Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1562 Breakthrough Again

Of course, with Liu Yukun's strength, he couldn't find it.

This is a slow poison, it will slowly erode, and when it reaches a certain level, it will engulf him in an instant.

Zhou Zhouhai gritted his teeth, and then fled towards the distance amidst the shocked expressions of countless people.

He didn't have the courage to kill himself, he wanted to live, so he ran away.

But where is he able to run if he wants to?

Before he ran far, he was caught up by Zhao Yang, and then he ended his life with a sword.

"go back."

After Zhao Yang left Tiankuizong, the spies who had been hiding in the dark poked their heads out one after another.

"The enmity between Zhao Yang and Tiankuizong has been going on for many years."

"Yeah, who would have thought that he would still remember."

"Fortunately, Zhao Yang didn't slaughter the Tiankui sect."

"It can be seen from this that he is not a bloodthirsty person."

These spies passed the information to their forces immediately.

These forces quickly confessed that their subordinates must not offend Zhao Yang and his Yanhuangzong.

In the next period of time, Yanhuangzong continued to restore peace.

On this day, the three princesses ascended from the Lower God Realm to the Central God Realm, and Yan Huangzong held a grand welcome ceremony for the three princesses.

"How is the development of the Yanhuang Sect in the Lower God Realm?" Zhao Yang asked at night with his arms around the three princesses.

"Even if the Yanhuang Sect has not been able to expand these years, it is still a well-deserved number one sect." The third princess said lazily.

After fighting Zhao Yang for a long time, her body was about to fall apart.


"I like the scale of Yanhuangzong in Shenyu."

"The Central God Realm is exactly your transit point." Zhao Yang said softly, "The disciples of the Yanhuang Sect in the Central God Realm are almost all dead warriors."

"Dead man?"

"The disciples of the Yanhuang Sect are mainly composed of two groups of disciples. The first group is the remaining 30 killers from that year, and the second group is the 80 soldiers of the Cang Clan."

"Is their loyalty?"

"They have all been brainwashed, and they are extremely loyal to the sect." Zhao Yang told the third princess about Nightingale again.

"I want to improve my cultivation as soon as possible."

"I have prepared all kinds of top-level resources for you. Your cultivation will improve faster than Caihan and the others. Of course, you don't need to deliberately pursue progress."

When the third princess was about to say something, there was a loud noise in the sky.

Immediately, the heavy rain fell.

"It's raining." The third princess said softly.

But soon Nightingale's voice sounded at the door, "My lord, something happened."

"What happened?"

"It's raining blood."

"Blood rain?" Zhao Yang was a little moved.

Zhao Yang and the third princess quickly put on their clothes, and when they came to the gazebo, they saw blood raining down from the sky.

"A vision from heaven, something big is about to happen." Zhao Yang sighed softly


"My lord, what should our Yanhuang Sect do?" Nightingale asked, clasping her hands.

"Let the intelligence personnel collect news from the Central God Realm, and then get busy during this time."

"I obey." Nightingale left.

"Husband, I'm a little scared." The third princess curled up and said in a low voice.

"The sky is falling, and I will help you." Zhao Yang held the hand of the third princess and said, "What about you, just hide behind me obediently."

If Zhao Yang faced this kind of thing before, he would still be a little at a loss, but after his cultivation base has been promoted to the third level of the upper god realm, he can also participate in this game.

"Go, go back to sleep." Zhao Yang picked up the third princess by the waist, and walked towards his room.

This rain of blood lasted for three days and three nights. According to the information obtained by the intelligence personnel, the entire Central God Territory was under the rain.

This worried many monks.

"When blood rains from the sky, evil spirits will surely arise."

"This is a gluttonous feast for cultivating evil methods."

"The Central God Realm is going to be in chaos."

In fact it is.

After three days and three nights of blood rain, the environment of the whole world has changed to a certain extent.

Evil cultivators appeared all over the Central God Territory, and those evil cultivators chanted various slogans.

They sacrificed souls, they slaughtered people, they killed wantonly.

The fighting power of evil cultivators has always been relatively strong, and they are all good at escaping.

Therefore, even though various sects carried out large-scale roundups, evil cultivators still sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

"No evil cultivators are allowed in the area of ​​Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang issued an order in Yanhuangzong, "Evil cultivators will be killed if they encounter one."

A few years have passed like this, and more and more evil cultivators have been rounded up by many forces, and even evil cultivators have publicly established some sects.

"The Heavenly Evil Sect, the Evil Spirit Sect, and the Wanxie Sect, the sects formed by these three cultivators are three points more powerful than the Heavenly Wolf Sect and the Tianxiao Sect." Nightingale introduced the development of the Evil Dao Sect to Zhao Yang that day. , "In addition, there are hundreds of forces, large and small."

"This is the general trend of the world. Even if these sects are killed, some evil cultivators will stand up." Zhao Yang has been comprehending these years.

He gradually understood that the appearance of evil cultivators was no accident.

"Does Yanhuangzong not care?" Tang Yiren asked softly.

"The Yanhuang Sect only needs to take good care of its one-acre three-point land." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Besides, the appearance of these evil cultivators may not be a bad thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Xiexiu can quickly improve his cultivation through extraordinary means." Zhao Yang said and looked into the distance, "Maybe they will be useful in the future."

"Useful?" Tang Yiren's face showed doubts.

Zhao Yang did not explain.

In these years, besides practicing the Eternal Immortality Jue, he is also practicing the Nine Turns Tongxuan Kungfu.

At this time, he is away from the sixth turn

The second stage is not far away.

It won't take long to break through.

So he wasn't worried about what these evil cultivators could do?

"Sovereign, there is a woman outside who wants to visit you." At this moment, a guard came over.

"Which one?"

"The woman didn't say anything, but she has an evil spirit, and I think it might be an evil cultivator." The guard expressed his opinion.

"Evil cultivator? Interesting." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Let her in."

Soon, accompanied by the guard, a girl in a red dress came in.

She has a graceful figure and a beautiful face.

A pair of eyes seem to be able to speak and ecstasy.

"The museum has seen Mr. Zhao." Yingying, a girl in a red dress, bowed to Zhao Yang.

"Miss Guanguan, what's the matter with my Yanhuangzong?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang's eyes were calm from beginning to end, not even the slightest wave.

"The museum will establish the Tianyu Palace in Tianming Mountain next month. I would like to invite Mr. Zhao to watch the ceremony. I wonder if you have the time?"

"I'm afraid you are the first evil cultivator to invite the master of the orthodox sect?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"A few years ago, didn't the major sects also say that Mr. Zhao, you are a demon?"

"Do you believe?"

"I think as long as you don't do anything harmful to nature and follow your heart in everything, there is nothing wrong with it." Guan Guan said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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