Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1621 Defeating Cangyuan

"Why?" Cang Yuan said angrily.

"You broke the rules." Catwoman said indifferently, "What? Want to cause trouble in the city that never sleeps?"

Cang Yuan fell silent.

"Now we are re-auctioning the incomplete ancestral line. The base price is 2000 million, and each increase must not be less than 100 million." After Catwoman's voice fell, Zhao Yang immediately shouted [-] million.

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and finally chose to remain silent.

Even if they can come up with [-] million, Zhao Yang will obviously continue to increase the price.

So it doesn't make any sense.

The only one qualified to bid was Cang Yuan, but Cang Yuan was banned from bidding.

As a result, Zhao Yang bought this incomplete ancestral vein at a price of [-] million.

Cang Yuan looked at Zhao Yang coldly, he had already decided that no matter how much he paid after going out, he would kill Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang also had a cold look in his eyes, and he also wanted to kill Cang Yuan.

"The next item to be auctioned is the ice silkworm." Catwoman said as a chubby ice silkworm appeared in her palm.

A trace of cold air permeated the ice silkworm's body, and soon the temperature of the whole room dropped.

"Ice silkworm."

"The legendary ice silkworm that can cure hundreds of poisons."

"I just don't know what level this ice silkworm is?"

When everyone was discussing, Catwoman smiled and said, "As long as the poison is not a god-level poison

Su, then there is no problem, and even has a certain degree of restraint against the god-king level. "

"The price of this ice silkworm is 6000 million, and each increase must not be less than 50." After Catwoman's voice fell, Zhao Yang opened his mouth and said [-] million.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yang in bewilderment.

Is there such a bid?

"Two hundred million." Cang Yuan glanced at Zhao Yang.

"100 million." Zhao Yang said calmly, "I won more than [-] billion yesterday, afraid of you?"

Cang Yuan stared at Zhao Yang intently.

He dare not bid.

He was worried that Zhao Yang would pit him.

In the end, this ice silkworm was bought by Zhao Yang at a price of [-] million yuan.

"Today's auction has come to a successful conclusion." Catwoman looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Everyone, you can continue to wander around the city that never sleeps, and of course you can leave the city that never sleeps now."

After everyone left the auction house, Chu Xiaoxue looked at Zhao Yang worriedly and said, "My lord, can you send me back?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

A group of three walked towards the gate of the city that never sleeps, and Cang Yuan followed behind them, he did not hide his ambition at all.

"My lord, Cang Yuan is following." Caidie said in a low voice.

"It's just right, so I won't have to look for him later." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

A group of people left the city.

As soon as they left the city, everyone found that the city that never sleeps had disappeared, as if it had never been seen before.

Nothing has happened.

"What is the significance of the appearance of the city that never sleeps?" Caidie asked in a deep voice.

"Looting." Cang Yuan said indifferently, "After looting so many monks, which time did you not make a lot of money?"

"There are only more than 100 million monks who have entered the city that never sleeps, and for such a giant as the city that never sleeps, it can't be described as full of money, right?" Chu Xiaoxue said after pondering for a while.

"Do you think this is the only one in the city that never sleeps?" Cang Yuan glanced at Chu Xiaoxue and said, "Every time there are hundreds of cities that never sleep, our place is just one of them."

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed shock.

"Hand over what's on your body, and I can spare you." Cang Yuan's eyes fell on Zhao Yang, and a strong momentum locked him firmly.

Zhao Yang's expression didn't change at all.

"Actually, I'm also very interested in the Star Grass on your body." Zhao Yang looked at Cang Yuan calmly.

"Arrogance." After Cang Yuan's voice fell, the momentum on his body exploded instantly. He was like a raging blue dragon, strong and domineering.

He came from the sky, and the shocking coercion overwhelmingly crushed towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang waved his hand, and a gentle force sent Caidie and Chu Xiaoxue aside.

"I'd like to see how capable you are?" As soon as the words fell, the nine-turn Tongxuan Kungfu began to work, and Zhao Yang's body burst into dazzling golden light.

His body is even more like the roar of the avenue, dazzling and dazzling.

Zhao Yang clenched his fist with five fingers and blasted towards Cang Yuan.

This fist made the sky and the earth roar, and even the void trembled.

Cang Yuan's face suddenly changed.

He is the god son of the Cang clan, and he has fought against other god sons these years, but Zhao Yang brought him a deadly sense of crisis.

His body was glowing, and scales appeared on his fists.


When the fists of the two collided together, he felt a piercing pain.

He staggered back.

He glanced at the fist, the fist was dripping with blood, and even the scales were broken a lot.

"You... how could you be so strong?" Cang Yuan's face revealed a look of astonishment.

"Hand over the Star Grass." Zhao Yang bullied him.

"You think that's all I have?" Cang Yuan said here, a series of mysterious runes appeared on his fist, these runes made Cang Yuan's fist filled with a sense of boundlessness.

This breath is as obscure as the sea.

Zhao Yang's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

He suddenly realized that Cang Yuan's fist was not simple.

"Fist Wuji, one of the nine great magic arts." Nine Heavy Swords said in a deep voice at this moment.

"Fist Promise?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang summoned a sword of life.

When he urged Jian Wuji, the Sword of Life suddenly neighed,

The sword intent turned into the brightest sword light.

This sword light was so dazzling that all the heavens lost their color.


Jian Wuji and Quan Wuji collided fiercely.

But this time Cang Yuan was forced to retreat tens of meters, every time he took a step back, his blood was rolling, and when he stopped, he couldn't stand it anymore, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The way he looked at Zhao Yang became ugly.

He didn't expect that he could not defeat Zhao Yang after using Wuji, one of the nine great magical arts.

"What supernatural power did you use?"

"Jian Wuji." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Jian Wuji and Quan Wuji are brothers, how can you defeat me?" Cang Yuan looked at Zhao Yang with some puzzlement.

"Because my origin is stronger than yours." Having said that, Zhao Yang's eyes burst into golden brilliance.

The light in his eyes turned into a golden silk screen that firmly trapped Cang Yuan.

Under normal circumstances, Mouwang would never be able to trap Cang Yuan, but Cang Yuan was severely injured by Zhao Yang at this time, so he couldn't move.

"Do you know who I am?" Cang Yuan asked Zhao Yang with a gloomy expression.

"I know, the Son of God of the Cang Clan." Zhao Yang said lightly, "But do you know who I am?"

Cang Yuan was startled.

Then what did he realize?

Could it be an ordinary monk who could defeat him?

"who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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