Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1605 Can I Be a Younger Brother?

It doesn't make sense!

Zhao Yang shouldn't be so strong!

Li Yunhui summoned a battle sword, which filled with a monstrous evil spirit.

When the dazzling sword light distracted everyone for a short time, they were shocked to find that Li Yunhui's right hand was shaking, and blood was gurgling from the tiger's mouth.


"Li Yunhui couldn't break Zhao Yang's eyes?"

"how is this possible?"

"I heard that Zhao Yang just entered the sect not long ago?"

"Did you realize one thing, Zhao Yang defeated Li Yunhui in the middle stage of Death God Realm in the early stage of Death God Realm?"

"This... crosses a small realm."

"Don't forget that Li Yunhui is not a simple character. This person will be able to step into the high-level Death God Realm in the future. Could it be that Zhao Yang will be able to step into the Life God Realm in the future?"

When the monks present realized this, they all took a breath of air.

Life God Realm!

There hasn't been such an existence in Sky Palace for many years.

"What do you think?" Suzerain Gongsun Sheng asked as he looked at the deputy suzerain beside him.

"Zhao Yang didn't use all his strength at all. I think Zhao Yang will at least be a boss-level existence in the future."

"Boss, it would be great if Zhao Yang stayed in our Firmament Palace forever?"

"It's impossible for a genius like Zhao Yang to stay in our Sky Palace forever, and our Sky Palace won't be able to keep him either." Deputy Suzerain Xu Yi sighed softly.

Gongsun Sheng thought about it, and found that what Xu Yi said made a lot of sense


"What do you think Zhao Yang has been staring at those ants?"

"I don't know." Xu Zhi shook his head, "Why don't you ask later?"

"Okay." Gongsun Sheng nodded.

After Zhao Yang trapped Li Yunhui, he devoted himself to studying the ants, regardless of the many monks present.

Li Yunhui gave up after using many methods.

He knew that by virtue of him it was impossible to break.

And whoever has the ability to break will show up now.

Everyone is not stupid, they all know that Zhao Yang has a bright future, and he is definitely not something Li Yunhui can compare to?

Time passed by second by second.

When the ants returned to the nest, the Jiuhejian said to Zhao Yang, "There is too much attention to this matter, you can't leave here."

"I understand." Zhao Yang stood up and came to Li Yunhui, "You want to fight me?"

Li Yunhui was silent.

"Do one thing for me, and I will let it go." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Li Yunhui still didn't say anything.

Zhao Yang's big hand passed through the silk screen formed by his eyes and landed on Li Yunhui's shoulder. Li Yunhui's face soon revealed a painful expression.

"what did you do to me?"

"I'm an alchemist." Zhao Yang explained, "I poisoned you just now, don't worry, it's not a fatal poison, it's just more painful. If you can bear it, I'll let you go."

soon lee

Yun Hui felt that the pain was constantly magnifying, and finally the muscles on his face were twisted, and his whole body shrank into a ball.

And Zhao Yang's expression was calm from beginning to end.

Song Yun'er suddenly felt an inexplicable palpitation, and she suddenly realized that she didn't know anything about Zhao Yang.

You must know that everyone looked at Li Yunhui's miserable situation with unbearable expressions, but Zhao Yang's face showed no emotion at all, and even his eyes didn't fluctuate in any way.

He is cold blooded.

Ouyang Lanlan and the other four shuddered even more.

Zhang Desheng realized how stupid it was to challenge Zhao Yang before.

"Why haven't the senior leaders of the sect showed up yet?"

"Could it be that the higher-ups just let Zhao Yang do anything wrong?"

"Do you think that with Zhao Yang's performance, the sect's senior management will intervene?"

"Let's put it this way, Zhao Yang can definitely lead the sect to new heights, you know?"

After a while Li Yunhui couldn't bear it anymore, he knelt on the ground, "Please, please forgive me."

Zhao Yang waved his hand, and a wisp of black poisonous mist emerged from Li Yunhui's body.

Li Yunhui immediately felt the pain dissipate.

"What do you... need me to do?"

"Here, yes, build me a house right under your feet." Zhao Yang said lightly, "You must complete it by yourself, and you must not find anyone."

"Build a house?" Li Yunhui was a little confused.

"I built it if I didn't

Satisfied, you rebuild. "

After Li Yunhui left here, he found the Great Elder immediately.

That's right.

His master is the Great Elder.

But the great elder told him to listen to Zhao Yang.

Li Yunhui suddenly realized that Zhao Yang's background was stronger than he imagined.

So he honestly started to build the house.

It didn't take long for a deacon of the sect to drive away the nearby disciples.

"What are you studying?" After the suzerain Gongsun Sheng and Xu Yi appeared, Gongsun Sheng set up restrictions nearby.

"Jian Wuji." Zhao Yang said calmly.

"Jian Wuji?" Gongsun Sheng and Xu Zhi looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

"It was only by accident that I discovered that these ants were performing a supreme sword art." Zhao Yang explained, "I have a high-level sword art in the state of life, but in terms of subtlety, it is far from the same Comparing the interpretations of these ants, I think that the interpretation of these ants must be Jian Wuji."

"But we've been researching for two days, and we haven't found anything." Xu Yi said in a deep voice.

"Unless they are extremely talented." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

This sentence has already been said clearly, the two of you are not talented enough.

In the following days, no one bothered Zhao Yang, except Li Yunhui who honestly built the house.

In order to build the house, Li Yunhui also asked for advice, and it took a month to build it.

"What do you think?" Li Yunhui said when he came to Zhao Yang that day.

Zhao Yang got up and followed Li Yunhui to the room.

The living facilities in the room are all available.

"Not bad." Zhao Yang patted Li Yunhui on the shoulder. "you can go now."

"Well...can I stay by your side in the future?" Li Yunhui said shyly.

The Great Elder had told Li Yunhui that Zhao Yang's status was very noble, so Li Yunhui had Zhao Yang's thoughts on him.

What he thought was that by following Zhao Yang, he might be able to break through the previous limit.

"You are not qualified." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"In the future, I will be able to step into the high level of Death God Realm."

"Is the high-level Death God Realm very powerful?" Zhao Yang sneered, "What is such a state in the Upper God Realm? Or is your vision only so narrow? I think the high-level Death God Realm is qualified to negotiate with me ?”

"What kind of realm can you step into in the future?" Li Yunhui said a little unconvinced.

"Remember my name. From now on, this name will make God's Domain turbulent." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Li Yunhui wanted to refute, but he still didn't dare.

After he left, Zhao Yang lay down on the bed to rest.

Suddenly he thought of something, he watched the news of God's Domain during this period through the nameplate.

Soon he found one among many news items.

"Ji Qingcheng was hunted down and her whereabouts are unknown." Zhao Yang's heart sank.

(End of this chapter)

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