Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1592 Forgive Your Life

"If you are aggressive again, don't blame me for being rude." The Nine Nether Beast growled at Zhao Yang in a low voice.

Zhao Yang looked at the Nine Nether Beast leisurely, "I really want to know how rude you are?"

As a result, the Nine Nether Beast turned around and ran away.

Zhao Yang was stunned.

what's the situation?

Why did the Nine Nether Beast run away?

Runes bloomed from his big hand, and the moment the runes took shape, a cage appeared out of thin air, firmly covering the Nine Nether Beast.

"Drawing the ground as a prison? The supernatural powers of the Ji clan, are you from the Ji clan?" When the Nine Nether Beast said this, a palace appeared above his head.

That palace is majestic and majestic, hanging high in the sky.

When it appeared, Zhao Yang's painting was completely broken.

"What kind of vision is this?" Zhao Yang showed surprise on his face.

"The Temple of the God King's Vision." The voice of the Nine Swords rang in Zhao Yang's ear.

Zhao Yang also summoned his vision when he heard this.

All gods kneel down!

When the figure with the mountains and rivers on his back appeared, the palace seemed to be facing a formidable enemy.

The two sides confront each other in mid-air.

They fight in the air.

The Nine Nether Beast ran away resolutely after seeing the vision that Zhao Yang couldn't do anything to his palace.

He turned into a ray of light and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Even with Zhao Yang's divine sense, he almost failed to capture it.

"This kind of escapism?" Zhao Yang was very surprised.

"This kind of escape technique seems to be one of the nine great magic techniques, the escape without shadow." Nine Heavy Swords said at this time.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's heart became hot.

The Nine Great Divine Techniques!

"Hurry up." Nine Swords said hastily.

But then it thought of something, "Forget it, you better stop chasing."

It doesn't think Zhao Yang can catch up.

"How do you know I can't catch up?" Zhao Yang said here, his figure disappeared in the same place instantly.

The Nine Great Divine Arts are the strongest secret arts in the Divine King Realm.

But it doesn't mean that Zhao Yang can't resist.


When Zhao Yang reappeared, he had already appeared in front of the Nine Nether Beast.

The pupils of the Nine Nether Beast shrank fiercely, "How is it possible?"

What it uses is one of the nine great magical arts, Dunwuying.

How could Zhao Yang catch up?

"Your so-called speed is rubbish in my eyes." Having said that, Zhao Yang's figure disappeared in place again.

The soul of the Nine Nether Beast was terrified, and it desperately fled towards the distance.

But there was a sudden pain in the shoulder blade, but it was Zhao Yang who appeared beside him, and his five fingers grabbed into his shoulder blade like iron claws.

The Nine Nether Beasts are in pain.

At the moment when Zhao Yang was about to strike, a world-shattering coercion emanated from his body.

This coercion is like a supreme ruler, like a panic-stricken heavenly power, like a supreme god.

The Nine Nether Beast was shocked all of a sudden.

"Fengshen curse." When Zhao Yang shouted

With a sound, thousands of runes appeared on his body, and each of those runes shone with dazzling brilliance. They were connected together and turned into chains, locking the Nine Nether Beast.

The Nine Nether Beast kept struggling, but unfortunately it was of no avail.

Nine Heavy Swords were stunned at this moment.

"Where did you learn the Conferred God Curse?" Nine Swords knew very well how terrifying the Conferred God Curse was?

Didn't you see that the Nine Nether Beast was easily sealed?

Seal the Son of God!

Are you kidding me?

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Where did you learn your body skills?" Jiuyou Beast then asked.

Zhao Yang's movement is like a ghost, has Jiu Chongjian ever seen such an amazing movement?

"Don't ask this, I think you can guess some."

After thinking about it for a while, Nine Swords was startled.

Could it be an ordinary person who could impart supernatural powers like Zhao Yang's without anyone noticing it?

God Emperor?

Could it be the God Emperor?

After realizing this, Jiuyou Beast's expression became serious.

It didn't dare to ask any more.

"Who are you?" The Nine Nether Beast stared at Zhao Yang and asked.

It thinks that it has the secret technique of escaping no shadow, so it stands to reason that it is absolutely safe in this area.

Who would have expected to meet someone like Zhao Yang who defied the sky.

"You don't need to know about this." Zhao Yang raised his hand and was about to kill the Nine Nether Beast.

"No, no, no, we can

talk. "The Nine Nether Beast said hastily.

"I'm only interested in what resources can be released by killing you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Don't you want high-level resources? I'll just give it to you."

"What resource do you have on your body?"

"The eighth Hu Tenghua."

"I think killing you might give you something better." Hearing the ranking, Zhao Yang shook his head immediately.

"I got the eighth Hu Tenghua by luck. I don't have a higher level one, but I know where it is?"

"Tell me."

"I know a place, and that place is the Jedi."


"I have been there three times, and almost died every time." The Nine Nether Beast said in a deep voice, "But I think there should be no problem entering with your strength."

"Lead the way." As Zhao Yang said, he summoned the battleship that belonged to the sixth heaven of the Upper God Realm.

After grabbing the Nine Nether Beast and boarding the battleship, "Tell me about that Jedi."

"I also discovered that Jedi by accident. Of course, it may be more reliable to call it a test." Jiuyou Beast said carefully, "The first test of that Jedi is to enter that door. It's not bad at the same level of cultivation, but I still spent some means to get in, and guess what happened?"


The Nine Nether Beast looked at Zhao Yang with grievances and said, "Why did you hit me on the head?"

"Did I ask you to ask a question?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

Only then did the Nine Nether Beast realize why Zhao Yang was angry?

"I... After I entered, I got Hu Tenghua, who was ranked eighth."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

Is the reward so generous?

"Are you sure you didn't trick me?" Zhao Yang looked at the Nine Nether Beast in surprise and asked.

"How dare I?"

It didn't take long for the battleship to arrive at the destination mentioned by the Nine Nether Beast.

This place is a desert.

There is nothing but yellow sand all over the sky.


"Only a door will appear here in Zishi, but only for a moment." The Nine Nether Beast said hastily.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang waited quietly here.

When it was almost midnight, Zhao Yang asked, "Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"After you step into that door, you will encounter tens of thousands of resistances. Unless you can break through the resistance, you will not go at all." The Jiuyou Shou confessed everything he knew, and Zhao Yang told Jiuyou Beast and The warships were all taken into his small world.

Here he waits quietly.

When the midnight came, he suddenly saw a door.


Zhao Yang's figure instantly disappeared in place.

What the Nine Nether Beast said was right, the moment Zhao Yang stepped into the door, a stormy wave rushed towards him.

If Zhao Yang hadn't been prepared, he would have to be forced out this time.

"Break it for me." Zhao Yang desperately performed the nine-turn Tongxuan Gong.

(End of this chapter)

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