Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1596 Don't be sad

"What's the matter with me? This kind of thing is simple."

"One month later, sister, you arrange two disciples to go to Yanhuangzong, and I still have something to tell them."


"Just now I noticed that the strength of Liushuizong has improved a lot along the way."

"When the human race was in turmoil, the Flowing Sect also absorbed a lot of small forces." Zhuo Xing'er explained, "Brother, when do you think the disaster of the lizards will end?"

"Maybe forever."

"What?" Zhuo Xing'er was shocked.

"The group of lizards is too large. It is very difficult to eliminate this group."

Hearing this, Zhuo Xing'er fell silent.

"When are you going to the Upper God Realm?"

"Ten years to 20 years."

"Have you ever thought about what Yanhuangzong will do if you leave?"

"I will leave enough cards for Yanhuangzong before I leave."

"How many lizards can these trump cards kill?"

"Yanhuangzong can't rely on me alone." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You said that, I'm a little worried about the safety of the Flowing Water Sect." Zhuo Xing'er was very worried that she had ascended, what would the Flowing Water Sect do?

"Who is the Young Sect Master of the Flowing Water Sect?"

"Fanxing." Zhuo Xing'er pointed to a girl carved in powder and jade.

"The seventh level of God Realm." Zhao Yang stared at the girl for a while, "Her potential is not high."

This girl will be able to

Reaching the middle level of the Upper God Realm is not bad, theoretically it is impossible to set foot on the higher level of the Upper God Realm.

"Yeah, that's what bothers me too."

"In this way, when you come to Yanhuangzong with Fanxing in your spare time, I will help you improve your potential or strength." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In this way, you can also ascend safely in the future."

"Really?" Zhuo Xing'er said excitedly.

"Can this kind of thing still lie to you?" Zhao Yang stood up while talking, "You can go anytime."

What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that Zhuo Xing'er brought Fan Xing and two girls to Yanhuangzong the next day.

Yanhuangzong has many resources to improve potential and strength.

Zhao Yang took out some things to help Zhuo Xing'er and Fanxing improve, and the two girls also got a certain degree of improvement. Of course, the improvement of the two of them was only the improvement of potential.

One month is coming soon.

The two girls took the token and went to Yanhuangzong in the Lower God Realm.

Half a day later, Xu Huier and Zhao Qingqing came to Yanhuangzong.

"Father." Zhao Qingqing called out sweetly.

Zhao Qingqing has always been a good girl, and Zhao Yang loves this daughter very much.

After the family talked for a long time, Lin Caihan arranged a place for the two of them.

At nightfall, Lin Caihan asked, "Have you arranged the resources to set foot in the God of Death Realm?"

"Currently, I have two flowers of life and two flowers of death.

"Zhao Yang said softly, "Mingyue Siminghua, Yiren Siminghua, Three Princesses Qushihua, Qingqing Qushihua. "

"If you say that, Hui'er will be gone."

"God-level resources are hard to find."

"What I mean is to stop at Xu Huier." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Strive for Xu Huier's god-level resources. As for Yuan Jiner and the others' resources, they can have more than a dozen resources, or even more than [-] resources."

"It will take a long time for Hui'er to reach Death God Realm." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about it at that time."

In fact, Zhao Yang was under a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, the resources for him, Lin Caihan, and Sword Body don't need to be prepared.

But he had to prepare the resources of Mingyue, Tang Yiren, Three Princesses, Zhao Qingqing, and Xu Huier, which meant that he needed to prepare five god-king-level resources.

"I think the Lizard Clan is planning to recuperate during this time." Lin Caihan said worriedly, "The major groups are likely to reconcile with the Lizard Clan."

"It's a matter of time." Zhao Yang nodded.

"This is not good news for the human race."

"There are too many lizards." Zhao Yang said softly, "But you don't have to worry, I will leave enough cards before I leave."

Lin Caihan's guess is correct.

When the lizard clan has been fighting with the major clans for about ten years, no matter whether it is the clan or the lizard clan

Can't take it anymore.

The simplest example is that the lizards lost more than 50 billion in the battles with various tribes, and if the losses at the hands of the Yanhuangzong and the human race were included, one-fifth of the lizards were killed .

The remaining one-fifth were hit hard.

It can be said that lizards can no longer launch large-scale attacks like before.

So the lizard held peace talks with the various tribes, and the major tribes quickly accepted it.

Of course they also know what the consequences of the peace talks are?But they are too bad to be damaged, and they desperately need to recuperate.

After the agreement was signed, Central God Realm ushered in a rare peace.

It's just that everyone knows that the next attack by the Lizard Clan may be even more tragic than this time.

"We want to fight for this rare golden time."

"Fortunately, our human race has accumulated a lot of strength over the years."

"The peace of the human race was brought about by Zhao Yang."

"If Zhao Yang goes to the Upper God Realm, the Lizards may not be able to sit still."

"Yeah, Zhao Yang can't leave Central God Realm."

When the major forces of the human race realized this, they went to Yanhuangzong one after another.

And when Zhao Yang learned of their thoughts, he drove them away directly.

"Ten years, ten years later, I will go to the Upper God Realm." Zhao Yang's words quickly spread throughout the Central God Realm.

"What? Zhao Yang is about to ascend!


"Ten years? Why did he ascend so early?"

"If Zhao Yang ascends, the lizard will definitely attack us."

"I think if Zhao Yang ascends, Lizard will be the first to attack Yanhuangzong."

"Zhao Yang is too irresponsible."

"Yeah, leave as soon as you say, where do you put the human race?"

Lin Caihan's face was full of anger when he saw the news gathered from all sides.

"This group of white-eyed wolves, if Yan Huangzong hadn't blocked them in front, the human race would have lost at least one-fifth over the years."

"Yes, but what makes me speechless is that other ethnic groups are also accusing Yanhuangzong of being irresponsible." Tang Yiren said a little angrily.

"I really want to find those guys and teach them a good lesson." Zhao Qingqing gritted his silver teeth and said angrily.

Looking at the indignation of Zaihongren, Zhao Yang said softly, "We don't need to care about other people's opinions, as long as we have a clear conscience."

"Father really wants to go to the Upper God Realm in ten years' time?" Zhao Qingqing asked with some reluctance.

"Almost." Zhao Yang nodded.

Everyone looked at each other, feeling lost.

None of them wanted to leave Zhao Yang. Of course, they also knew that it was unrealistic. It was impossible for Zhao Yang to stay in Central God Territory forever.

"Don't be sad, after a while, you can also go to the God Realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I will pave the way for you."

(End of this chapter)

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