Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1650 I am not qualified

Song Baoyu's face suddenly darkened.

"Are you sure the door master said so?"


"Where's Lin Caihan?"

"Miss Lin is not satisfied with you either."


But at this moment Song Baoyu suddenly saw a beautiful figure walking towards him.

"Caihan." Song Baoyu became a little excited.

The more I look at Lin Caihan, the more beautiful I feel, and the more excited I am.

As a result, Lin Caihan nodded politely towards him, and then hurried towards the mountain gate.

"Caihan, where are you going?" Song Baoyu hastily chased after her.

"Does it have something to do with you?" Lin Caihan stopped, with a cold expression on his face.

"I think your direction seems to be the mountain gate."

"what happened?"

"Your cultivation base is too low, it's not safe to leave the sect."

"It's my business."

What Song Baoyu was about to say, Lin Caihan said calmly, "Don't follow me."

Song Baoyu subconsciously stopped.

He watched Lin Caihan's figure getting farther and farther away, and when he was about to chase after him, a voice rang in his ear.

"Can't you hide in the dark for shelter?"

"Thank you, Deputy Sect Leader." Song Baoyu finally came to his senses.

And when Song Baoyu hid his figure and chased towards the mountain gate, Liu Yunyi also hid behind and followed.

Liu Yunyi also wanted to know who made Lin Caihan run out to greet her in surprise?


Cai Han left the mountain gate and walked in one direction.

After driving thousands of kilometers, she saw a haunted figure in a valley.

Lin Caihan rushed over and gave the other party a big hug.

Zhao Yang stroked Lin Caihan's beautiful hair, smelling the fragrance from her hair.

"Husband, I miss you so much."

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, his eyes fell in the distance, "Whoever is there, get out."


Zhao Yang's voice was like thunder, exploding in the area far away, and a figure staggered out.

That figure was none other than Song Baoyu, the Young Master of Wanshen Sect.

Song Baoyu was dizzy at this moment, and traces of blood overflowed from his mouth.

He looked at Zhao Yang with fear in his eyes.

In any case, he didn't understand why Zhao Yang was so tyrannical?

"There is one hidden in the dark." At this moment, Gu Qin transmitted the sound to Zhao Yang.

"Your Excellency, are you still not showing up?" Zhao Yang looked in the direction Guqin pointed.

Hearing this, Liu Yunyi had a look of surprise and doubt on his face.

Zhao Yang saw himself?

Just how is it possible?

He is clearly not a high-level Death God Realm, how can he see through himself?

"Give her a blow." Zhao Yang sent a sound transmission to Guqin.

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, the guqin plucked a string, and when the string vibrated, Liu Yunyi staggered and fell from mid-air as if struck by lightning.

She looked at Zhao Yang with eyes full of

Shocked, "You... who are you?"

"Master, why are you here?" Lin Caihan looked at Liu Yunyi dumbfounded.

"Master, aren't you worried about your safety?" Liu Yunyi said as if nothing happened.

In fact, the sound of the piano just now had hurt her internal organs.

"Oh, Master, let me introduce to you, this is my husband Zhao Yang. Husband, this is my master Liu Yunyi." Lin Caihan introduced each other's identities to both parties.

Liu Yunyi stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Which sect do you study under?"

Song Baoyu can be considered a master, but in the end he is nothing in front of Zhao Yang.

"Is this important?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Husband, Master is very kind to me." Lin Caihan said softly.

"But what's the matter with him?" Zhao Yang pointed at Song Baoyu and said, "Why is he following you secretly?"

"I am the Young Master of Wanshen Sect." Song Baoyu looked at Zhao Yang fiercely and said, "If you dare to hurt me, I tell you, you are finished."

"Shut up." Liu Yunyi yelled at Song Baoyu, "Do you have a place to speak here?"

"I am the Young Master of Wanshen Sect." Song Baoyu emphasized.

"If you haven't grown up, you're nothing." Liu Yunyi snorted coldly, "Believe it or not, if I kill you, I'm nothing."

What Liu Yunyi said scared Song Baoyu.

"How dare you? I am the sect master's disciple." When Song Baoyu said this,

Hou's tone weakened.

"Do you think I dare?" Liu Yunyi really wanted to kill Song Baoyu at this moment.

Don't you look at the current situation?

"Do you know that you are very likely to force Lin Caihan away." Liu Yunyi patiently transmitted voice to Song Baoyu.

"Since Lin Caihan has joined my Wanshen Sect, there is no possibility for her to leave." What Liu Yunyi didn't expect was that Song Baoyu said this, "Otherwise, the whole Wanshen Sect will chase her down and kill her until die."

"Shut up." Liu Yunyi growled towards Song Baoyu.

"Chasing and killing?" Zhao Yang's eyes glowed coldly, "Would you like to chase and kill me?"

"Hehe, I admit that you are powerful, but can you shake a Wanshen Sect?" Song Baoyu sneered.


That's right, Song Baoyu was provoking.

"It's not that the Wanshen Gate cannot be shaken." Zhao Yang communicated with the token that Dan Zu gave him at this point.

The next moment a figure appeared beside Zhao Yang.

Even though this figure didn't speak any words, the cold aura emanating from his body made Liu Yunyi, who had already reached the high level of the living god state, feel an invincible feeling in his heart.

"You are... Danzu." Liu Yunyi suddenly recognized the figure in front of him.

"Is Wanshenmen strong? Today I want to see if I can shake it?" When Danzu said this, a chill surged from Liu Yunyi's spine to her whole body.

She fell to her knees in fright.

"Wan Shen Sect has absolutely no intention of provoking Dan Pavilion."

"But the young master of your Wanshen sect is provoking my Dan Pavilion's history of law enforcement."

"History of law enforcement?" Liu Yunyi realized that Zhao Yang was Dan Pavilion's history of law enforcement.

"Caihan, tell your husband quickly, Wanshenmen has no intention of provoking Dange." Liu Yunyi looked at Lin Caihan pleadingly.

Lin Caihan stepped forward to help Liu Yunyi, "Master, it's fine, don't worry."

"Caihan..." Liu Yunyi was about to say something before being interrupted by Lin Caihan, "I know this is Song Baoyu's personal behavior, and it has nothing to do with you or the sect."

"Husband, let Danzu go back." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang.

"Danzu, let me settle this matter."

"What's the matter, just tell me, the power of the Dan Pavilion can be mobilized at any time." Danzu looked at Zhao Yang and said, "In addition, the Dan Pavilion is not a neutral force in the Upper God Realm."

Zhao Yang was startled.

So did Dange also participate in the hegemony?

"As the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion, you can go to Dan Pavilion if you have nothing to do."

"it is good."

Danzu's figure disappeared immediately.

"Liu Yunyi has seen the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion." Liu Yunyi saluted Zhao Yang.

The status of Dan Pavilion's law enforcement history is very high, even the elders of Dan Pavilion can't compare.

Therefore, even if he is the deputy sect master of Wanshen sect, he is still inferior to Zhao Yang in terms of status.

(End of this chapter)

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