Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1572 He is the History of Law Enforcement

Zhao Yang handed a jade slip to the front desk and said, "Cover up the content, whoever wants to read the content needs to pay [-] divine stones."

In fact, Zhao Yang can ask for a higher price.

But he didn't think it was necessary.

It's not like he's profiting from it.

"Hmph, you actually made a profit out of this?" At this moment, an old alchemist pointed at Zhao Yang angrily.

"I have worked hard to find a good antidote, is it too much for me to ask for ten thousand god stones?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"If you really figure it out, don't say ten thousand, even if it's one hundred thousand, or even one million, I think it's worth it. The question is can you figure it out?" The old alchemist looked at Zhao Yang angrily and said.

"You can't research it, but it doesn't mean I can't." Zhao Yang looked at the old alchemist and said.

"You are so crazy, do you know who is in front of you?" A girl yelled at Zhao Yang.

"Forgive my clumsiness."

"Standing in front of you is Zhong Xunming, the Supreme Elder of the Alchemy General Pavilion."

"Why didn't I know that there is a Supreme Elder in the main alchemy pavilion?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"Mr. Zhong has been concentrating on researching alchemy all these years. Even the Alchemy Pavilion doesn't know about Mr. Zhong. It's normal if you don't know." The girl said a little arrogantly.

"who are you?"

"I am Chu Jiaojiao, the closed disciple of Elder Zhong."

"Do you have a sample of lizard poison in your hand?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Yes, I have."

"So, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

"How to bet?"

"Just bet on whether my prescription works? If it works, you apologize to me in public, and you have to spare no effort to help me promote it."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Do you really hope that it won't work?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"That's not what I meant." Chu Jiaojiao said hastily.

She realized that Zhao Yang's words were a bit harsh.

"If it doesn't work, I'll give you a Shangshen flower."

"Although I don't care about Shangshen Hua, I accept this bet." Chu Jiaojiao snorted coldly.

"The front desk, it's your turn." Zhao Yang looked at the front desk.

The front desk quickly posted the news of Zhao Yang's detoxification pill to the public screen according to the procedure.

The entire guild suddenly exploded.

Everyone was dumbfounded.


"Who figured it out?"

"Could it be Mr. Zhong?"

"It's possible."

Just when everyone was guessing, Zhao Yang looked at Chu Jiaojiao, "You can buy it with money."

"Hmph, I want to see if you have that ability." Chu Jiaojiao immediately paid for a copy.

Seeing that Chu Jiaojiao and Zhong Xunming were about to leave, Zhao Yang hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhong, if you read it, remember to pay for a copy, otherwise you will be infringing."

Zhong Lao was so angry that his nose was crooked.

"If it's really useful, I'll buy a hundred copies."

"No need, just one serving." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

After the consciousness of Zhong Lao and Chu Jiaojiao returned to the deity, Chu Jiaojiao immediately told Zhong Lao the detoxification pill.

Elder Zhong's expression became serious when he heard this.

"Master, what's the matter?" Chu Jiaojiao asked cautiously.

"This elixir is so ingeniously conceived that I am far behind." Zhong Xunming said in a deep voice, "Maybe this elixir is really useful."

"What?" Chu Jiaojiao was shocked.

"Refining first, and then talking." Zhong Xunming decided to see the effect first after pondering for a while.

After the exercise was successful, Zhong Xunming injected the lizard virus into the body of a divine chicken, and after the virus broke out, he quickly poured the detoxification medicine into the divine chicken.

As a result, the chicken recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This..." Chu Jiaojiao's face was full of stunned expression.

"A few more experiments." Zhong Xunming said in a deep voice.

Chu Jiaojiao quickly experimented several times, and the results all proved that Zhao Yang's antidote was effective.

"How did he do it?" Chu Jiaojiao asked in confusion.

"There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people." Zhong Xunming said with emotion, "Let's go, let's go to the virtual space."

Not to mention how lively the virtual space is at this time.

Tens of thousands of monks flocked to Zhao Yang's side. They all wanted to see how this arrogant guy ended up.

"Is this the guy who said to research the detoxification pill?"

"That's right, Mr. Zhong and Ms. Chu have already gone to experiment."

"How many alchemy masters can't solve it, why can he solve it?"

"Yeah, that's why I want to see what this arrogant guy looks like?"

Everyone chattered about Zhao Yang.

But Zhao Yang was drinking tea on the ground in an old spirit.

About half an hour later, Zhong Xunming and Chu Jiaojiao came to the virtual space in a hurry.

What did everyone realize when they saw the dignified expressions of the two?

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"I'm convinced." Zhong Lao said and bowed to Zhao Yang.

Seeing Zhao Yang not moving, Chu Jiaojiao said angrily, "Even if you have researched the antidote pill, you shouldn't accept my master's salute?"

"Little girl, do you think I'm not qualified when your master salutes me?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Hmph, even the Chief Pavilion Master of the Formation Dao Pavilion doesn't have the qualifications." Chu Jiaojiao stared at Zhao Yang and said.

Zhao Yang was too lazy to say anything to Chu Jiaojiao, but looked at Zhong Xunming and said, "Have you not paid for my pill yet?"

"I'll place an order right now."

"Just one order." Zhao Yang stood up as he said, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

"Young master, please stop, I want to discuss with you about alchemy." Zhong Xunming hastily


"Your alchemy is not up to standard." Zhao Yang's figure disappeared in place after saying these words.

Chu Jiaojiao stomped her feet angrily, "This guy is too crazy."

"Who offended Miss Chu?" At this moment, the Sixth Elder Su Wenhao walked over from a distance.

"Elder Su, just now someone said that my master's alchemy is not up to standard." Chu Jiaojiao stepped forward and said aggrievedly.

"Who? So crazy?" Su Wenhao frowned involuntarily.

"Elder Su, don't listen to Chu Jiaojiao's nonsense, maybe my alchemy is really not up to standard." Zhong Xunming sighed softly.

"What's going on?" Su Wenhao asked puzzled.

Zhong Xunming told what happened.

"Maybe he's right." Su Wenhao said after a while.

"What?" Chu Jiaojiao asked suspiciously.

"Old Zhong's alchemy is not up to par."

Chu Jiaojiao's complexion was a bit ugly, "Elder Su, why do you say that?"

"If you knew who he was, you wouldn't say that."

"Hmph, the alchemy in the entire Central God Realm is higher than my master, so I think there is only the chief pavilion master?" Chu Jiaojiao said incomparably proudly.

"He is Dan Pavilion's history of law enforcement." Su Wenhao is almost sure that it is Zhao Yang.

"What about the history of law enforcement? What did you say? The history of law enforcement in Dange?" Chu Jiaojiao cried out upon hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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