Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1548 Lizard Clan

"Can you let the potential of the living god go further?" Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to Dantong.

Dantong's pupils shrank, " seems impossible."

"If my guess is right, it's useless to face the potential of the god of death, right?"

"It seems so." Dan Tong smiled wryly.

"What do you want?" At this time, that voice came from the depths of the Danding Pavilion.

"Jade Lotus." Zhao Yang replied.

"We have two jade lotus flowers in the Danding Pavilion."

"Two flowers are not enough." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"In this way, for every ten beasts you kill, I will give you a high-level medicinal herb." The man said after thinking about it.

"I'm worried that your Danding Pavilion doesn't have enough medicinal materials." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"If the high-level medicinal materials of the Upper God Realm are not enough, then three medicinal materials of the middle-level Upper God Realm will be used for conversion; if the middle-level medicinal materials of the Upper God Realm are not enough, ten medicinal materials of the early stage of the Upper God Realm will be used for conversion."

"Okay." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang looked at Su Yunjie, "This test is up to you, if it doesn't work, give up in time."


Immediately, Zhao Yang rushed towards the fierce beast in front like a leopard.

The beasts suddenly felt provoked.

They roared and rushed towards Zhao Yang.


Zhao Yang waved his fist towards the beast, and the manic fist spread like a stormy wave towards the surrounding area, and dozens of beasts immediately

It was torn on the spot.

Sakura was stunned.

"Are these beasts so vulnerable?" Yingzi was stunned.

It was only when she fought in person that she realized that she was thinking too much.

The beasts here are very strong.

The reason why Zhao Yang easily defeated the opponent was entirely because of his strong fighting power.

But Sakura couldn't do it.

It was even more impossible for Su Yunjie to do so, as soon as he fought a fierce beast, he was suppressed by that fierce beast.

Fortunately, his life was not in danger in a short time.

"Su Yunjie, you rush towards the beast's den." Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to Su Yunjie.

"My lord, I am no match for the beast."

"I'll help you, and then you make up the knife, then you must retreat immediately, you know?" Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"But if this is the case, will Danding Pavilion agree?" Su Yunjie said with some concern.

"You can't kill ten beasts anyway, can you?" Zhao Yang replied.

Su Yunjie thought for a while, gritted his teeth, decisively gave up on his opponent, and rushed towards dozens of ferocious beasts in the distance.

The dozens of beasts froze.

In their view, Su Yunjie was looking for death.

Seeing that Su Yunjie was about to rush in front of them, a huge beast was thrown towards the group of beasts by Zhao Yang.

When the beast was about to fall to the ground, it exploded violently, and all the bones in its body

It turned into a series of sharp swords, piercing through the vital points of the dozens of fierce beasts.

"It's now." Zhao Yang said sharply.

Holding the battle sword, Su Yunjie chopped off the head of a ferocious beast, followed by the second, and the third...

When Su Yunjie chopped off the heads of twelve beasts one after another, several of them were not seriously injured and stood up unsteadily.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang threw a fierce beast towards this side again. This fierce beast directly blasted and killed those few fierce beasts, and the remaining power shocked the rest of the fierce beasts.

Fifteen heads!

Sixteen heads!


When Su Yunjie killed the No.20 beast, he decisively chose to retreat.

It is true that there are still more than a dozen fierce beasts here, but those beasts are about to recover, so he can't let Zhao Yang do it again.

Some things can be one or two.

He still understands this rule.

Dantong looked at Su Yunjie in astonishment, and then looked deep into the Danding Pavilion.

However, nothing was said in the depths of the Danding Pavilion, so Dantong wisely chose to shut up.


Zhao Yang was like a god of killing who killed one after another fierce beasts.

And when Zhao Yang killed thousands of statues, the person in the depths of the Danding Pavilion had no choice but to say, "You better not kill them."

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang stopped his hands and asked in confusion.

"If you kill again, Danding Pavilion really can't afford it."

That person said helplessly.

"It's okay not to kill, you have to pay some compensation."

"What compensation do you want?"

"Give me some spirit liquid for washing the marrow." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.


Only then did Zhao Yang withdraw from the battlefield.

At this time, Yingzi was still fighting those fierce beasts, and Yingzi had already killed more than 30 fierce beasts.

After half a quarter of an hour passed, Yingzi also withdrew from the battlefield.

At this time, the number of beasts she killed reached 56.

"Follow me." Dantong led Zhao Yang and others to a huge pool, which was full of spiritual liquid containing dense energy.

"You have killed twenty fierce beasts, you can stay inside for two days." Dantong looked at Su Yunjie and said.

"Can you ascend to the second heaven in two days?" Su Yunjie asked with some expectation.


Su Yunjie happily jumped in.

"You killed 56 beasts, you can soak them for five days." Dantong looked at Yingzi.

"My potential is the seventh level of Death God Realm, can the spiritual liquid here improve me?" Yingzi asked after pondering for a while.

Dantong's mouth twitched.

The seventh heaven of Death God Realm?


"Then give me the high-level medicinal materials in the God Realm." Yingzi said after thinking about it.

Dan Tong couldn't help but look into the depths of the Danding Pavilion.

"Bring them both

I. "

"Please, both of you." Dan Tong made an inviting gesture.

When they reached the depths of the Danding Pavilion, the two met the big guy from the Danding Pavilion.

What surprised the two of them was that it turned out to be a Dan beast.

Even if the other party looks like a human race at this time, the aura on it can still be seen.

"Are you two surprised?" Pill Beast seemed to see what they were thinking, "In ancient times, a large number of lizards suddenly crawled out from the depths of the ground. It is this group of people who are highly poisonous, and anyone who is injured by them will wail and die in pain." After a pause, Dan Beast's face showed a hint of sadness, "Dan Ding Pavilion is the alchemy sect, so it is natural to stand up at this time. When it came out, the pavilion master organized several top alchemists to study lizard poison day and night. Fortunately, it was finally researched, but it was a pity that it was retaliated by the lizard tribe, and the entire alchemy pavilion was tragically killed."

"In the huge Danding Pavilion, millions of disciples have all fallen." Pill Beast said leisurely, "If it wasn't for me not being a human race, I would have found this secret place."

"Does the lizard group still exist?"

"I don't know, it's said that they were all killed back then, but what if they are still dormant in the dark?" Dan Beast said here and handed Zhao Yang and Yingzi an ancient book, "The ancient book records that I don’t know if the detoxification reagent for lizard poison is included in the Alchemy General Pavilion, if it is not included, please spread this.”

(End of this chapter)

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