
His clothes were torn by vines, and soon he was bare.

"You... how could you do this?" Zhang Desheng was ashamed.

"This is the second time you have provoked me." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Next time, I will kill you."

After speaking, Zhao Yang turned and left.

Soon the nearby disciples surrounded him.

"Who is this guy?"

"Song Huaiyu is a true disciple, but in front of that person, he has no power to fight back."

"I haven't seen that one before."

Song Huaiyu felt embarrassing when he saw that the disciples onlookers were getting older and more numerous.

Soon his eyes lit up, and he shouted to a young man, "Brother Guo, save me."

Guo Kaihuai is also a true disciple, but he has been waiting for a long time at the beginning of the Death God Realm, and he heard that he did it, "How did you get trapped?"

"Don't mention it, Brother Guo, please help me untie it first."

"Okay." Guo Kaihuai said, with both hands full of strength, he tore towards the vine, but what Guo Kaihuai didn't expect was that he couldn't pull it off.

"What's the situation?" Guo Kaihuai's face was a little ugly.

He stared at the vine and summoned the death scythe.

When the death sickle crossed a beautiful arc, it only left a slight scratch on it.

"This..." Guo Kaihuai asked with a solemn expression, "Song Huaiyu, where are you?"

In the end who trapped you? "

"A guy who has just ascended." Song Huaiyu said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Guo Kaihuai said with a look of disbelief, "If you just ascended, then you haven't even set foot in the God of Death Realm, what ability does he have to trap you?"

Song Huaiyu couldn't help looking at Zhang Desheng.

"Zhang Desheng, what's going on?"

"He is really a monk who has just ascended, how could he live in the same valley as me?" Zhang Desheng said with a sad face, "But this guy is very powerful, and he easily suppressed me. Could it be that he has already set foot on the god of death? border?"

"Even if he stepped into Death God Realm, he shouldn't have such strength." Guo Kaihuai shook his head and said, "I'm almost at the end of Death God Realm, you know?"

"How far is your end?" At this moment, a chuckle sounded, and then a pretty girl came over.

"So it's Senior Sister Yun'er." Guo Kaihuai hurriedly saluted when he saw the person coming.

Song Yun'er, the top ten true disciples of the sect, is only one step away from the middle stage of Death God Realm.

"Let me try." Song Yun'er said as a roulette appeared in her hand, and the roulette turned into a stream of light and ran towards the vines.

But it only left a gap in the vine.

This made Song Yun'er's face a little uncomfortable.

She originally thought to cut off these vines with one blow, but who would have thought that the vine would clamp her


This time she used her peak-level combat power, and the brilliance of the roulette became even brighter.

The vine finally broke.

But there are dozens of roots wrapped around Song Huaiyu's body.

"Is there such a terrifying existence among the true disciples?" Song Yun'er looked at Song Huaiyu solemnly and said, "Who is it that made the move?"

"According to Zhang Desheng, he is a guy who has just ascended."

"Just ascended?" Song Yun'er's face was full of stunned expression.

"How long did it take him to trap you with the formation?" Guo Kaihuai asked at this time.

"In an instant." Song Huaiyu said in a low voice.

"That is to say, they arranged the formation at random, and they trapped you in such a state?" Guo Kaihuai's voice fell and all the monks in the audience were shocked.

What a powerful array method this must be.

"Where did he go?" Song Yuner asked hurriedly.

"Going in that direction." Song Huaiyu pointed in one direction.

Song Yuner chased in that direction.

Song Huaiyu shouted towards Song Yuner's back, "Senior Sister Song, you should save me."

"I don't have that ability, you go to the deacon of the sect." Song Yun'er disappeared after saying these words.

The fact that Song Huaiyu and Zhang Desheng were trapped by the formation soon reached the ears of the suzerain, Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng asked the deacon of the office to go, while he, Xu Yi and Zhang Gaofeng hid in the dark


After the deacon arrived at the scene, he took a death scythe to chop the vines.

No matter what, he was a mid-death god existence after all, and he easily cut off the vines on Song Huaiyu's body.

"Deacon Ma, and me." Zhang Desheng shouted hastily.

Deacon Ma stared at Zhang Desheng and said, "Why are you naked?"

"Deacon Ma, stop talking." Zhang Desheng said with a wry smile.

Deacon Ma didn't ask any more questions, and cut off the vines on his body, "In the future, don't provoke people who shouldn't be provoked."

"When I see him in the future, I will walk around." Zhang Desheng said hastily.

He knew very well that someone like Song Yun'er was probably not Zhao Yang's opponent, so why would he dare to provoke him?

Let's talk about Song Yuner.

When she found Zhao Yang, she saw Zhao Yang squatting on the ground watching the ants.

The reason why she was sure that Zhao Yang was the one she was looking for was because Zhao Yang's cultivation was at the early stage of Death God Realm, and she didn't know him.

"What are you doing here?" Song Yuner asked.

"Ants." Zhao Yang pointed at the ants on the ground.

"What's so interesting about ants?"

"These ants are fighting."


Song Yun'er stared at it for a while but didn't see why.

"What's so good about this?"

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

In his eyes, these ants are not ordinary fights, they use swordsmanship


That's right.


In fact, Zhao Yang couldn't see through it at first, but the Nine-fold Sword is a god-level sword, and it is most sensitive to swordsmanship.

After it noticed that the ants were fighting with swordsmanship, it told Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang stared at it for a while and gradually got a general idea.

There was a storm in his heart.

"The swordsmanship performed by these ants is probably the legendary sword Wuji." Zhao Yang thought to himself.

"I said you are so boring. You don't look at a beautiful woman with all kinds of charms beside you, but watch a few ants fighting instead?" Song Yuner couldn't help but said after a while.

"If you feel bored, you can find someone else." Zhao Yang said lightly.

How could he care about Song Yun'er now?

"You..." Song Yun'er stomped her feet angrily.

But she didn't leave, but stayed by Zhao Yang's side.

"I want to see how long you can watch it?" Song Yun'er waited beside her.

After about half an hour, the group of ants seemed to be tired, they got into the cave and fell asleep.

"Keep an eye on them." Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to Nine Heavy Swords.

"I have locked them with a ray of divine sense." Nine Heavy Swords replied, "As soon as they appear to perform sword skills again, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Only then did Zhao Yang stand up.

"Where are you going?"

"Go back to my resting place."

(End of this chapter)

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