Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1640 Heavenly God Tree

In an instant, Kunsha transformed into his real self.

Its body has reached more than 3000 kilometers.

But it also instantly became a living target.

And just when the monster in the mud wanted to make a move, its wings trembled slightly.

Its huge body disappeared instantly.

When everyone saw it clearly again, they found that it had appeared behind Zhao Yang and the two of them.

"Let's charge." Xue Huan said in a deep voice, pinching the seal with his hands.

As its voice fell, a halo appeared around it, which protected Zi Yan and Yuan Dongxiao, and then Xue Huan rushed towards the shore.

And the eyes of the monsters who wanted to make a move along the way suddenly lost their focus, as if they had entered a certain environment.

"Snow illusion is so strong."

"Its illusion has reached an extremely terrifying state."

"I don't know who is more powerful between him and Kunsha?"

"Don't forget the one from the human race."

The young patriarch of the Jin Falcon clan turned into a ball of light, engulfing three figures and rushing to the shore in an instant.

"This speed..."

"I can't catch it at all."

"I've heard that the Jin Falcon family's movement skills are the best in the world, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Is it a gifted supernatural power?"

"Maybe it's a heaven-defying level of movement."

Zhao Yang looked at the young patriarch of the Jin Falcon clan in surprise.

"Master Zhao, what do you have to say?

now? " Chi Yue'er asked curiously.

"What it masters is one of the nine great magical arts, Dunwuying." Zhao Yang said in a low voice, "but what it masters is fragments."

"One of the Nine Great Magical Techniques, Eun Wuying?" Chi Yue'er's heart was filled with turmoil.

What are the nine divine arts?

The strongest nine god-king secret arts recognized by god-kings!

But now the young patriarch of the Jin Falcon clan has mastered such a secret technique?

and many more.

Chi Yue'er suddenly thought of something, "How do you know it's Dun Wuying?"

"Because I will too." Zhao Yang's words made Chi Yue'er dumbfounded.

He will too?

Will he read the fragments or the full version?

Chi Yue'er thought of this question again.

But she wisely didn't ask.

At this time, the young patriarch of the Mangniu tribe recovered his true self, with a huge body and thick scales exuding a cold glow.

"Follow me." It said to the three figures beside it.

Then it rushed forward resolutely.

And all those who blocked it were knocked into the air.

When it rushed to the shore, it returned to its human form. It looked around and a sneer appeared on the corner of its mouth.

Want to get rid of me?

You also have to have that qualification?

"The Mangniu family has rough skin and thick flesh, and can resist attacks. They rely on their brute strength, making everyone daunting." Chi Yue'er explained.

Soon the other five ethnic groups also rushed over.

However, there were also a few monks who were lost on the way.

"This is the first test, and six monks were lost."

"I suddenly lost confidence in this test."

"Me too."

Everyone walked forward while talking.

After walking for a long time, I saw a door, but the door was full of strange lights, and I couldn't see anything.

Everyone stopped at the same time.

No one dares to rush there until they figure it out.

"Array." Kunsha said in a deep voice after feeling it for a while.

"To be exact, it's a killing formation." Yuan Dongxiao said solemnly at this time.

Yuan Dongxiao also understands formations.

This is also the reason why Zi Yan asked Yuan Dongxiao to follow.

"This killing formation is not easy, the five elements are all reversed."

"There is also the Four Elephant Killing Formation."

"Four elephants and the upside-down five-element killing formation, how do you live?"

There were still many formation masters present.

When they found that the killing array was so difficult, their expressions became serious.

But at this moment, what they didn't expect was that Zhao Yang led Chi Yue'er's catkin and walked towards the killing formation.

"Don't rush in." Kunsha hurriedly shouted at Zhao Yang, "This killing formation is a fusion of at least four killing formations."

"Four kinds?" Hearing what Kunsha said, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Because they only see two, okay?

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

at this time

Chi Yue'er was in a disturbed mood.

Because the killing array is very close to her.

But she still chose to believe in Zhao Yang.


Two steps!

Three steps!

When she was in the killing array, she found that the runes exuding fierce murderous intent did not cause the slightest harm to her.

As if they didn't belong to this time and space, they walked through the killing array step by step under the dumbfounded expressions of everyone.

"what's the situation?"

"Why doesn't the killing array work?"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"They just passed by?"

Seeing this scene, Kunsha gritted his teeth and rushed towards the killing formation.

However, the moment he touched the killing formation, the killing intent erupted instantly, and those formation runes burst out with destructive energy.

Even though Kunsha opened up the protective divine light immediately, he was forced to withdraw by those runes.

"The killing array is terrifying." Kunsha said with a serious face.

"Master Kunsha, how can we get through it?" Zi Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Any formation has an upper limit, everyone will break through together later, so that we can break through the formation faster." Kunsha said after a moment of pondering.

"Young Master Kunsha is right, but who will be at the front?" Yuan Dongxiao's eyes flickered, "You must know that the front bears the greatest pressure."

"I'll rush to the front, everyone just follow." Kunsha said lightly.

Kunsha is well aware of the virtues of these guys. If it doesn't set an example, God knows when it will be able to rush over?

And when everyone rushed into the formation, they were shocked to find that the power of the formation far exceeded their expectations.

"Where is the upper limit of this killing array?"

"This killing formation is an indiscriminate attack."

"Kunsha, you tricked us."

Everyone soon realized that Kunsha was overshadowing them.

Because everyone is not ready yet, some people who know the formation are still thinking about breaking the formation?

But now Kunsha broke the plan.

"Don't talk about it now, let's find a way to break through."

"Yes, otherwise it will be lost in it."

Everyone held the magic weapon to block while thinking about the way to break the formation.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang and Chi Yue'er left the formation, what came into view was a huge tree.

"Tiantian Divine Tree." Chi Yue'er exclaimed.

"Didn't Tongtian Shenshu become a god king?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"I was severely injured in the Battle of Fengmo, and I have been cultivating all these years." At this time, Tongtian Shenshu spoke out.

"I've seen you, senior." Zhao Yang bowed to the Heavenly God Tree.

Chi Yue'er also hurriedly saluted.

"You can walk through the killing formation I set up like a leisurely stroll, which shows that your attainments in the formation are very high." Tongtian Shenshu looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Should you join the formation pavilion?"

(End of this chapter)

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