Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1638 The lingering ghost

Jumping beam clown!

If Zhao Yang knew what Xue Huan was thinking, he wondered if he would have laughed out loud.

After leaving the Xue family, Zhao Yang headed towards the Chitu clan.

Zhao Yang has heard a lot of news these days, for example, the Chitu family was there this time.

Red Rabbit Clan!

Everyone in the Chitu clan looked uneasy.

Because they did not invite decent foreign aid.

"The best disciples of our Chitu clan are no match for the young patriarchs of those clans."

"The problem is that since the old patriarch disappeared, no ethnic group has come and gone with us."

"We can't get a single foreign aid."

"Who doesn't know that our Chitu clan is dying, and the ape clan is openly clamoring to destroy our Chitu clan."

"Did the ape clan dare to be so arrogant when the old patriarch was here?"

Just when the Chi clan was worried, a guard came to report a human clan's visit.

The patriarch of the Chitu tribe asked in surprise, "Did he say who it was?"

"No, he said he was here to help." The guard replied.

The patriarch of the Chitu tribe thought for a while and said, "Please."

Soon Zhao Yang came to the living room accompanied by the guard.

"I don't know if my son came to my Chitu clan...?" The patriarch of the Chitu clan asked softly.

"Did you Chitu clan get the quota to go to the secret realm?" Zhao Yang opened the door to meet

Shandi said.


"I will be your Chitu Clan's foreign aid."

The patriarch of the Chitu Clan showed surprise, "That...why did you choose to be my Chitu Clan's foreign aid?"

"A month ago, Zi Yan invited me to be the foreign aid of the Purple Fox Clan, but when I arrived today, I never thought that they would invite Xue Huan, so the Purple Fox Clan put down the grind and killed the donkey." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I don't know how much share you want?" the chief of the Chitu Clan stared at Zhao Yang and asked.

"I want [-]% of the share from the Purple Fox Clan, but I want [-]% from your Red Rabbit Clan." Zhao Yang's words made the monks of the Red Rabbit Clan look pale.

"My son, our Chitu tribe can give you [-]%, but you have to take some out?" said the patriarch of the Chitu tribe when the elders of the Chitu tribe were restless.

Zhao Yang threw a token to the patriarch of the Chitu Clan, "I wonder if this token is enough?"

The patriarch of the Red Rabbit Clan looked at the three ancient seals on the token, and his little heart started beating thumpingly.

" are the law enforcement history of Dange?" The patriarch of the Chitu clan's voice fell, and all the senior leaders of the Chitu clan were shocked.

What do these three words Dange's history of law enforcement mean?

How are they unclear?

"I heard that Dan Pavilion's law enforcement history will be a giant in the future even if it is worse." Chi Yue'er, the young patriarch of the Chitu Clan, looked at Zhao Yang with adoring eyes.

"Almost." Zhao Yang nodded.

"As long as you can guarantee Yue'er's safety, then [-]% of the resources you get in the Secret Realm will be given to you, and you have the right to choose first." The patriarch of the Chitu clan said immediately.

I have to say that the Chitu patriarch is very courageous.

"When are we going?" Zhao Yang asked.

"The secret realm of Tongtian will open tomorrow, and we can go there at any time." The patriarch of the Chitu clan said softly, "The secret realm of Tongtian is not far from here, or we can go there early tomorrow morning."


"Yue'er, help Mr. Zhao arrange a place to live."

After Chi Yue'er left with Zhao Yang, an elder of the Chitu clan whispered, "Patriarch, isn't it too much to give him [-]%?"

"You have to know that with our strength, there is a high probability that we won't be able to get out alive." The patriarch of the Chitu clan said in a deep voice, "Now that Mr. Zhao has joined, they can go to more dangerous areas and get more rare treasures. resources. You think that [-]% is very little, but in fact it is far more than what we got.”

"What's more important is that Mr. Zhao will ensure Yue'er's safety. You must also know that Yue'er is the hope of our younger generation."

Only then did the elder realize it.

"Also Mr. Zhao is Dan Pavilion's history of law enforcement. If we make good friends with him, other ethnic groups will have to weigh it if they want to deal with us in the future." An older

The old man said solemnly.

Chi Yue'er came to Zhao Yang's courtyard early the next morning.

"Master Zhao, we should go." Chi Yue'er said softly.

Hearing that Zhao Yang walked out of the courtyard, "Who else is going to the Heaven-reaching Secret Realm besides us?"

"We are the only ones going to the Heaven-reaching Secret Realm, but the patriarch will follow, he is worried about our safety." Chi Yue'er replied.

"Is the old patriarch of your Chitu clan missing or has he fallen?"

"Missing, without the slightest sign, even we don't know if the old patriarch is still alive?"

"Your old patriarch is missing, will other ethnic groups be safe?"

"Many ethnic groups are eyeing our Chitu clan, and the one who jumps the most is the ape clan."

"Is it from Yuandongxiao's ape clan?"


"That grandson's mouth was torn apart by me a few days ago."

There was an incredulous look in Chi Yue'er's eyes, "You tore its mouth?"

"how do you know?"

"A few days ago, it was rumored that a peerless master tore Yuan Dongxiao's mouth, shattered Jin Sansui's heart, and kicked Xiong Sanshi's ribs in a few moves. It turned out to be you, son."

At this time, Chi Fengran, the patriarch of the Chitu clan in the distance, heard Chi Yue'er's words.

There was also a storm in his heart.

He was worried about Zhao Yang's lack of strength before, but now he is relieved.

"Young Master Zhao, it's time for us to go." Chi Feng trotted in front of Zhao Yang and said.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang nodded.

The King Tongtian God had ten powerful clans back then.

Among them is the Chitu family.

These ten ethnic groups have mastered the heaven-reaching secret realm in recent years, and there are powerful and powerful people in these ten ethnic groups.

Because of the disappearance of the old patriarch of the Chitu clan, the nine major ethnic groups are speculating whether the Chitu clan will send someone to come?

"I don't think the Red Rabbit Clan will come."

"The ape clan, the bear clan, and the jackal clan publicly issued a statement that whoever is a helping hand for the Chitu clan will be with them forever."

"If it weren't for the fear that the old patriarch of the Chitu clan is still alive, I'm afraid the current Chitu clan would have become scum."

"Don't think things are so simple, even if the old patriarch of the Chitu clan is gone, can't any ethnic group be bullied?"

"That's right, whoever is powerful will not leave behind methods, and such methods are not something a big brother can contend with."

"Those guys still think things are too simple, didn't you see that the other nine families didn't move?"

While the monks present were discussing, a group of three people from a distance landed on a cloud boat.

Seeing the figure on the cloud boat, Zi Yan's expression changed involuntarily.

"What is he?"

Yuan Dongxiao's face darkened, "I didn't expect that guy to linger!"

(End of this chapter)

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