Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1656 Waiting For Me

"What kind of exercises do you practice?" Zhao Yang asked Wang Xun.

"We practice all kinds of exercises." Wang Xun replied.

"In this way, if you have any doubts about cultivation, you can ask me." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while.

"Can we do it too?" Wang Xun asked hurriedly.

"What's your cultivation level, what's my cultivation level?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "Forget it if you're born in the God Realm."

Wang Xun and the soldiers who were born in the god state were extremely depressed.

The progress of practice cannot be improved, and there is no way to solve the confusion.

They eagerly hoped that Zhao Yang could step into the Realm of Living God as soon as possible.

Soon Zhao Yang showed his profound knowledge.

Because the monks in Death God Realm asked all kinds of questions, and Zhao Yang was able to give reasonable answers to all of them.

"The history of law enforcement is horrific."

"Even the elders of Dan Pavilion's Chuan Gong couldn't answer my question."

"I asked many masters of Dan Pavilion about this question, but none of them answered it."

"My question has troubled me for more than ten years. If it weren't for the history of law enforcement, I might not know the answer in this life."

"Listening to the history of law enforcement is better than reading ten years of books."

As time goes by, the monks in the Death God Realm feel that they have benefited a lot.

A few days later, Zhao Yang gave a lecture.

He was talking about the avenue of Death God Realm.

The monks in the God of Death Realm were fascinated by what they heard, and they waited until Zhao Yang

After stopping for a long time, they came out of the state of enlightenment.

"I'm going to break through."

"I can break the current confinement after a period of retreat."

"I have a feeling of ascension."

"The history of law enforcement understands the avenue at its zenith."

"What about law enforcement history?"

"Yes, where is the history of law enforcement?"

At this time Wang Xun stood up, "The history of law enforcement has left, and he will give you three days off. You can do whatever you want, but don't violate the laws of Dan Pavilion."

These soldiers suddenly became excited.

Who doesn't find it boring to practice all day.

And after they left the training ground, all parties finally had the opportunity to inquire about what Zhao Yang had been doing at the training ground in the past few months.

When they learned that Zhao Yang had improved the formation, they didn't believe it.

"Alchemy is the same as formation way, it is a kind of supreme way. I can understand that the history of law enforcement has made such achievements in alchemy way, but how could he be so powerful in formation way?"

"The effect has increased by [-]%. Do you know that even the new law enforcement history of Zhenge has only increased by [-]%."

"That's right. Could it be that Dan Pavilion's law enforcement history is stronger than Zhen Pavilion's law enforcement history?"

In the face of doubts from all parties, Wang Xun felt that it was necessary to maintain Zhao Yang's majesty, so he invited representatives from all parties to experience it.

And after all the representatives experienced it, they were all confused.

"Eighty percent."

"The effect of the increase is really [-]%?"

"It's too incredible, isn't it?"

"How did he do it?"

"With such a formation, it's hard to improve your cultivation quickly."

While representatives from all parties were chirping, a team leader snorted coldly, "You only pay attention to these four formations. Do you know that the history of law enforcement's understanding of Dao can be described as shocking."

"There were dozens of soldiers who broke through on the spot, and many soldiers had a lot of insights, and they could break through if they were given some time. More importantly, we feel that the history of law enforcement has opened a door for us, a door we imagined. unreachable portal."

"We saw a more majestic picture in that portal."

"Our state of mind has sublimated, do you understand this transformation?"

As the monks in the Death God Realm continued to express their opinions, the eyes of all parties were red.

They realized they had missed an unimaginable opportunity.

"Let's go to the Great Elder and let the history of law enforcement preach for us."

"Yes, I will also be included in the history of law enforcement."

"Let's go now."

Representatives from all parties came to the Great Elder's courtyard in a mighty manner.

After hearing their request, the Great Elder resolutely refused, "The [-] quota was set by Danzu, and no one can change it."

"But let the history of law enforcement preach for us and explain the confusion of the head office?" A monk Shen


"I need to ask the law enforcement history about this, and I will talk about it if he agrees." The elder said after a moment of pondering.

The Great Elder immediately contacted Zhao Yang through the nameplate.

As a result, Zhao Yang politely refused.

"I'm very busy, so I don't care about those guys." Zhao Yang replied.

Zhao Yang is not lying, he is really busy now.

He buys all kinds of medicinal materials in the pharmacy.

"My lord, what do you need so many herbs for?" The shopkeeper asked in confusion when he saw the list Zhao Yang handed over.


"Our pharmacy will not be able to get these medicinal materials for a while."

"How much do you have, give me how much."

"it is good."

Soon the shopkeeper handed Zhao Yang a universe bag, and then handed Zhao Yang a list and said, "Look."

Zhao Yang glanced at it and asked, "How much is the total?"

"Three thousand four hundred and eighty-two thousand, so, you give me thirty four million eight million." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Zhao Yang handed the shopkeeper a universe bag, and then left.

He glanced at the distance and walked towards a pharmacy in the distance.

To his surprise, a man who lost his right arm knelt on the ground begging.

"Zhang Mo." Zhao Yang said in surprise.

Zhang Mo also saw Zhao Yang.

"Brother-in-law." Zhang Mo shouted to Zhao Yang in surprise.

He stood up and rushed to Zhao Yang's side when he was slapped

The light flew away.

"It seems that you haven't recognized your identity yet." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhang Mo didn't care about the pain on his face, he stood up and knelt in front of Zhao Yang, "My lord, can you lend me 100 million?"

"You lost another million?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Mo speechlessly.

Doesn't this guy have a good memory at all?

"It's all that bastard surnamed Sun. I wanted to quit gambling at first, but he lured me to gamble again. I couldn't hold back for a while..." The next words were silent, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Your sister is not doing well right now." Zhao Yang said suddenly.

"What did you do to my sister?"

"I bought her with money, so I can do whatever I want?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "But I will give you a chance, before I leave Pill Pavilion, if you can gather up 300 million yuan, then I will give it to you." Your sister will give it to you. And if you don’t make up 300 million by then, then I will kill your sister.”

" can you treat my sister like this?" Zhang Mo roared angrily.

"In my heart, you brothers and sisters are nothing but ants, and I can easily crush them to death." After Zhao Yang finished speaking, he walked towards the pharmacy.

" long will you stay in Dan Pavilion?"

"The shortest is three to five years, and the longest is 18 years." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Looking at Zhao Yang's back, Zhang Mo clenched his fists tightly, "Sister, wait for me, I will earn 300 million to save you."

(End of this chapter)

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