Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1542 Danding Pavilion

"That is to say, if I want to surpass Kang Qian, I need a higher level?" The sword body realized.

"The God of Death Realm is divided into three stages. If you can't catch up with it in the first stage, it's okay. You can catch up in the second and third stages." Nine Swords said with a smile, "Taking a step back, even if you are in the God of Death Realm If you can’t catch up, don’t you still have three stages of the living god state?”

"I understand." The sword body looked at Zhao Yang and said, "My lord, I'm leaving."

After the sword body left, Zhao Yang also turned around and returned to Yanhuangzong.

What happened today hit Zhao Yang hard.

"Have you been hit?" Jiu Chongjian couldn't help asking when he saw Zhao Yang's preoccupied appearance.

"Some." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "I'm thinking about how I can compete with those god sons after I go to the Upper God Realm?"

They enjoy the highest level of resources from the start.

"Then do you know that among so many holy places, there are very few double god kings?" Nine Swords smiled slightly.

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"Because they are self-confident, because they are proud and complacent." Nine Heavy Sword said in a deep voice, "Of course, it is also because their ancestors took away all good fortune, so that few of the descendants of future generations can reach the state of God King."

"In recent years, almost all those who have the appearance of a god king have set foot on the giants, but it is difficult for those who want to go further." Nine Swords continued, "Don't look at those god sons who are very energetic now, wait until they

After they become giants, what they face is despair. "

There are some things that Nine Heavy Swords have to say clearly to Zhao Yang. If Zhao Yang vents his anger, it will be difficult for him to climb higher peaks.

"The junior has been taught." Zhao Yang said respectfully.

In the days that followed, Zhao Yang practiced more seriously, he had to carefully polish every realm, and he made every effort to achieve perfection in every realm.

He no longer pursued the progress of his practice.

In this way, the days passed day by day.

On this day, Zhao Yang received a message from Su Wenhao.

"The Danding Pavilion of the ancient alchemy sect has appeared."

"Is there a False God Flower in the Danding Pavilion?"

"Resources like False God Flower are very rare in the Central God Realm, but I think there may be one in the Danding Pavilion."


"Some alchemists from the main pavilion have already rushed over, but it will take a while to open it depending on the situation." Su Wenhao said and sent the address to Zhao Yang.

"Thank you."

"History of Law Enforcement, you are too polite."

After finishing talking with Su Wenhao, Zhao Yang told Lin Caihan, and then hurried towards Danding Pavilion.

After Zhao Yang arrived at the Danding Pavilion, he found that many alchemists had come here.

These alchemists whispered to each other in small groups.

Zhao Yang took out a bamboo hat and put it on his head.

He's so famous now that he doesn't want to be in the limelight.

he quietly checks

After looking at the mountain protection formation of Danding Pavilion, it turned out that the mountain protection formation of Danding Pavilion was at the peak of the God Realm.

This surprised Zhao Yang.

From this point, it can be seen that Danding Pavilion was very strong in ancient times.

Since he was at the peak of the God Realm, Zhao Yang gave up.

As time went by, more and more monks came here, and of course more alchemists from various sects came.

"The three elders of the Alchemy General Pavilion have all arrived."

"The masters of the alchemy hall from the top ten sects have also arrived."

"Alchemy masters from many ethnic groups have also arrived."

"This is destined to be a battle between dragons and tigers."

While many monks were discussing, the mountain guard gate of Danding Pavilion slowly opened, and then a naive little fat man walked out amidst the anticipation of everyone.

"I'm Dantong from Dandingge, I'll show up and talk about the rules." Dantong's voice sounded like a childish child, "First, only alchemists below the upper god level can set foot here, and those whose cultivation level has reached the upper god level If you set foot rashly, you will be ruthlessly bombarded by my mountain guard formation; second, if you want to obtain the resources of my Danding Pavilion, you need to pass the assessment of my Danding Pavilion. Only those who pass the assessment can be rewarded. Cheating or the use of force is prohibited in the process."

When he said this, he pointed to a stone tablet next to the door and said, "The first test is the Qi of Alchemy, and only those who have reached the sixth grade of Qi of the Dao of Alchemy are eligible to enter."

"Sixth Grade Alchemy Qi?"

"Isn't this assessment too strict?"

"Who can reach this point?"

"At first, I wanted to try my luck."

Just when many monks present were complaining, a young man in a red robe came to Zhao Yang with a peek.

"Are you the history of law enforcement?"

Zhao Yang looked at the young man in red robe and asked in astonishment, "Are you...?"

"I'm Su Yunjie, and my grandfather is Su Wenhao." The young man in red robe introduced quickly.

Only then did Zhao Yang suddenly realize.

"Don't reveal my identity, I don't want to attract too much attention." Zhao Yang said softly.

Su Yunjie nodded.

"Master Su, why are you here?" Just then a girl in a pink dress came over.

"I'm here to see...a friend." Su Yunjie was about to talk about the history of law enforcement, but suddenly thought of Zhao Yang's warning, so he quickly changed his words.

"Young Master Su's friend must also be a master of alchemy. I don't know which sect you belong to?" the girl asked with interest.

"Scattered cultivators, idle clouds and wild cranes."

Hearing this, the smile on the girl's face suddenly subsided, and she also lost interest in talking to Zhao Yang.

"Mr. Su, are you all waiting for you to preach?" The girl immediately looked at Su Yunjie.

"I want to accompany Mr. Zhao, you can talk with yourself." Su Yunjie refused.

In Su Wenjie's mind, all those guys are not as expensive as Zhao Yang, okay?

"Master Su, you don't know how sad you are when you say that." The girl said with a pitiful look on her face.

I don't know why looking at this girl, Zhao Yang thought of a term.

green tea.

A group of men and women in the distance saw Su Yunjie's delay in coming, so they swarmed towards this side.

"Brother Su, are you meeting a distinguished guest?"

"Young Master Su, you can't just leave us aside just to meet distinguished guests."

"That's right, Mr. Su, you can't treat one more favorably than another."

The group of men and women who spoke at this time were alchemists from various major forces, and it could be seen from their words that they were very flattering to Su Yunjie.

Just as Su Yunjie was about to say something, Zhao Yang said first, "Go and do your work."

"Fortunately, you have some good eyesight." The girl in the pink skirt muttered.

"Cai Wenying, what did you say?" Su Yunjie's face turned cold.

Cai Wenying was stunned.

Everyone was also stunned.

She didn't expect Su Yunjie to scold herself in public because of her words?

"Su Yunjie, you actually scolded me for a casual cultivator?" Cai Wenying pointed at Su Yunjie, tears rolling in her eyes.

She, Cai Wenying, is the jewel in the palm of the Cai family of the alchemy family.

In terms of status, he is not much inferior to Su Yunjie.

(End of this chapter)

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