Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1613 Persecution Token

After finishing speaking, the butterfly drank it all in one gulp.

"As long as this kind of thing happens, I won't ignore it." Zhao Yang picked up the sake and drank a glass.

"From now on, Cai Die's life will be yours, son." Cai Die knelt in front of Zhao Yang as she said.

Zhao Yang was stunned.

What is this about?

"I saved you out of humanity." Zhao Yang raised the butterfly with both hands.

"My son is like a living parent in my heart." Cai Die said with firm eyes.

At this time, another girl knelt down in front of Zhao Yang with a plop.

Unlike Cai Die, she knelt on both knees.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Yang frowned.

"My lord, I want to follow you." The girl said timidly.

"What qualifications do you think you have to follow me?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"I...I..." The girl didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Get up, how decent is it in public?" Zhao Yang scolded.

The girl stood up reluctantly.

Soon all kinds of delicacies were served, but the four girls were very afraid of Zhao Yang, and no one dared to chat, but just ate in silence.

After drinking and eating, Zhao Yang took the four girls to a hotel.

"Let's rest first, we'll talk about it at night." Zhao Yang closed the door after saying this.

He opened a room for the four girls, and as for how they rested, that was their business.

Of course they didn't

Must be able to sleep.

When evening came, the waiter in the inn woke up Zhao Yang, "Objective, it's time for you to go out."

"Wait a minute." Zhao Yang tidied up and left the room, Caidie and others were already waiting outside the door.

When Zhao Yang came outside the hotel, he found that the [-] monks were already waiting on the street.

"My lord, what do you think is the test tonight?" Cai Die asked nervously.

"I don't know either." Zhao Yang shook his head.

Time soon came to Zi Shi.

At this time, the girl wearing a cat face mask appeared in the field, she glanced at the audience with a smile and said, "The test tonight is very simple, I left a thousand tokens in the city, You need to look for these tokens carefully, and you can’t find them through your spiritual thoughts." After a pause, the girl continued, "Whoever finds the tokens will be able to survive."

Everyone's face became serious when they heard this.

What does girl mean?

Doesn't this mean that out of [-] monks, only [-] monks can survive.

"Can tokens be snatched?" an old man asked.

The old man's cultivation base is very high, he has reached the mid-level of the living god state, and he has a high probability of surviving.

"Okay, I will come to count the tokens at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and then I will only see who owns the tokens."

"Is there any reward for getting the token?"

"One hundred million divine stones, a sword reward for the early stages of the divine state, and a volume of exercises for the mid-stage of the divine state."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

Such rewards are really rich.

"Is it beneficial to get two or more tokens?" A middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

"Two rewards double, and three rewards double ten times." The girl said lightly, "Of course three times is the upper limit."

Hearing this, some strong men are eager to try.

At this time, Cai Die and the others became inexplicably nervous, which was almost a dead end for their low cultivation base.

And when the girl announced the start, Zhao Yang and others found that their spiritual sense was limited, and it could even be said that their spiritual sense was almost useless.

"Isolating your spiritual thoughts will protect you weak monks, but this is also a test of human nature." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

In this way, it is difficult for masters to find out who has all the tokens, unless they see it, but they are likely to use coercion or even kill for the sake of the god stone.

"This is..." At this moment, Fang Fei, the second girl rescued by Zhao Yang, picked up a token from a crack in the door. She ran over quickly, and put the token in her sleeve. middle.

This scene was seen by Zhao Yang and the others.

But no one said anything.

Suddenly Caidie felt that the stone slab under her feet was a bit empty, she squatted down and opened the slate, and there was a token underneath, she picked it up and handed it to Zhao Yang.

"Sir, here it is."

"What do I do

? "Zhao Yang said with some surprise.

"Cai Die will belong to the Young Master from now on, so this token should belong to the Young Master."

"You need to know what handing over this token means?"

"I know."

"No regrets?"

"No regrets."

Looking at Caidie with firm eyes, Zhao Yang didn't say anything, but put away the token.

"Let's continue to search." Zhao Yang said lightly.

In the process of searching, conflicts occurred from time to time, and many people were killed or injured.

Zhao Yang was in no mood to respond.

He just searched quietly.

One hour passed, two hours passed, three hours passed.

Zhao Yang stopped after finding five tokens.

With his good fortune, he could find more tokens, but these tokens are related to the life and death of others, so Zhao Yang did not continue to search.

But it still needs to be installed.

"My lord, here's one." Cai Die suddenly saw one.

"Leave it to others." Zhao Yang whispered.

"Okay." Caidie replied.

Fang Fei picked it up at this time, "My lord, two tokens can get double rewards."

Zhao Yang glanced at Fangfei, feeling dissatisfied with her already.

But Fang Fei didn't seem to realize this at all.

Next, Cai Die and the others saw Zhao Yang's thoughts, so they just checked some casually, and didn't go deep into the sex at all.

to check.

But Fang Fei checked carefully.

The time soon came to seven o'clock in the morning, and at this time the tokens had almost been found.

But there are still many monks who didn't get it, and they looked at the monks around them with deep eyes.

"Did you get the token?" A middle-aged man pinched a boy by the throat and asked.

", check it if you don't believe me." The boy said hastily.

After the middle-aged man inspected it, he reluctantly threw him aside and began to look for the second object.

"You guys hand over the tokens." A green-haired old man looked at the men and said sharply.

"we do not have."

"We tossed all night and got nothing."

"You come and search."

As a result, the green-haired old man killed all these men with a wave of his hand, and then his eyes fell on the second team, "Hand over the token."

The five monks in the team pondered for a moment but obediently handed over a token.

"I don't believe you only have one token." What the team didn't expect was that the other party still didn't believe it after they handed over the token.

"We really don't have any."

"If you don't believe me, search."

"Yes, if there is another one, you can do whatever you want?"

The monks of this team were also irritated.

As a result, the green-haired old man slapped a man to pieces, "Who gave you the guts to shout at me?"

(End of this chapter)

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