Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1653 Don't Disturb Me

"You...why are you still in the mood to find a woman?" Zhang Yan was so angry that she wanted to kill the guy in front of her.

"Should I give you 310 million, and he will be free himself." Zhao Yang asked.

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded.

Zhao Yang threw a universe bag to the middle-aged man, "You count."

The middle-aged man scanned his mind, and then handed an IOU to Zhang Yan, "Now we have settled the debt." Then he looked at Zhang Mo and said, "You are free now, of course you can continue to work in the IOU. play here."

"Brother-in-law, can you give me some money to spend?" What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that Zhang Mo came up and rubbed his hands together.

"Brother-in-law? What do you call my son?" Caidie snapped angrily, "Your sister is a maid bought by my son."

Cai Die knew Zhao Yang's identity.

Is the Son of God someone you and the like can cling to?

Zhang Mo took a few steps back subconsciously, then looked up at Zhang Yan and said, "Sister, will you ignore me from now on?"

"It doesn't matter to me whether you live or die in the future." Zhang Yan said a little, "I can't help you anymore." After speaking, Zhang Yan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Young master, let's go."

Zhao Yang took a deep look at Zhang Yan, "Let's go."

Zhang Mo looked at Zhang Yan's leaving figure, and realized that Zhang Yan would never be able to help him again


"My sister will never appear in my life again." Zhang Mo said sadly.

"Isn't your sister always leaving you, Mr. Zhang, are you interested in playing two more games?" The middle-aged man put his arm around Zhang Mo's shoulder and bewitched.

"Forget it, I have no money." Zhang Mo instinctively wanted to agree, but when he thought that he was penniless, he refused.

"Have you heard of bottoming out? You won't keep losing." The middle-aged man said softly, "Besides, don't play so big, you also know that I have a lot of authority. Even if you lose, I will give you time , if you go to the task, you can pay it back, right?"

"This..." The middle-aged man's words tickled his heart.

"It's boring, forget it if you don't go, I'm going out." The middle-aged man said and let go of his shoulders.

" give me ten thousand god stones first." Zhang Mo couldn't bear it in the end.


"Zhang Yan, are you familiar with Pill City?" After leaving the casino, Zhao Yang asked the depressed Zhang Yan.

"Familiar, I have lived in Pill City since I was a child." Zhang Yan hurriedly replied.

"How's the law and order in Dan City?"

"Compared to other cities, it is much better."

"How is the high-level reputation of Dan Pavilion?"

"Any high-level executives are intriguing in the later stage. Fortunately, there are two law enforcement histories in Dange's face, and those two law enforcement histories are overwhelming.

The top management is not too much. "


"There is another one, but no one has seen it before."

Zhao Yang asked many more questions, and Zhang Yanquan asked them one by one patiently.

"Do you think your brother can get rid of his gambling habit this time?" Zhao Yang suddenly changed the subject.

"No." Zhang Yan said without thinking, "But I have helped him many times, and he still doesn't know how to repent. If I don't leave, he will never change in his life."

"Then you are not worried that he will be killed?" Cai Die couldn't help asking.

"Beating to death is impossible. The casino is for money, not for murder." Zhang Yan shook her head and said, "When he loses to a certain extent, the casino will no longer lend money. will really grow."

"In the future, without my permission, you must not leave my side." Zhao Yang said lightly at this time.

"I... obey." In fact, Zhang Yan was going to visit Zhang Mo secretly, but since Zhao Yang said so, Zhang Yan dared not disobey.

The three of them came to Dan Pavilion all the way.

The Dan Pavilion is protected by a huge mountain guard, and there is an office at the foot of the Dan Pavilion.

Zhao Yang waited quietly when he arrived at the door of the office.

Not long after, a young man in a red robe hurried over here.

"Bai Jinghao has seen the history of law enforcement." Bai Jinghao was a little excited

said movingly.

Bai Jinghao had a hard time these days, because his deadly enemy took refuge in the Second Elder.

The second elder's status in the Dan Pavilion was not comparable to that of the fifth elder Bai Yunfei, so Bai Yunfei was squeezed out everywhere.

Now that Zhao Yang has arrived, he feels that he can feel proud.

"History of Law Enforcement." Zhang Yan exclaimed.

Could it be that the person in front of him is the third law enforcement history of Dange.

"Where's Danzu?"

"Danzu is retreating."

"You take me to Danzu's retreat place, Danzu said before that he wants to see me."

"I don't have this authority, I have to tell my grandpa."


The group of three followed Bai Jinghao to Bai Yunfei's courtyard.

In the end, the waiter told Bai Yunfei that he was not here.

"I'll contact my grandfather." Bai Jinghao said immediately.

At this time, Bai Yunfei was in the courtyard of the Second Elder.

Bai Yunfei greeted the Second Elder for a while, then pushed over a brocade box, "Second Elder, this is a tranquilizing incense I got from a friend, and lighting it up during cultivation can get twice the result with half the effort."

The second elder glanced at the brocade box, and then said with a smile, "Fifth elder, your gift is too expensive, I dare not accept it."

"It's just Anshenxiang, Second Elder, is it because you don't like it?"

"Fifth elder, don't go around in circles, what's the matter?"

You say it. "How can the second elder not see that the fifth elder has something to ask for himself.

"Jing Hao is not far from the Living God Realm, do you think you can give him a share of good resources?" Fifth Elder asked tentatively.

"Fifth Elder, what are you talking about? Jinghao is a leader of the younger generation, and of course the resources of the sect will be given priority to him." The second elder changed his voice when he said this, "However, you also know that Dan Pavilion There are too many younger generations, and I will make overall arrangements when the time comes."

Bai Yunfei's heart sank.

How could he not hear that the second elder was rejecting in disguise?

"Speaking of which, I still hope that the Second Elder can give up your heart a little more." Bai Yunfei could only say so.

"Fifth elder, you have spoken, don't worry, I will definitely arrange it." The second elder pretended to ponder for a while before saying.

Bai Yunfei stood up and bid farewell to the second elder.

After leaving the courtyard, his face darkened.

He realized that most of the soothing incense had been fed to the dogs.

At this moment, his nameplate vibrated, and when he saw the news on it, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"History of Law Enforcement has come to Dan Pavilion."

Bai Yunfei hurried to his courtyard, and saw Zhao Yang chatting and laughing from a distance.

"Bai Yunfei has seen the history of law enforcement." Bai Yunfei saluted Zhao Yang respectfully.

Zhao Yang supported Bai Yunfei with both hands, "Elder Bai, are you trying to break me?"

(End of this chapter)

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