"I...I..." Ouyang Lanlan also realized that her behavior was too radical.

"You haven't broken through to Death God Realm all these years?" Zhao Yang sized up Ouyang Lanlan and frowned.

"I...maybe I won't be able to set foot in this life." Ouyang Lanlan said with a dark face.

"Actually, sometimes it's just a little bit worse." Zhao Yang said with a ray of alchemy.

Zhao Yang's current cultivation base has been promoted to the middle stage of Death God Realm, and his Alchemy Qi can be described as extremely pure.

Ouyang Lanlan suddenly felt that her cultivation had risen instantly, and she had reached the limit almost instantly.

"I'm going to break through." Ouyang Lanlan panicked.

What resources does she not have ready to break through?

"Here you are." Zhao Yang threw a grass to Ouyang Lanlan.

Ouyang Lanlan glanced at it, and then exclaimed, "This... is this the prologue of the fourth place?"

"If you miss this opportunity, if you want to break through, you may have to wait a few years." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I will help you protect the law, you can break through with peace of mind."

Ouyang Lanlan didn't care to thank Zhao Yang, she hastily closed her eyes.

The energy of the prologue grass was pumped into her body continuously.

Gradually, the aura on Ouyang Lanlan's body became stronger and stronger, and when it reached a limit, the entrance broke through in an instant, and her cultivation ushered in an explosive growth.

Death Realm.

Ouyang Lanlan realized that she

I have stepped into this realm.

At this time, Gongsun Sheng and other high-level sect officials rushed here, and when they saw that it was Ouyang Lanlan's breakthrough, their faces suddenly realized.

They thought it was Zhao Yang's breakthrough before, but it was wrong, how could Zhao Yang's breakthrough be so powerful?

"I should go." Zhao Yang looked at Gongsun Sheng and said.

Gongsun Sheng suddenly became nervous, "But I didn't entertain you well?"

"My cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of Death God Realm, and now it's time to leave Sky Palace." Having said that, Zhao Yang changed his voice, "After I left, the suzerain expelled my name from the genealogy, and still In the future, don't mention my name in the sect."

"Why?" Gongsun Sheng looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

"Because my enemy, Sky Palace, won't be able to handle it in the future." Zhao Yang said softly.

Gongsun Sheng pondered for a while and asked, "Can I know your limit?"

"I once fought against Potian when I was a teenager in Central God Realm."

"The king of the monster race is throwing the sky?" Gongsun Sheng exclaimed.

Xu Zhi and the others were also shocked.

They had known for a long time that Zhao Yang's identity and background were not simple. They had guessed that Zhao Yang might reach the level of a big boss in the future, and they also thought that Zhao Yang would reach the level of a giant in the future.

But now they realize that Zhao Yang is actually a son of God.

"What was the result?" Xu Yi asked.

"The sky is defeated." Zhao Yang said lightly.

There was a storm in everyone's heart.

Splash was defeated!

You must know that Potian is not weak among many god kings.

But Potian in his youth was defeated by Zhao Yang?

Are you sure it's not a joke?

And looking at Zhao Yang's expression, they also realized that this was probably true.

"Where do you plan to go in the future?" Gongsun Sheng asked after a long time.

"Turn around first."

"Wait." Gongsun Sheng said and left.

Not long after, Gongsun Sheng came back, and he handed Zhao Yang a Qiankun bag, "There are 300 million middle-grade divine stones in the Qiankun bag, and you must go out without money."

"This..." Zhao Yang was stunned.

Zhao Yang knew that the Sky Palace only got 1000 million mid-grade divine stones from Jiufeng Mountain, but he gave himself one-third of them at once.

"If you need anything in the future, just let me know." Gongsun Sheng said in a deep voice, "As long as the Sky Palace has it, I will never be stingy."

"Then I will be disrespectful." Zhao Yang took it after thinking about it, and then handed Gongsun Sheng a note, "The note is my Dan Pavilion number. If the sect encounters a crisis in the future, remember to notify I."

"it is good."

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, Zhao Yang bid farewell to Gongsun Sheng.

Ouyang Lanlan looked at Zhao Yang's back, she knew that maybe she would never have a chance to see her again in this life.

After leaving the Sky Palace, Zhao Yang took out a map, "Let's go to the Pill Pavilion."

It is only possible to find high-grade medicinal materials in Dan Pavilion.

Furthermore, he is Dan Ge's history of law enforcement.

As he was walking, Zhao Yang suddenly felt his head go dark, and then he saw a falcon swooping towards him.

"Evil animal." Zhao Yang pointed at the falcon and slashed at it.

But it only hindered its speed a little bit, and it still kept rushing towards itself.

"A high-level Death God Realm." Zhao Yang suddenly realized that the opponent's cultivation was not weak.

"I want to see how good you are?" Zhao Yang patted the falcon with his big hand as he spoke.

Babel Palm!

This is one of the supernatural powers of the Nine Transformations Tongxuan Gong.

A pair of big handprints slapped down on the falcon with devastating power.

The falcon neighed and charged towards the handprint.

But it was still ruthlessly photographed.

Zhao Yang stood in front of the huge falcon, patted its head and said, "Do you want to eat me?"

Ying Falcon looked at Zhao Yang viciously.

"It seems that you are not convinced." Zhao Yang gave it a mouthful while speaking.

The falcon struggled desperately, but unfortunately, under the suppression of the Mahamudra, it couldn't get rid of it at all.

"It just so happened that I was hungry, so I simply roasted you." Zhao Yang started plucking hair as he spoke.

The falcon was frightened.

Does this grandson really want to eat


"Forgive, spare, spare." It didn't take long before he couldn't bear it anymore and begged Zhao Yang.

"Is it too late to beg for mercy now?" Zhao Yang said with a sneer.

Falcons are great supplements.

How could Zhao Yang give up so easily?

Half an hour later, Zhao Yang set up a bonfire and started grilling.

He also smears some spices on it every now and then.

Just when the barbecue was almost ready, a sloppy old man quietly appeared beside the campfire, his eyes staring deeply at the barbecue.

Then he tore off a piece of rib and began to bite into it.

Zhao Yang took a look and continued to paint.

In the end, the old man ate up all the dozens of catties that Zhao Yang roasted.

"Is there any more?" The old man looked at Zhao Yang.

"Yes." Zhao Yang took out dozens of catties and roasted it.

The old man squatted beside him and waited quietly.

An hour later, the old man finished eating again, "Continue."

Zhao Yang didn't say anything, and continued to roast dozens of catties.

The old man wiped his mouth after he was full, "You are interesting, I give you this token, if you encounter trouble in the future, just crush it."

After the old man left, Zhao Yang asked Jiu Chongjian, "What's the origin of this old man?"

"A great power."

"I thought it was a god king?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang curled his lips, and he took out dozens of catties of barbecue and started to roast.

(End of this chapter)

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