"Get out." What Cai Wenying didn't expect was that Su Yunjie still didn't give himself any face.

"Su Yunjie... Don't be ignorant, who would accept you except our team?" Cai Wenying pointed at Su Yunjie angrily.

"Can I join your team?" At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded in Cai Wenying's ears, and then she was surprised to see that girl in purple palace dress appeared in Zhao Yang's room at some time. around.

She looked at Zhao Yang with anticipation in her eyes.

"No need." What stunned the alchemists present was that Zhao Yang refused.

Doesn't he know that this girl is also very stunning?

In addition, she is also a beautiful woman, okay?

The girl was stunned.

It didn't occur to her that she was rejected.

Su Yunjie also looked at Zhao Yang with astonishment, apparently he did not expect that Zhao Yang would reject Yingzi.

"Perhaps I can help you." Yingzi pondered for a moment before gently opening her lips.

"Miss, why do you need to form a group with them?" Zhang Zhifu said in a deep voice, "Why don't you form a group with us."

"Yes, they don't care about you, we formally invite you." Yun Dahong said solemnly.

But Yingzi shook her head lightly, "Following you will not get good grades."

Yingzi's words made Zhang Zhifu and the others look ugly.

"Can you?" Sakura asked again.

He looked at Zhao Yang for the first time.

Zhao Yang shook his head.

Sakura left disappointed.

And soon Yingzi gathered a lot of alchemists, and those alchemists hoped to form a team with Yingzi, and finally Yingzi chose a group of three women.

Zhao Yang didn't bother anyone here.

Zhao Yang even refused Yingzi, how could he let them participate.

"My lord, why did you reject Yingzi?" Su Yunjie asked in a low voice.

"She is an alchemist from the Upper God Realm." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Go to God's Domain?"

"I don't want to get involved with God's Domain right now."

Half an hour later, the two thousand alchemists in the arena formed teams one after another.

"Let me talk about the rules of the game now." Dantong looked around the audience and said, "You need to prepare the antidote medicine in the shortest possible time, and then give it to the magic chickens around you. If you pass through the passage containing the poisonous mist, then it proves that you have passed the assessment."

Dantong said that thousands of materials and three jade bottles appeared in front of each team here.

"There is poisonous mist in the jade bottle, you need to analyze it, and then give it to the magic chicken around you." Dantong changed his voice when he said this, "Now let's talk about rewards. Those who pass the assessment within three hours will be rewarded with a plant God Flower, two and a half hours will reward two Upper God Flowers, two hours and two hours will reward four Upper God Flowers, and one and a half hours will reward eight Upper God Flowers

For the Shangshen Flower, sixteen Shangshen Flowers will be rewarded for passing within an hour, and 32 Shangshen Flowers will be rewarded for passing within half an hour. "

"What if it's two quarters of an hour?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

"There is no such rule." Dan Tong frowned.

At this time, the voice of that person pierced through the depths of the Danding Pavilion, "If you pass the assessment within two quarters of an hour, you will be rewarded with 64 Shangshen flowers, and if you pass the assessment within a quarter of an hour, you will be rewarded with 120 eight Shangshen flowers, how about it?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The alchemists present all looked at Zhao Yang.

They were wondering if Zhao Yang could come up with the antidote in such a short period of time?

"Okay, now I announce the start." Dantong said slowly.

Immediately, the alchemists present took action one after another, using their own means to test.

But Zhao Yang was a little rough, he inhaled the poisonous mist separately, and then deduced it in his body.

"No beard, sky heavy flowers, four-leaf clover..." Zhao Yang said while analyzing.

Su Yunjie tempered them one by one according to what Zhao Yang said.

1 minutes passed.

2 minutes passed.

3 minutes passed.

In about 7 minutes, Su Yunjie produced the first antidote.

"Master Zhao, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to complete it in a quarter of an hour." Su Yunjie said softly.

"Okay, then you refine it according to what I said." Zhao Yang taught Su Yunjie how to refine while also refining

Make a brand new potion.

"Double mind?" Dantong looked at Zhao Yang in shock.

Of course outside alchemists can't see it.

Otherwise, they would know what medicinal materials Zhao Yang used?

Twelve minutes passed.

13 minutes passed.

It was at this moment that Zhao Yang stopped, and the potion in his hand had been refined successfully.

"I'll be fine." Su Yunjie was very nervous at this moment.

He knew very well that if he couldn't complete it within 1 minute, it would be impossible to get 120 eight Shangshangshen flowers.

When there was 1 minute before the quarter of an hour, Su Yunjie shouted, "I have successfully refined it."

Immediately, Su Yunjie quickly gave the refined medicine to the divine chicken beside him, and just now Zhao Yang had given the other two tubes of medicine to the divine chicken.

"Go quickly." Su Yunjie urged.

The divine chicken vibrated its wings and walked towards a passage filled with poisonous mist.

The first threshold.

The second threshold.

The third threshold.

When the Shenji passed through the three thresholds safely, the alchemists present were in an uproar, so there was still ten seconds before the quarter of an hour.

"I now announce that Zhao Er's team passed the assessment within a quarter of an hour." Following Dan Tong's voice, all the alchemists present looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"so amazing."

"120 Eight God Flowers."


It means 120 eight powerhouses in the upper god realm. "

"With these Shangshen flowers, we can easily create a sect comparable to the top forces."

"I'm so envious."

Just when these guys were envious, Cai Wenying looked at Su Yunjie in astonishment.

Now she seemed to vaguely understand why Su Yunjie turned against her?

"I'll give you eighteen plants." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Hey, it's all up to Mr. Zhao." Su Yunjie said excitedly.

With these Shangshen flowers, Su Wenhao can definitely go further in the Alchemy General Pavilion, and he can also come into the sight of a higher level.

In this way, another three quarters of an hour passed, and Yingzi's team passed the assessment.

"Within half an hour."

"We will get 32 ​​Shangshen flowers."

"Each of us can get eight."

Hearing this, everyone looked at the three girls in astonishment.

Average score for each score?


Everyone knows the aptitudes of those three girls, how can they be qualified to finish in half an hour?

It can be said that they would not be able to do it without Yingzi's help. It stands to reason that Yingzi should take the lead.

But now they are thinking about splitting equally?

"Miss Yingzi, you shouldn't care about these Shangshen flowers, right?"

"Yes, Ms. Yingzi, these resources are very precious to us, I think they are nothing to you, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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