Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1559 The Great Virtue

At this time, all the monks in the audience were frightened.

No one dared to attack rashly.

"He has grown to such a level without knowing it." Ye Yulian stood among the crowd and murmured.

Ye Yulian has also stepped into the realm of the Supreme God now, but the gap between her and Zhao Yang is too great.

"What should we do now?"

"The fighting power of these two is too terrifying, unless everyone rushes forward."

"The problem is that each ethnic group has its own little Jiujiu. Do you think it is possible for each ethnic group to unite?"

"If you can't join hands, then don't even think about this treasure."

When everyone was discussing in secret, Zhao Yang said, "Of course you can also join hands, but if you fail to kill us, then I'm sorry, I will go to the ancestral home of all clans and kill you all."


Everyone heard a strong threat.

But Zhao Yang's threat was useful.

Who dares to ignore his combat effectiveness?

Everyone fell silent again.

I don't know how long it has passed. The patriarch of the Mu clan said in a deep voice, "You eat meat, you must let us have some soup, right?"

"Did Yanhuangzong compete for it when there were so many secret realms outside?" Zhao Yang asked, "Do you think Yanhuangzong doesn't have that strength, or do you think Yanhuangzong doesn't have that qualification?"

The patriarch of the Mu clan opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute?

I don't know how long it has passed since the fox clan left, followed by the horned dragon clan, the zebra clan...


Only the Flowing Sect was left in the field.

"We're leaving too." Zhuo Xing'er said softly.

She knew that it was not suitable for Liushuizong to stay here.

Zhao Yang nodded.

He didn't keep Zhuo Xing'er because it wasn't suitable.

After Liushuizong left, Zhao Yang let the sword body and the rabbit guard outside, and he went to Duobaotang alone.

Stepping into the gate of Duobao Hall, Zhao Yang saw a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms.

The fat man looked at Zhao Yang naively, "I am Duofu, the young hall master of Duobaotang."

"How are you still alive?"

"Brother, do you think that people from ancient times should die?" Fatty looked at Zhao Yang speechlessly and said.

"At least I haven't seen any one from ancient times?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Now you can see it." The fat man said and turned around specially.

"You are the only one left in Duobaotang?"


"Then you plan to revitalize the Duobao Hall?"

"I'm too tired, I'm too lazy to do this kind of thing." Fatty said here, pointing to the magnificent palace, "After waking up, I just want to visit the mountains and rivers, and the treasure of Duobaotang will be given to you."

"Are you that good?" Zhao Yang looked at the fat man suspiciously.

"The premise is that you have to be the Pavilion Master of Duobao Hall." The fat man said with a smile.

"Not interested." Zhao Yang refused without thinking.

"Do you know how many resources Duobaotang has?" The fat man was a little anxious.

In his opinion, no one would refuse such a thing


"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said lightly, "But the appearance of Duobaotang in the territory of Yanhuangzong has something to say."

Hearing this, the fat man narrowed his eyes, looked at Zhao Yang with a smile, and said, "I don't know how much you want?"

"It depends on how much you want to give?"

"How about giving you a hundred million?"

"Yanhuangzong went to great lengths to protect Duobaotang. It's not enough for you to give one hundred million."

"Then tell me the number."

"A billion."

"Okay." The fat man said and threw a universe bag to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang glanced at it and said, "Take your palace and leave the territory of Yanhuangzong."

The fat man took a deep look at Zhao Yang, "Okay."

After Zhao Yang left Duobaotang, the palace moved towards the distant area.

The spies who were secretly watching this scene were stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did Zhao Yang come out as soon as he went in?"

"Is it because Zhao Yang has nothing to gain or is there a terrifying existence in Duobaotang?"

"Things are a little weird."

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After he left Duobaotang, he returned to Yanhuangzong with the sword body and the rabbit.

As soon as they arrived at Yanhuangzong, Lin Caihan and others surrounded him.

"How about it?"

"Duobaotang has become a demon cave, whoever enters will die." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

The souls of Duobaotang have long since died, and the person who claimed to be the young suzerain of Duobaotang is actually an old devil.

Zhao Yang couldn't see through that guy, but

The nine heavy swords saw through it.

Zhao Yang took out the nameplate and contacted Zhuo Xing'er, Ye Yulian and the Sixth Elder Su Wenhao.

"Don't go to Duobaotang, or you will die."

Zhuo Xing'er was shocked when she received this news.

You know she still wanted to track down Duobaotang just now?

"Sect Master, what should we do?" an elder asked.

"Even Zhao Yang came home in defeat, we should hide as far away as possible." Zhuo Xing'er said leisurely.

Ye Yulian returned to the Juque Sect as soon as she received the news, and she ordered any disciples of the Juque Sect not to go there.

Su Wenhao, the Sixth Elder of the Alchemy Association, told the Chief Pavilion Master about it the moment he received the news, and the Chief Pavilion Master hurriedly informed his subordinates not to go to Duobaotang through various channels.

In fact, the Alchemy Association notified on a large scale, and the major forces also received the news.

But no one took it seriously.

After all, there are too many ethnic groups participating this time.

So when the Duobao Hall stopped, tens of thousands of monks poured into the Duobao Hall.

The fat man appeared in front of everyone with a smile on his face.

"It seems that everyone wants the treasure here." Fatty swept the monks present one by one, "But I can only give the treasure here to one person. There are so many of you, how should I choose?"

"You don't have to worry about this."

"Yes, we will allocate it ourselves."

"You just have to stand aside."

But the fat man shook his head and said, "No, I am very

In principle, I said that the treasure can only be given to one person, so it can only be given to one person. At this point, a deep gleam appeared in his eyes, "So you should slaughter each other, and when the last remaining monk is left, he will be eligible to inherit the treasure here." "

As his words fell, the clarity in the eyes of the monks present also dissipated, and then they rushed towards the people around them.

They are like walking dead who have lost consciousness.

Regardless of whether it is a master of the God Realm or a strong man of the Upper God Realm, they are all attacking the people around them like crazy at this time.

"Your Excellency, it's too late." At this moment, a gentle voice sounded.

The moment the voice sounded, the monks present gradually regained their composure.

They looked around blankly.

"What happened?"

"I seemed to lose consciousness just now."

"My God, we're not killing each other, are we?"

"This fat man is a demon."

At this time, a bald boy came in from the door, "Your Excellency has already fallen in ancient times, why do you still cling to the world?"

"Smelly bald head, don't meddle in your own business."

"It seems that your Excellency can't listen to the poor monk's advice. Forget it, you are too demonic, and now I can only cross you." Speaking of this, a demon-subduing pestle appeared in his hand. Then the fat man rushed over.

The intensity of his killing intent, the intensity of his killing intent, and the intensity of his killing intent made the monks present look horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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