Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1648 To the Red Rabbit Clan

Zhao Yang's words were so loud that all the monks in the audience were in an uproar.

Is Zhao Yang siding with the Chitu clan?

Not to mention jealousy in Ziyan's heart, but she said with a smile, "Whoever targets the Chitu family in the future will target my Zihu family."

Everyone was stunned.

What is Zi Yan doing at this time?

Zhao Yang glanced at Ziyan, why didn't he understand what she was doing?

"Why does the Chitu family need your purple fox family to protect it?" Zhao Yang snorted coldly, "Zi Yan, put away your little thoughts."

Zi Yan showed embarrassment and said, "Master Zhao, I don't understand what you are doing?"

"I was kicked out by your purple fox clan, did you forget so soon?" Zhao Yang laughed.

"Didn't I not know your identity?" Zi Yan quickly explained.

"So your change of attitude is entirely due to my identity, right?" Zhao Yang's words left Zi Yan speechless.

"Patriarch Chi, let's go." Zhao Yang looked at Chifeng Luan.

Chi Feng nodded wildly.

Chifeng Luan was very excited at this time, knowing that after Zhao Yang made a statement, none of the major ethnic groups would dare to target the Chitu clan.

After arriving at the Chitu clan, Chi Feng summoned the nine elders in the clan.

"Master Zhao gave me a sky-reaching purple fruit, a sky-reaching gold fruit, a sky-reaching silver fruit, and a sky-reaching copper fruit." Chi Yue'er said softly, "Tongtian

I've already taken the Sky Purple Fruit, and I'll give it to the patriarch for the Sky-Breaching Golden Fruit. "

The Nine Great Elders also felt that Chifeng Luan was the most suitable candidate for taking Tongtian Golden Fruit.

Because Chifeng Luan can reach the high level of the living god state in the shortest time.

"Then I will be disrespectful." Chi Feng pondered for a while before saying, "During the period of retreat, I will hand over all the matters of the sect to the elder and the young patriarch, and the young patriarch will decide on unresolved matters."

When everyone heard this, they immediately realized that Chi Feng Luan was going to give some of Chi Yue'er the rights of the patriarch.

But no one said anything.

As long as Chi Yue'er walks step by step, her future achievements will be even stronger than Chi Feng's chaos.

"Patriarch, we only have one medicinal herb that has reached the high-level of the life god realm, and it is ranked No. 18." The elder thought of something at this moment, "If you take it, what will the young patriarch do in the future?"

"Give it to the patriarch." Chi Yue'er said immediately, "I got a plant in the secret environment."

As for Chi Yue'er who ranked No. [-], he didn't say anything.

But everyone knows that it is probably higher than the eighteenth place.

And just when the patriarch Chi Feng was chaotically retreating, Chi Yue'er brought Zhao Yang to her courtyard.

After the maid brought the tea, Chi Yue'er summoned all the resources she had obtained before, "My lord, this is..."

Zhao Yang glanced at it and asked Chi Yue'er to put it away, "These resources are not worth much,

You keep it. "

"it is good."

"You got a mid-level battle puppet in the God Realm, right?"


Zhao Yang summoned a battle puppet with a wave of his hand, "This is a high-level battle puppet in the God of Life Realm, you should stay by your side."

"Son, don't you need it?"

"I got three high-level war puppets at the No. 60 stage."

Hearing what Zhao Yang said, Chi Yue'er put it away.

"In addition, this is also for you." Zhao Yang handed Chi Yue'er a volume of secret arts.

"Is this the supernatural power of the peak of the living god state?" Chi Yue'er asked hurriedly.

"Yeah, I've memorized this exercise. To be honest, it doesn't help me much, so I'll give it to you to practice."

"Can I spread this exercise among the clan?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and detained a wisp of divine thought and tapped it between her brows, "This exercise is also at the peak of the Living God Realm, but this exercise is a spiritual attack, remember, this exercise should not be passed on to the outside world. "

"Obey." Chi Yue'er said respectfully.

She is very clear about what it means to leak the exercises?

"With these two skills, I will give you some pills. You may not be able to become No. 1 under the Son of God in the future, but I think it will be easy to defeat someone like Kunsha."

Chi Yue'er was so moved that she almost cried.

"Son, why do you

Why are you so kind to me? "

"This is a deal between us, don't overthink it." Zhao Yang said hastily.

He was afraid that Chi Yue'er would develop feelings for him.

For the rest of the time, Zhao Yang stayed with the Chitu clan.

Now that his cultivation has broken through to the high level of Death God Realm, and this time he has obtained the secret technique of reaching the sky, he wants to learn it before leaving.

Furthermore, he also wanted to achieve a breakthrough in Chifeng's chaos, so that he could leave here with peace of mind.

Zhao Yang received news from Lin Caihan that day.

"I have already ascended, and I am at the Wanshen Gate at this time."

Zhao Yang checked the introduction of Wanshenmen through the nameplate, only to find that Wanshenmen used to have a god king, but since the fall of the god king of Wanshenmen, Wanshenmen has also declined a lot.

However, even if the family declines again, there will still be giants sitting in charge.

"I'm going to Wanshenmen." Zhao Yang replied.

"No, the two of us are taking two completely different paths, and I'm not by your side, so you can roam around with peace of mind." Lin Caihan replied, "Besides, you have given me so many resources, so I'm not worried that I won't be able to improve. "

"Alright, so, I will send you a resource after a while."


After finishing the call with Lin Caihan, Zhao Yang started alchemy.

He refined three batches of pills.

"My lord, how did you refine so many pills?" Chi Yue'er asked curiously.

When Zhao Yang was refining alchemy

Chi Yue'er was watching from the side.

"The elixir I refine has the potential to enhance, heal, detoxify, and restore spiritual power." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "They are the early stage of the Death God Realm, the middle stage of the Death God Realm, and the high-level Death God Realm. three stages."

Speaking of which, Zhao Yang handed Chi Yue'er a elixir, "This elixir can enhance your potential, take it."

Chi Yueer nodded.

Here, Zhao Yang also took a potential-enhancing elixir.

It's almost useless for Zhao Yang.

But talk is better than nothing, right?

"This... is this the highest-grade elixir?" Chi Yue'er suddenly realized.

Extreme grade pills are extremely rare, at least she has never seen them before.

"Otherwise, how can I have the confidence to let you surpass Kunsha?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Actually, I didn't have much confidence at first, but now I think it's a certainty over Kunsha." Chi Yue'er's eyes showed a strong flame.

In the past, Chi Yue'er just thought that she would be able to step into the high-level life god realm in the future, but now she is not satisfied with the status quo.

She wants to charge towards a higher level.

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, he suddenly felt a strong wave, and then he looked towards the place where the Chitu patriarch was retreating.

I saw a figure rushing out from the breakthrough, his body was filled with a monstrous aura, and the fiery power of light was like magma, continuously diffused in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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