half an hour."

"Zhao Yang's accomplishments in formations are definitely above Qingyun, and I think even Guo Fengchun is probably not as good."

"It's really ironic. Dan Pavilion's law enforcement history's accomplishments in the array have crushed Zhen Pavilion's law enforcement history."

While everyone was discussing, everyone saw Zhao Yang walking into the formation.

The four killing formations erupted in an instant


However, Zhao Yang moved quickly in it like a bubble. Even though the four killing arrays formed the strictest line of defense, it was a pity that Zhao Yang still couldn't be stopped.

"What kind of movement technique did Zhao Yang use?"

"I've never seen such an amazing movement?"

"Can't you catch his afterimage at all?"

"Look, Zhao Yang has stopped."

That's right.

Zhao Yang stopped suddenly.

At the same time, the four killing formations came to an abrupt end.

It was Zhao Yang who refined the formation center while dodging.

"Break." With Zhao Yang's explosive shout, the formation that Qing Yun had spent so much effort to arrange suddenly collapsed.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Qing Yun's face turned blue and white, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He pointed at Zhao Yang and roared angrily, "How dare you bully me like this?"

"Skills are inferior to others, who is to blame?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "I still remember that you came to challenge me."

Qingyun's whole body was trembling, his eyes fixed on Zhao Yang, wishing to tear Zhao Yang to pieces.

"Zhao Yang, can you answer a question for me?" Guo Fengchun asked loudly after pondering.

"Ask." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"As the history of law enforcement in Dan Pavilion, why are you so proficient in fighting Taoism?" Guo Fengchun said with a smile, "Or do you think Zhen Tao is more useful than Dan Tao, or is the position of law enforcement history you are delaying in name only? "

"in my eyes

Whether it is alchemy, array or tool, it is one of the three thousand ways, and it does not matter whether it is high or low. "How did Zhao Yang fall into Guo Fengchun's language trap?

"You still haven't answered my question." How could Guo Fengchun let Zhao Yang go so easily?

"It seems that if I don't show off my skills, you will not let me go?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Guo Fengchun's expression suddenly darkened.


Everyone is a son of God.

How can there be scolding?


When Zhao Yang took a step forward, his body exuded an earth-shattering white light.

He seemed to have turned into a round of scorching sun, so exuberant that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

"How did my injury heal?"

"My dark disease seems to be gone."

"I feel that my thoughts are clear, as if I am retreating now."

"My avenue injury also shows signs of repair."

"This... is simply amazing."

In the depths of Dan Pavilion.

Bai Haoshou could no longer remain calm, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

"This... this is a healing technique."

The maid exclaimed, "The healing technique is known as a taboo technique. In recent years, except for Danzu, no one has succeeded in practicing it."

When the maid said this, she looked at Bai Haoshou worriedly.

There is no doubt that Zhao Yang has mastered the healing technique, which is a blow to Bai Haoshou's status.

"This kid..." Danzu's face revealed a look of shock.

The healing technique was developed by him.

He knows very well how difficult it is to succeed in practice.

But Zhao Yang managed to cultivate successfully in such a short period of time.

It is not weak!

"Bai Haoshou is not as good as him after all." Dan Zu murmured after a while.

Even if Zhao Yang didn't ask Bai Haoshou to help out, but the law enforcement history of the court and the young pavilion master came hand in hand, and he, the young pavilion master, should appear on the stage due to the situation.

But he chose to sit on the sidelines.

This is the pattern.

The smile on Guo Fengchun's face froze.

Zhao Yang used a healing technique, which he did not expect.

But then he changed his voice, "If my guess is correct, it seems that the young master of the Pill Pavilion has not practiced such a taboo technique, has he?"

"You don't have to be weird here, I think it's disgusting." What Guo Fengchun didn't expect was that Zhao Yang directly tore his face.


"I don't like you a long time ago, let's compete if we have the ability." Zhao Yang pointed at Guo Fengchun and said.

"I've been busy practicing recently, so I don't have time to compete with you." Guo Fengchun couldn't figure out Zhao Yang's way, how could he agree easily?

Zhao Yang looked at Guo Fengchun with contempt, and then his eyes fell on Qing Yun, "Where is Luo Fengcao, who is ranked eighth?"

Only then did Qingyun remember this.

He reluctantly threw Luo Fengcao to Zhao Yang.

Then he left without looking back.

"Master Zhao, there is

Time to come to Yuhua Dynasty as a guest. "Yu Tong shouted towards Zhao Yang at this time.

Yutong could see that Zhao Yang was not simple.

These days, it's rare to see people who dare to practice both alchemy and formation. What's more important is that they have reached the pinnacle in every field.

Qingyun staggered when he heard this.


Yutong, you are here to help me keep the place down.

What do you mean by inviting Zhao Yang now?

Isn't that hitting him in the face?

He seemed to feel the ridicule and teasing in everyone's eyes.

He didn't want to stay here anymore, and he hated Zhao Yang to the core.

"Zhao Yang, just wait, one day I will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces."

Wanshen Gate!

Liu Yunyi looked at Lin Caihan and said, "Caihan, you haven't gone to see your husband yet."

"Let's go back." Lin Caihan shook her head.

"What?" Don't say Liu Yunyi didn't understand, everyone didn't understand.

"I don't want to be my husband's weakness. I have to practice hard to catch up with him." Lin Caihan said seriously.

After Lin Caihan said that, it was difficult for everyone to say anything.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After the game, Zhao Yang called Jiutong from the Jiuyou lineage, Cangyuan from the Cang clan, and Ji Lingtian from the Ji clan to chat in his courtyard.

Zhao Yang first asked Ji Lingtian about Ji Qingcheng's situation.

"The Divine King had an adventure this time, and his cultivation has improved to a higher level." Ji Lingtian said softly, "The Divine King said that if you have time, go to the Ji clan."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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