Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1594 Big Brother

"Your Dun Wuying is much better than mine. What do you want Dun Wuying to do?" Having said that, it obediently taught Zhao Yang Dun Wuying.

"Can you use your hole cards easily?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something when he said this, "What else do you have on your body besides Hu Tenghua?"

"The only one in the top ten is Hu Tenghua."

"What about the rest?"

"I have resources ranked No.12."

"That's fine too."

The Nine Nether Beast obediently handed over No.12.

"Any more?"

"There is also one ranked No. 30 and second."

"just OK."

The face of that Nine Nether Beast turned green.


You really want everything.

The Nine Nether Beast had no choice but to give the No. 30 second resource to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang thought about it and felt embarrassed to continue asking for it.

"Do you know where that one is?"

"I know, that guy gathered a group of younger brothers, about [-] kilometers away from here." The Nine Nether Beast said immediately.

"The ugly words are up front. I can make a move, but you have to blackmail me." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Won't you be exposed if you make a move?"

"I'm sure I won't expose it."

"Okay." The Nine Nether Beast gritted its teeth and said, "Well, can you seriously injure it so that it can't recover for ten or eight years."

"Why not kill it?"

"We just compete

The relationship has not risen to the point of life and death. "

Zhao Yang took a deep look at it, "I didn't expect you to have a limit, by the way, I don't know what your name is yet?"

"Nine links."

The battleship carried the two of them to the place Jiutong said very quickly.

From a distance, Zhao Yang saw a city made of yellow sand, and hundreds of thousands of Nine Nether Beasts gathered in the city.

He faintly felt a powerful aura, and he knew that was the opponent that Jiutong was talking about.

After Zhao Yang lost his figure, he began to arrange formations around him.

Jiutong also understands formations.

But he found that he couldn't understand Zhao Yang's formation.

It took Zhao Yang half a month to detain that one in one fell swoop.

"Then it's up to you to act. Remember, search as much as possible, and I will monitor you remotely." Zhao Yang looked at the Nine Channels beside him.

"Don't worry, I'm good at this."

Zhao Yang immediately activated the formation.


Flames all over the sky fell towards the city.

Hundreds of thousands of Jiuyou beasts looked at the flames with horror on their faces, because their divine senses were burned as soon as they touched the flames, which made them realize that the flames were definitely not something they could fight against.


At this moment, a roaring sound pierced through the sky, and then a figure like a mountain rushed into the sky.

But those flames immediately turned into an ancient clock, and the ancient clock shrouded that mountain-like figure.



The ancient clock hit the ground heavily.

The huge sound of the bell made the figure's eardrums explode, and he passed out as soon as he rolled his eyes.

"It's up to you next."

At this time, Jiutong's heart set off a stormy sea.

You must know that that person is also a son of God.

But it was picked up by Zhao Yang's formation.

Jiu Tong rushed to that person and set seals on his body one after another.




Normally this is impossible.

How could the Son of God allow you to do anything?

But at this moment, this guy passed out, Jiutong Yilian set up nine seals on the opponent's body and slapped him on the face.

Only then did Jiu Hum wake up.

When it saw the figure in front of it, it was startled, "Jiu Tong, is that you?"

"Hand over your resources obediently, otherwise I don't mind abolishing you." Jiutong snorted coldly.

Jiu Heng checked his body, only to find that the Sea of ​​Consciousness had been severely injured, and nine seals had been set on his body.

Give him some time to break the nine seals.

The question is whether Jiutong gave him?

"When did your formation become so powerful?"

"You don't need to know about this." Jiutong said indifferently, "I know you have a dead flower on your body, take it out."

Jiu Heng said with a gloomy face, "Flowers to death are related to

My future, are you sure you want to take away the dead flowers? "

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Jiu Tong laughed.

Jiu Heng was silent for a while, but still threw it to Jiu Tong, "May I go?"

"These are not enough."

"what else do you want?"

"The resources to set foot in the realm of the god of death."

"You... what do you need resources of that level for?"

"You don't need to know that."

Jiu Hum had no choice but to throw two brocade boxes to Jiu Tong, "One is the resource ranked No.15, and the other is the resource ranked No. 20."

Jiutong nodded in satisfaction.

"It's up to you next." Jiu Tong sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang.

After Jiutong's voice fell, the ancient clock reappeared, and then a shocking roar broke out.

Jiu Heng covered his head and screamed in pain.

How strong is this blow?

Five of the nine seals set by Jiutong on it were broken.

At this moment, Zhao Yang Naying sneakily appeared beside Jiu Heng, Zhao Yang patted him on the shoulder, and a wisp of strange poisonous gas entered his body.

"Next, blackmail those guys." Zhao Yang said to Jiutong and quickly walked away.

The hundreds of thousands of Jiuyou beasts present looked at Jiuheng who had passed out again, and they were all shocked and didn't know what to say?

"Hand over the resources on your body that can step into the realm of the god of death, I will only say once, if I check it out later, you

No one can leave here alive. "Jiu Tong looked around the audience and said coldly.

Those Jiuyou Beasts who followed Jiuheng took out the resources that could set foot in the Death God Realm one after another.

But not everyone has it, some are only a small part.

After collecting those resources, Jiu Tong turned and left here.

After arriving outside, Jiutong gave all the resources to Zhao Yangdao, "This time, we got a total of 860 resources, among which there are twelve from No.11 to No.20, and No.20 to No.30. There are 28 of them ranked No. 30 to No. 40, 64, and the rest are all after forty.”

The remaining nine links are not introduced, because those resources are not important.

Zhao Yang nodded slightly upon hearing this.

This time he got enough resources to satisfy Xu Huier and the others.

"You can go." Zhao Yang patted Jiutong on the shoulder.

"That... can I recognize you as the eldest brother?" Jiu Tong rubbed his hands and said a little shyly.

"What?" Zhao Yang looked at the other party in astonishment.

"You will most likely step into that realm in the future. I think if I follow you, maybe I can get a glimpse of it in the future." Jiutong said frankly.

"But what can you offer me?" Zhao Yang asked, rubbing his chin.

"I come from a long-standing family of the Jiuyou clan. I can provide whatever resources or information you need in the future, big brother." Jiutong said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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