Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1601 Stepping into Death God Realm

There is a point of view in Zhongshenyu.

No matter how strong the God Realm is, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Death God Realm.

The main reason is that the difference between the two sides is too great.

Zhang Desheng had been kind to Song Huaiyu before, why did he go to Song Huaiyu?

Ouyang Lanlan's eyes were full of worry.

No matter how talented Zhao Yang is, he cannot be Song Huaiyu's opponent.

"How should I tell Zhao Yang the news?"

In the middle of the night, when everyone was resting, Ouyang Lanlan secretly came to Zhao Yang's courtyard.

She pressed the doorbell lightly.

This made Zhao Yang a little impatient.

When his divine sense saw the sneaky Ouyang Lanlan, he couldn't help but voice transmission, "What's the matter?"

"Zhang Desheng is going to find Song Huaiyu to trouble you when he recovers from his injuries."

"Zhang Desheng?"

"It's the one you hit hard today."

"Is Song Huaiyu very strong?"

"Three years ago, Song Huaiyu stepped into the early stage of Death God Realm."

"I see, I see."

"Do you know what it means to be in the early stages of Death God Realm?"

"Are you busy with your work?" Zhao Yang ended the call after speaking.

Ouyang Lanlan was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

"I want to see how you deal with it then?"

Zhao Yang practiced in the room for three months before reaching the peak of the Upper God Realm.

After reaching this realm, he took out the Emperor Heart Grass.

When Zhao Yang took out the medicinal material, Nine Swords could no longer calm down.

"This... when did you get the Emperor Heart Grass?" Nine Heavy Sword exclaimed.

Emperor Heart Grass is the number one medicinal herb.

How many dynasties can't find it.

"Sent by a senior."

Ninefold Sword's heart trembled.

He realized that this senior was probably the one who taught Zhao Yang the emperor-level kung fu before.

"Cultivate with peace of mind, and I will help you protect the Dharma." Nine Heavy Swords said a soft radiance that spread out in all directions.

Zhao Yang nodded.

The moment Zhao Yang's divine sense touched the Emperor's Heart Grass, he felt a vast and incomparable energy, as well as an incomparable coercion.

His mind was immersed in it immediately.

At the same time, his cultivation has also increased.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

On the fifth day of Zhao Yang's retreat, Zhang Desheng's injury finally healed, and then he found Yu Wenhuai immediately.

Yu Wenhuai was bullied when he first came to the Sky Palace to practice. Zhang Desheng relied on the old man to take over the matter, and later Zhang Desheng helped Yu Wenhuai several times.

Therefore, Yu Wenhuai is very grateful to Zhang Desheng.

After hearing Zhang Desheng's narration, Yu Wenhuai immediately said, "If that kid doesn't give you face, then he won't give me face. Let's go, I want to see how powerful that grandson is?


Zhang Desheng was secretly happy in his heart, but he said in his mouth, "That... won't affect you, will it?"

"It's definitely not okay to beat him to death, but it's just a lesson, it's not a big deal." Yu Wenhuai said nonchalantly, "I will be locked up for a few days at most."

Only then did Zhang Desheng feel relieved.

The two came outside Zhao Yang's courtyard, Zhang Desheng rang the doorbell, but unfortunately no one answered.

"What? Now that you are a grandson, if you are capable, you will not come out for the rest of your life."

Zhang Desheng scolded a lot outside, but Zhao Yang didn't respond at all.

"In this way, you keep an eye on this kid, and as soon as he leaves the courtyard, you will tell me immediately." Yu Wenhuai said after pondering for a moment.

He is a true disciple, so he can't stay here all the time, right?


After Yu Wenhuai left, Ouyang Lanlan and others surrounded him.

"Everyone is practicing in the same valley, that's fate, there's no need to make the relationship so rigid?" Ouyang Lanlan persuaded.

"Fate? This guy doesn't even understand the basic rules, so I have to teach him how to behave?" Zhang Desheng interrupted when he saw Ouyang Lanlan wanting to say something, "Lanlan, I and that kid are enemies. .”

Zhang Desheng got to this point, and Ouyang Lanlan didn't want to say anything.

What everyone didn't know was that Zhao Yang was already undergoing transformation at this time.

As Zhao Yang continued to devour the energy of the Emperor Heart Grass, his cultivation was finally

Yu broke through the bottleneck and stepped into the realm of the god of death, but at this time the Emperor's Heart Grass still had majestic energy.

"These energies will constantly nourish your body and make you stronger in the initial stage of the Death God Realm." Nine Swords said at this time, "If someone else's Death God Realm is as high as a nine-story building in the early stage, then At the beginning of your death realm, you will be as tall as a 99-story building."

Zhao Yang is now stabilizing the Death God Realm, and of course he is also comprehending the various techniques of the Death God Realm.

He needs to improve his skills.

In this way, about a month passed before Zhao Yang stood up, "It's time to have a better understanding of the Sky Palace."

After reaching the initial stage of the Death God Realm, Zhao Yang has more means to use. He is confident that even middle-level Death God Realm opponents will not be his opponents. How can it be?

When Zhao Yang pushed open the door of the room, Zhang Desheng, who had been staring at Zhao Yang, rushed out from his courtyard.

"You finally dare to come out?"


What no one expected was that Zhao Yang shook his hand and gave him a slap in the face.


Half of Zhang Desheng's face swelled immediately, and he covered his swollen cheeks with red eyes and said, "Let me tell you, this matter is endless."

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." After saying that, Zhao Yang walked down the mountain.

He came all the way to the identity verification office.

"I will certify

identity. "Zhao Yang came to a middle-aged man and said.

"Bring your token." The middle-aged man glanced at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang handed the token to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man inspected it and said, "Certify true disciple?"


"You come with me."

Zhao Yang followed the middle-aged man to a black stone, "Use your strongest strength to attack this stone."

"What if I break it?"

"You think too much."

"What does this say?"

"Let's put it this way, there are also grades of true disciples." The middle-aged man said with a smile, "First, the three major descendants, in the future they are qualified to compete for the position of suzerain, and they can become deputy suzerain no matter how bad they are; , the top ten true disciples, in the future they will be qualified to compete for the nine elders of the sect; the third is the ordinary true disciples, the outstanding ones can become the deacons of the sect, like me."

"What about the assessment criteria?"

"See this scale? It's usually ten to one hundred in the early days of Death God Realm."

"The gap in the middle is so big?"

"You have just broken through to the early stages of Death God Realm. If your stats are ten, then you may be at a standstill in this life, and if your stats are twenty, it means that you have a great possibility of breaking through to Death God Realm in the future. Intermediate level, of course, if your value is forty, then there is a great possibility that you will break through to a high level Death God level in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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